Lĩnh vực khác

LawNet What is February 4? What lunar date is February 4, 2025? 16:04 | 03/02/2025
What is February 4? What lunar date is February 4, 2025? In which cases is medical treatment mandatory in Vietnam? When is it not necessary to register the practice of medical examination and treatment in Vietnam?
LawNet What are regulations on the sitting position with firearms in a police vehicle in the Public Security Force's Ordinance in Vietnam? 09:16 | 02/11/2024
My name is Minh Quoc/ I'm currently residing and working in Nghe An. I have a strong affinity for the military uniform, the steel discipline that must always be observed, as well as the unity in executing commands. I have a question. What are regulations on the sitting position with firearms in a police vehicle in the Public Security Force's Ordinance in Vietnam? Which document specifies this issue? Thank you! (01233**)
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