What are meaningful wishes for teachers in Vietnam on November 20, 2024? How long is the working time for teachers in Vietnam? What is the standard teaching duration for teachers in Vietnam in a week?
What is the link for competing in the Round 6 of the Competition "Trạng Nguyên Tiếng Việt" for the year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam? What are the responsibilities of primary school students in Vietnam? What are the objectives of primary education in Vietnam?
What is the link for Vietnamese Poinsettia Contest for the period 2024 - 2025? What are the objectives of primary education? What is the standard training qualification for primary school teachers?
Are university degrees issued by foreign universities recognized in Vietnam? What are procedures for recognition of university degrees issued by foreign universities in Vietnam?
Currently working in the field of statistics, Mr. Nguyen Quang Thanh has the following inquiry seeking a response from the Editorial Board. To be specific: How are the tasks and powers of the Department of Early Childhood Education under the Ministry of Education and Training stipulated?
In addition to meeting the requirements for professional knowledge, principals of preschool educational institutions must also meet other criteria regarding school management. Related to this issue, could the Editorial Board inform me: How are the organizational and administrative management criteria for principals of preschool educational institutions regulated?
I am aware that administration within a preschool must meet standards such as enhancing educational quality, ensuring comprehensive child development, and aligning with the psychological characteristics and needs of children in the school. Regarding this matter, I would like to ask the Editorial Board: How are the criteria for school human resource management by the principal of a preschool educational institution stipulated?
The Editorial Board has received an inquiry from Mr. Hung Thanh, currently working at the Education Department of the district. I have the following question and look forward to receiving a response soon. Specifically: What are the standards for the administration of child education activities by the principal of a preschool educational institution?
Nguyen Phuong Hien. Research the legal regulations regarding the standards for preschool principals. However, there is the following question hoping to receive a response from the Editorial Board. To be specific: What are the standards regarding the management of nurturing and health care activities for children for principals of preschool educational institutions as stipulated by law?
Editorial Board has received an inquiry from Phuong Anh, with the email address phuonganh***@gmail.com, sent to the Editorial Board and wishes to receive a response. Specifically: What are the criteria for organizing the development plan for the school by the principal of a preschool educational institution as prescribed?
Principals of Early Childhood Education Institutions must meet the standards of professional ethics, modern management thinking, and a scientific working style. Regarding this issue, I would like to ask the Editorial Board: How are the criteria for personal professional and vocational development of principals in early childhood education institutions regulated?
I am aware that to be appointed as a principal of a preschool, the individual must also meet the conditions and standards as stipulated by law. I have the following question and hope to receive a specific response soon: How are the criteria for innovative thinking in school management of a principal at a preschool educational institution defined?
I am Nguyen Hung, currently working in the field of education. I have the following query and kindly request a prompt response from the Editorial Department. Specifically: How are the professional ethics standards and work style criteria for principals of preschools regulated?
Working in the field of education, I have recently learned that the Ministry of Education has issued a regulation on standards for principals of preschool educational institutions. I have the following question and hope to receive a response from the Editorial Board soon, specifically: What is the purpose of issuing the regulation on standards for principals of preschool educational institutions?
Mr. Nguyen Van A was recruited as a lecturer at a public college. As the college continued to develop, Mr. A was reassigned to the administrative division while concurrently being assigned teaching duties (receiving both classroom allowance and seniority allowance). However, due to enrollment difficulties in the past year, the Faculty and Department did not allocate teaching hours to Mr. A during the academic year 2018-2019. Therefore, is Mr. A entitled to receive the classroom allowance?
I enrolled in vocational training because I found it quick with easy job placement and relatively high employment opportunities. However, I still want to know under the old regulations, what duties and rights do learners at vocational education institutions have?
My younger brother, after completing 12th grade, did not want to continue his studies, so I have oriented him towards vocational education. Accordingly, I would like to know: what are the responsibilities and rights of students at vocational education institutions? I hope to receive assistance.Binh Nguyen (nguyen*****@gmail.com)
I am aware that in the current situation, there are more teachers than apprentices, so the government has policies to encourage those who are unable to pursue further academic studies to switch to vocational training, thus providing a skilled labor force. That is according to the current regulations; I would like to know more about what policies the government had for vocational trainees under the previous regulations?
Editorial Board, please assist me: according to the old regulations, which acts are prohibited in vocational training activities? Which document specifically regulates this issue?Tu Suong (suong****@gmail.com)