Decree 37/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam

What are details of the Decree 37/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam? What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam?

What are details of the Decree 37/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam?

On February 26, 2025, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 37/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Article 1 of Decree 37/2025/ND-CP defines the Ministry of Education and Training as an agency of the Government of Vietnam, executing the state management function for preschool education, general education, vocational education, higher education, and continuing education; developing vocational skills; state management of the Vietnamese language and ethnic languages; managing public services falling within the ministry's state management scope.

Decree 37/2025/ND-CP takes effect from March 01, 2025.

Decree 37/2025/ND-CP on the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training

Decree 37/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam?

Based on Article 3 of Decree 37/2025/ND-CP, the organizational structure is stipulated as follows:

Article 3. Organizational structure

  1. Department of Preschool Education.
  2. Department of General Education.
  3. Department of Higher Education.
  4. Department of National Defense and Security Education.
  5. Department of Students and Learners.
  6. Department of Legal Affairs.
  7. Department of Personnel Organization.
  8. Department of Planning and Finance.
  9. Office.
  10. Inspectorate.

The organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training is as follows:

[1] Agencies assisting the Minister in executing the state's management functions

  1. Department of Preschool Education.
  2. Department of General Education.
  3. Department of Higher Education.
  4. Department of National Defense and Security Education.
  5. Department of Students and Learners.
  6. Department of Legal Affairs.
  7. Department of Personnel Organization.
  8. Department of Planning and Finance.
  9. Office.
  10. Inspectorate.
  11. Department of Teachers and Educational Managers.
  12. Department of Quality Management.
  13. Department of Science, Technology, and Information.
  14. Department of International Cooperation.
  15. Department of Vocational Education and Continuing Education.

[2] Public service providers assisting in state management functions of the ministry

  1. Education and Times Newspaper.
  2. Education Journal.
  3. Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences.

What are tasks and powers of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in managing finance, property, and public investment?

According to clause 10, Article 2 of Decree 37/2025/ND-CP, the tasks and powers of the Ministry of Education and Training in finance, property, and public investment management are defined as follows:

- Drafting the annual budget estimates, three-year financial - state budget plans of the Ministry of Education and Training; allocating in detail the ministry's annual budget; exercising the rights and responsibilities of the state owner's representative for public property within the ministry's management scope as prescribed by law and decentralization of the Government of Vietnam

- Participating in formulating policies, standards, and norms for budget expenditure in education and training and vocational education; taking part in compiling state budget estimates, central budget allocation plans annually, five-year financial plans, three-year financial - state budget plans, and annual budget settlements in education and training and vocational education; inspecting and monitoring budget implementation in these fields;

- Issuing and guiding the implementation of standards, norms, and policies on the use of public assets within the management scope or delegated authority as per the law on public asset management and usage; advising on processes and formulating, appraising, and issuing economic-technical norms in the education and training sector according to management decentralization; guiding methods for setting prices for education and training services and vocational education applicable in these fields; publicizing and implementing report policies on the management and use of public assets within the management scope as per legal requirements;

- Establishing medium-term and annual public investment plans for the ministry, deciding on investment policies, and approving investment decisions for projects within the management scope according to the public investment law; overseeing the administration and implementation of public investment projects within the ministry's state management scope following legal provisions; monitoring, checking, evaluating, and supervising the execution of plans, programs, and projects within the ministry's management scope and executing other duties and powers as assigned by the Government of Vietnam or the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam or as stipulated;

- Proposing the list and policies for investment and approving investment decisions for programs and projects utilizing ODA funds, concessional loans from sponsors, and non-refundable aid not belonging to official development assistance from foreign agencies, organizations, and individuals provided to Vietnam as stipulated; managing the monitoring and supervision of implementation; executing the function of managing programs and projects utilizing ODA, concessional loans from sponsors, and non-refundable aid not belonging to official development assistance from foreign agencies, organizations, and individuals provided to Vietnam within the management scope as stipulated by law;

- Appraising the content of pre-feasibility study reports and feasibility study reports for programs, projects, and schemes within the government-managed fields and sectors;

- Exercising the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the state owner concerning state enterprises and state capital invested in other enterprises as prescribed by law.

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