What is February 3? What is the lunar date of February 3, 2025?
What is February 3? What is the lunar date of February 3, 2025?
Pursuant to Article 4 of Decree 145/2013/ND-CP on the major holidays:
Article 4. Major Holidays
Major national holidays include:
Lunar New Year (1st day of the 1st lunar month).
Founding day of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930).
Hung Kings' Commemoration Day (10th day of the 3rd lunar month).
Liberation Day of the South and national reunification (April 30, 1975).
Dien Bien Phu Victory Day (May 7, 1954).
Birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890).
August Revolution Day (August 19, 1945) and National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945).
Thus, February 3 every year is the founding day of the Communist Party of Vietnam. According to the perpetual calendar, February 3, 2025, corresponds to January 6, 2025, in the lunar calendar.
What is February 3? What is the lunar date of February 3, 2025? (Image from Internet)
Who founded the Communist Party of Vietnam?
Pursuant to the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011:
The Communist Party of Vietnam was founded and trained by Comrade Ho Chi Minh. It led the people to successfully carry out the August Revolution, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam), achieving victory over the invasions, abolishing colonial and feudal policies, completing the national liberation, achieving national reunification, proceeding with the renovation, building socialism, and firmly protecting the independence of the Fatherland.
The Communist Party of Vietnam is the vanguard of the working class, as well as the vanguard of the laboring people and the Vietnamese nation; faithfully representing the interests of the working class, the laboring people, and the nation.
The purpose of the Communist Party is to build a Vietnam that is independent, democratic, wealthy, with a just and civilized society, where there is no exploitation of man by man, successfully achieving socialism and ultimately communism.
The Communist Party takes Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology as its ideological foundation, its guide for action, promoting the nation's fine traditions, absorbing the essence of human wisdom, understanding the objective laws, the trend of the era, and the practice of the country to formulate correct and fitting political guidelines, in accordance with the aspirations of the people.
According to the above regulation, the Communist Party of Vietnam was founded and trained by Comrade Ho Chi Minh. It led the people to successfully carry out the August Revolution, establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam), achieving victory over the invasions, abolishing colonial and feudal policies, completing the national liberation, achieving national reunification, proceeding with the renovation, building socialism, and firmly protecting the independence of the Fatherland.
Are Communist Party members allowed to participate in building, protecting the guidelines, policies, and organization of the Communist Party?
Pursuant to Article 2 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011:
Article 2.
Communist Party members have the duties:
To be absolutely loyal to the revolutionary goals and ideals of the Communist Party, strictly complying with the Party's political platform, charter, resolutions, directives of the Party, and the laws of the State; fulfilling assigned tasks well; absolutely obeying the Party's assignments and mobilizations.
Constantly learning and training to improve their knowledge, work capacity, political qualities, revolutionary ethics, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They fight against individualism, opportunism, localism, bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, and other negative expressions. Complying with the Central Committee’s regulations on what Party members are not allowed to do.
Closely connecting with the people, respecting, and promoting the people's ownership; caring for the material and spiritual life and protecting the legitimate interests of the people; actively participating in mass work, and social work at their workplace and residence; propagating and mobilizing family and people to implement the Party's guidelines and the State’s laws.
Participating in building, protecting the guidelines, policies, and organization of the Party; obeying discipline, maintaining unity and consensus within the Party; regularly conducting self-criticism and criticism, being honest with the Party; undertaking Party development work; participating in Party activities and paying membership dues conformable.
According to the above regulation, Communist Party members have the duty to participate in building and protecting the guidelines, policies, and organization of the Communist Party; obeying discipline, maintaining unity and consensus within the Party.