Kế toán - Kiểm toán

LawNet Implementation of the Annual Audit Plan of the Sectoral State Audit of Vietnam Ia 20:15 | 26/10/2024
The activities of the audit organization aim to assess the financial usage plan, help detect and limit corruption, and ensure financial transparency. Could you please inform me about the current regulations regarding the implementation of the annual audit plan of the State Audit Office of Vietnam specialized in Sector Ia? I would appreciate your assistance in clarifying this matter, thank you very much.
LawNet Development of the Annual Audit Plan and Scheme of State Audit Office Sector Ia 20:14 | 26/10/2024
Audit activities at state units and agencies are conducted annually to transparently declare revenues and expenditures, limit, and detect corruption. I am researching the regulations on state audit for specialized sector Ia. Could you please inform me, under the current regulations, how the development of plans and audit organization methods for the year of the State Audit specialized sector Ia is regulated? I hope you can provide me with assistance.
LawNet Working Relationship Between State Audit Office of Vietnam (CNIa) Leadership and Department Heads 20:14 | 26/10/2024
As far as I know, audit activities aim to manage the use of public finance and assets, help make state finance transparent, and limit corruption. I am researching the regulations on the State Audit concerning the defense sector. Could you please explain how the working relationship between the leaders of the State Audit CNIa and the Department Heads is regulated? I look forward to your clarification.
LawNet Working Relations of the Specialized State Audit Sector Ia Leadership 20:14 | 26/10/2024
I am researching the regulations regarding the State Audit in the field of national defense. As far as I know, auditing activities aim to manage the use of public finances and assets, help state finances become transparent, and limit corruption. Could you please inform me about the working relationship of the leadership of the State Audit specialized in Area Ia? I hope you can provide me with an explanation.
LawNet Dossier and Procedures for Handling Work of Specialized State Audit of Vietnam Ia 20:04 | 26/10/2024
I am researching the regulations regarding the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam, specializing in sector Ia. Could you please inform me about the current regulations concerning the documentation, procedures, and processes for resolving tasks of the State Audit Office specializing in sector Ia? I look forward to your guidance. Thank you very much.
LawNet Form and Template of Banking Accounting Documents 20:02 | 26/10/2024
I am currently working at a parcel delivery company, and I frequently receive documents from the bank confirming customers' transfers. Therefore, I would like to ask the Editorial Board: How are the form and template of bank accounting documents regulated?
LawNet Regulations on the Reproduction of Bank Accounting Documents 19:56 | 26/10/2024
I am aware that in accounting practices, all signatures on accounting documents must be wet signatures. Therefore, if documents are reproduced, the signatures thereon are merely photocopied signatures. Regarding this matter, I have questions and seek advice. To be specific: Reproducing bank accounting documents.
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