What is the third subject of the admission examination to grade 10 in 2025 in Hanoi?
What is the third subject of the admission examination to grade 10 in 2025 in Hanoi?
On February 26, 2025, the Department of Education and Training issued Official Dispatch 548/SGDDT-QLT in 2025 announcing the third examination subject for the entrance exam to non-specialized public upper secondary schools for the academic year 2025-2026.
The examination subject, the format of the third subject, and the admission examination to grade 10 for 2025 in Hanoi are as follows:
[1] Examination Subject: Foreign Language
Candidates register to take the exam in one of the languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean (candidates can register for a foreign language different from the one they are studying at the lower secondary school).
[2] Examination Format
The Foreign Language examination will be in the form of an objective multiple-choice test, with 60 minutes for completion. There will be multiple sets of exam papers in one examination room to ensure the principle: no two adjacent candidates have the same exam paper code. Candidates will complete the test on a multiple-choice answer sheet, and their results will be graded using computer software.
[3] Examination Paper
The examination paper will include questions that meet the required achievements of the subject and the goals of the lower secondary education level under the 2018 general education program, primarily from the grade 9 curriculum.
Download Official Dispatch 548/SGDDT-QLT in 2025
What is the third subject of the admission examination to grade 10 in 2025 in Hanoi? (Image from the Internet)
Who are included in the group 3 priority candidates for additional points in the admission examination to grade 10 in Vietnam?
According to Clause 2, Article 14, Admission Regulations to lower and upper secondary schools issued together with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, regulations on direct admission and priority policies for upper secondary school admission:
Article 14. Direct admission and priority policies for upper secondary school admission
- Eligible candidates for priority points
Priority points are added to the total admission scores calculated on a 10-point scale for each subject. Specifically, group 1: 2.0 points; group 2: 1.5 points; group 3: 1.0 point.
a) Group 1 includes:
- Children of martyrs;
- Children of war invalids with a work capacity loss of 81% or more;
- Children of sick soldiers with a work capacity loss of 81% or more;
- Children of individuals awarded the “Certificate of policy beneficiary like war invalids” with a work capacity loss of 81% or more;
- Children of people engaged in resistance against chemical warfare;
- Children of individuals who participated in the revolution before January 01, 1945;
- Children of individuals who participated in the revolution from January 01, 1945, to the August uprising in 1945.
b) Group 2 includes:
- Children of Heroes of the Armed Forces, children of Labor Heroes, children of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers;
- Children of war invalids with a work capacity loss below 81%;
- Children of sick soldiers with a work capacity loss below 81%;
- Children of individuals awarded the “Certificate of policy beneficiary like war invalids” with a work capacity loss below 81%.
c) Group 3 includes:
- Individuals with either parent being an ethnicity minority;
- Ethnic minorities;
- Students from areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions.
According to the above regulations, group 3 eligible for priority points in grade 10 admissions includes:
- Individuals with either parent being an ethnic minority;
- Ethnic minorities;
- Students from areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions.
How long is upper secondary education in Vietnam?
According to Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 on the levels and ages of general education:
Article 28. Levels and ages of general education
- The levels and ages of general education are stipulated as follows:
a) Primary education is conducted over 05 academic years, from grade one to grade five. The age of students entering first grade is 6 years old, calculated by year;
b) Lower secondary education is conducted over 04 academic years, from grade six to grade nine. Students entering sixth grade must complete the primary program. The age of students entering sixth grade is 11 years old, calculated by year;
c) Upper secondary education is conducted over 03 academic years, from grade ten to twelve. Students entering tenth grade must have a lower secondary diploma. The age of students entering tenth grade is 15 years old, calculated by year.
According to the above regulations, upper secondary education is conducted over 03 academic years, from grade ten to twelve.