Văn hóa - Xã hội

LawNet Gregorian calendar for March 2025 11:03 | 28/02/2025
What are details of the Gregorian calendar for March 2025? How many annual leave days do employees in heavy, toxic, and hazardous occupations in Vietnam have?
LawNet What are details of the Catholic calendar for 2025? 11:11 | 20/02/2025
What are details of the Catholic calendar for 2025? Are detainees in Vietnam allowed to read religious scriptures? When is an organization in Vietnam granted a Certificate of Religious Activity Registration?
LawNet What are wishes for Valentine's Day for boyfriend in Vietnamese? 11:51 | 12/02/2025
What are wishes for Valentine's Day for boyfriend in Vietnamese? How many days of leave with full pay are employees in Vietnam entitled to when they get married? Is there a limit on the number of times a person can register for marriage in Vietnam?
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