What is February 4? What lunar date is February 4, 2025?
What is February 4? What lunar date is February 4, 2025?
World Cancer Day is observed on February 4 each year, led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), to raise awareness and improve prevention, early detection, and better treatment of cancer. It also aims to provide equitable cancer care services and treatment for everyone and to collaborate with governments to take action.
Thus, February 4 each year is World Cancer Day. According to the Perpetual Calendar, February 4, 2025, corresponds to January 7, 2025, in the lunar calendar.
What is February 4? What lunar date is February 4, 2025? (Image from the Internet)
In which cases is medical treatment mandatory in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 82 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 providing compulsory treatment:
Article 82. Compulsory treatment
- Cases requiring compulsory treatment as stipulated in this Law include:
a) Individuals suffering from Group A infectious diseases as stipulated by the law on prevention and control of infectious diseases;
b) Individuals suffering from depression with suicidal thoughts or actions; individuals suffering from mental disorders in a state of agitation potentially causing harm to themselves or others or destructive behavior;
c) Other cases as prescribed by law.
- The Government of Vietnam prescribes measures for compulsory treatment for cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
Thus, the cases requiring compulsory treatment include:
[1] Individuals suffering from Group A infectious diseases, which include particularly dangerous infectious diseases with the capability of rapid transmission, wide dissemination, and high mortality rates, or diseases with unknown causative agents, including:
- Poliomyelitis;
- Influenza A-H5N1;
- Plague;
- Smallpox;
- Viral hemorrhagic fevers like Ebola, Lassa, or Marburg;
- West Nile fever;
- Yellow fever;
- Cholera;
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by viruses and newly emerging dangerous infectious diseases with unknown causative agents;
[2] Individuals suffering from depression with suicidal thoughts or actions;
[3] Individuals suffering from mental disorders in a state of agitation potentially causing harm to themselves or having behaviors that can cause harm to others or property destruction;
[4] Other cases as prescribed by law.
When is it not necessary to register the practice of medical examination and treatment in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 36 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 stipulating the principles of practice registration:
Article 36. Principles of practice registration
- Practitioners are allowed to register their practice at multiple medical facilities but are not allowed to overlap practice time among the facilities.
- Practitioners can register to work at one or more of the following professional positions within the same medical facility but must ensure the quality of work at the assigned positions:
a) Medical examination and treatment according to the practice license;
b) Responsibility for a specific professional department;
c) Responsibility for the professionalism of the medical facility.
- Practitioners are allowed to perform medical examination and treatment without practice registration in the following cases:
a) Conducting emergency activities outside medical facilities, except for pre-hospital emergency responders;
b) Being mobilized or assigned by competent authorities or individuals to participate in medical examination and treatment activities in cases of natural disasters, catastrophes, Group A infectious disease epidemics, or emergencies;
c) Conducting humanitarian medical examination and treatment in campaigns;
d) Conducting medical examination and treatment during the process of transferring specialized techniques, technical support at another medical facility in short-term;
dd) Other cases as prescribed by the Minister of Health.
Thus, practitioners of medical examination and treatment are not required to register their practice in the following cases:
- Conducting emergency activities outside medical facilities, except for pre-hospital emergency responders
- Being mobilized or assigned by competent authorities or individuals to participate in medical examination and treatment activities in cases of natural disasters, catastrophes, Group A infectious disease epidemics, or emergencies
- Conducting humanitarian medical examination and treatment in campaigns
- Conducting medical examination and treatment during the process of transferring specialized techniques, technical support at another medical facility in the short term
- Other cases as prescribed by the Minister of Health