What is the date of Hung Kings Commemoration Day in 2025 in Vietnam? What are regulations on organizations of the Hung Kings Commemoration Day in Vietnam?
What is the date of Hung Kings Commemoration Day in 2025 in Vietnam?
The Hung Kings Commemoration Day is a traditional Vietnamese festival to honor and pay tribute to the Hung Kings, the founders and protectors of the nation. This day is celebrated on the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month each year.
It is one of the major national holidays in Vietnam, usually celebrated solemnly at the Hung Temple in Phu Tho and many other places across the country. On this day, people often offer incense, perform religious rituals, and participate in traditional cultural activities to express gratitude and remembrance for their ancestors.
Besides its cultural and spiritual significance, the Hung Kings Commemoration Day also serves as an occasion to foster national unity, pride, and the duty to defend and build the country.
According to the lunar calendar, the Hung Kings Commemoration Day 2025 falls on March 10, 2025, which corresponds to April 7, 2025, in the Gregorian calendar, and is a Monday.
What is the date of Hung Kings Commemoration Day in 2025 in Vietnam? What are regulations on organizations of the Hung Kings Commemoration Day in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are regulations on organizations of the Hung Kings Commemoration Day in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 145/2013/ND-CP regarding the Hung Kings Commemoration Day:
Article 7. Hung Kings Commemoration Day
- In years ending in 5 or other years:
a) In Phu Tho, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Phu Tho province organize the incense offering ceremony. The Chairman of the People's Committee of Phu Tho province presides over the incense offering ceremony;
b) Provinces and cities under central authority with relics and temples dedicated to the Hung Kings organize memorial incense offerings;
c) The remembrance rituals are performed uniformly nationwide under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;
d) Organize propaganda activities in the mass media at both central and local levels.
Thus, the Hung Kings Commemoration Day is organized as follows:
[1] In years ending in 5 or other years
- In Phu Tho, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Phu Tho province organize the incense offering ceremony. The Chairman of the People's Committee of Phu Tho province presides over the incense offering ceremony
- Provinces and central cities with relics and temples dedicated to the Hung Kings organize memorial incense offerings
- The remembrance rituals are performed uniformly nationwide under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- Organize propaganda activities in the mass media at both central and local levels
[2] In complete years
- Organize the Hung Kings Commemoration Day at a national level:
+ In Phu Tho, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism presides, in cooperation with the People's Committee of Phu Tho province, to organize the Hung Kings Commemoration Day
+ The President presides over the incense offering ceremony
+ Leaders of the Communist Party, the State (one of the following titles: General Secretary, Prime Minister, Chairman of the National Assembly), former leaders of the Communist Party, the State, leaders of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, central committees, ministries, foreign missions, and representatives of overseas Vietnamese and leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Phu Tho province attend the ceremony
+ The invitation of foreign guests is considered and decided by competent authorities;
- Other activities organized as in years ending in 5 or other years.
How many paid days off do employees get for the Hung Kings Commemoration Day?
Pursuant to Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019 regarding public holidays and Tet:
Article 112. Public holidays and Tet
- Employees are entitled to paid leave on the following public holidays and Tet:
a) Gregorian New Year: 1 day (January 1);
b) Lunar New Year: 5 days;
c) Victory Day: 1 day (April 30);
d) International Labor Day: 1 day (May 1);
dd) National Day: 2 days (September 2 and 1 day before or after);
e) The Hung Kings Commemoration Day: 1 day (10th of March in the lunar calendar).
- Foreign nationals working in Vietnam are entitled to an additional 1 day off for their traditional New Year and 1 day for their national day, in addition to the holidays provided for in clause 1 of this Article.
- Every year, based on actual conditions, the Prime Minister decides the specific dates for the holidays provided in point b and point đ of clause 1 of this Article.
According to the above regulation, employees are entitled to paid leave on the following days:
- Gregorian New Year
- Lunar New Year
- Victory Day
- International Labor Day
- National Day
- The Hung Kings Commemoration Day
In addition, foreign nationals working in Vietnam are entitled to an additional 1 day off for their traditional New Year and 1 day for their national day.
Thus, employees receive 1 paid day off for the Hung Kings Commemoration Day.