What are subjects of the admission exam to grade 10 in Vietnam in the 2025-2026 school year?
What are subjects of the admission exam to grade 10 in Vietnam in the 2025-2026 school year?
Article 13 of the Regulation on admission to lower secondary education and upper secondary education issued together with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT provides for the subjects of the admission exam to grade 10 as follows:
Article 13. Organization of admission exams
- Examination subjects, exams
a) The number of examination subjects and exams includes: Mathematics, Literature and a third subject or exam chosen by the Department of Education and Training from one of the following two options:
- The third subject is selected from among the subjects assessed by marks in the lower secondary education program, ensuring that the same third subject is not selected for more than three consecutive years;
- The third exam is a combination exam of several subjects chosen from among the subjects assessed by marks in the lower secondary education program.
For upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, and research institutes that organize their separate admission exams, the third subject or exam is chosen by the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, research institutes directly managing them.
b) The third subject or exam is announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 each year.
c) Examination duration: Literature: 120 minutes; Mathematics: 90 or 120 minutes; third subject: 60 or 90 minutes; third exam: 90 or 120 minutes.
d) Exam content is within the lower secondary education program, primarily focused on the 9th grade.
dd) For admission to specialized upper secondary schools, students must take the exams, subjects specified in this clause and one specialized subject. Each specialized subject has a separate exam according to the lower secondary education program, ensuring the selection of students talented in that specialized subject.
Thus, for the academic year 2025-2026, the admission exam to grade 10 will consist of 3 subjects: Mathematics, Literature, and a third subject or exam chosen by the Department of Education and Training:
The examination duration: Literature: 120 minutes; Mathematics: 90 or 120 minutes; third subject: 60 or 90 minutes; third exam: 90 or 120 minutes.
The third subject or exam is announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 each year.
What are subjects of the admission exam to grade 10 in Vietnam in the 2025-2026 school year? (Image from the Internet)
Are international prize winners eligible for direct admission to grade 10 in Vietnam?
Article 14 of the Regulation on admission to lower secondary education and upper secondary education issued together with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulates direct admission to the grade 10 as follows:
Article 14. Direct admission and priority policies for upper secondary education enrollment
- The following candidates are directly admitted to upper secondary education:
a) Students of lower secondary ethnic boarding schools.
b) Students who are ethnic minorities with very few people.
c) Students with disabilities.
d) Lower secondary students who have won national prizes organized by the Ministry of Education and Training or co-organized with other Ministries and equivalent bodies for nationwide competitions, examinations, and contests (hereinafter commonly referred to as competitions) in culture, arts, sports; science and technology research competitions.
dd) Lower secondary students who have won prizes in international competitions determined by the Minister of Education and Training for selection.
Thus, students who win prizes in international competitions determined for selection by the Minister of Education and Training are directly admitted to the grade 10.
Are lower secondary diploma required for entering grade 10 in Vietnam?
Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 provides for the educational levels and ages in general education as follows:
Article 28. Educational levels and ages in general education
- The educational levels and ages in general education are regulated as follows:
a) Primary education is conducted over 5 school years, from the grade 1 to the end of the grade 5. The age of students entering the grade 1 is 6 years old, calculated by year;
b) Lower secondary education is conducted over 4 school years, from the grade 6 to the end of the ninth grade. Students entering the grade 6 must have completed the primary education program. The age of students entering the grade 6 is 11 years old, calculated by year;
c) Upper secondary education is conducted over 3 school years, from the grade 10 to the end of the twelfth grade. Students entering the grade 10 must have a lower secondary diploma. The age of students entering the grade 10 is 15 years old, calculated by year.
- The cases where students can skip grades or study at an older age than specified in clause 1 of this Article involve:
a) Students skipping grades in cases of advanced intellectual development;
b) Students studying at an older age than specified due to repeating a grade, living in areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions, being ethnic minorities, having disabilities, being physically or intellectually underdeveloped, being orphans without support, belonging to poor households, returning from abroad, and other cases stipulated by law.
Therefore, students entering the grade 10 are required to have a lower secondary diploma as stipulated.