What is February 8? What is the lunar date for February 8, 2025?

What is February 8? What is the lunar date for February 8, 2025? What are the conditions for promoting military ranks for active-duty officers in Vietnam?

What is February 8? What is the lunar date for February 8, 2025?

On February 8, 1952, the first National Salvation Youth Union group within the army was established at Company 29, Battalion 183, Regiment 246 (Tan Trao). This unit was responsible for protecting the Central Communist Party, President Ho Chi Minh, and the General Command. The unit consisted of 32 members, led by Comrade Pham Ngoc Rao, a Party Cell member and the leader of Platoon 1, as the Secretary. This event marks a significant milestone in the history of youth union work and youth movement in the armed forces.

On June 20, 2016, the Director of the General Political Department signed Decision No. 1034, recognizing February 8, 1952, as the Traditional Day of Military Youth and Military Youth Committee.

Therefore, February 8 annually is the traditional day of military youth and the Military Youth Committee. According to the Perpetual Calendar, February 8, 2025, corresponds to January 11, 2025, in the lunar calendar.

What is February 8? What lunar date is February 8, 2025?

What is February 8? What is the lunar date for February 8, 2025?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the conditions for promoting military ranks for active-duty officers in Vietnam?

Based on Article 17 of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army 1999 (amended by Clause 4, Article 1 of the amended Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army 2014), the conditions for rank promotion for active-duty officers are stipulated as follows:

Article 17. Rank promotion for active-duty officers

  1. Active-duty officers shall be promoted in rank if they meet the following conditions:

a) Meet the standards as prescribed in Article 12 of this Law;

b) The current military rank is lower than the highest military rank stipulated for the position, title being held;

c) Have fulfilled the duration required for rank consideration as stipulated in Clause 2 of this Article.


Therefore, the conditions for rank promotion for active-duty officers are as follows:

[1] Meet the following standards:

- General standards:

+ Have a strong political ideology, absolute loyalty to the Nation and the people, to the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; maintain high revolutionary vigilance, ready for combat, sacrifice, and to complete all assigned tasks.

+ Possess revolutionary moral qualities, be diligent, thrifty, upright, selfless; exemplarily comply with the Party's directives, state policies, and laws; promote democracy, strictly enforce military discipline; respect and unite with the people and comrades; gain public trust.

+ Have political qualifications, military science knowledge, and the ability to creatively apply Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the Party’s guidelines, and the State’s policies into national defense construction tasks, people's army building; knowledgeable in culture, economy, society, laws, and other fields; practical operational capacity meeting assigned task requirements; graduate from prescribed training programs for each position.

+ Have a clear background, suitable age, and health for the position and military rank held.

- Specific standards for each officer position and title are determined by the competent authority.

[2] The current military rank is lower than the highest military rank stipulated for the position being held.

[3] Fulfill the required duration for rank consideration:

Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant: 2 years

First Lieutenant to Senior Lieutenant: 3 years

Senior Lieutenant to Captain: 3 years

Captain to Major: 4 years

Major to Lieutenant Colonel: 4 years

Lieutenant Colonel to Senior Colonel: 4 years

Senior Colonel to Colonel: 4 years

Colonel to Major General, Rear Admiral: minimum of 4 years

Major General, Rear Admiral to Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral: minimum of 4 years

Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral to General, Admiral: minimum of 4 years

General, Admiral to Senior General: minimum of 4 years

The time officers spend studying at schools counts towards the duration required for rank consideration.

Under what circumstances does an officer in the Vietnam People's Army cease serving active duty?

Based on Article 35 of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army 1999 (amended by Clause 11, Article 1 of the amended Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army 2008), the regulations for officers ceasing to serve active duty are as follows:

Article 35. Officers ceasing to serve active duty

  1. Officers cease serving active duty under the following circumstances:

a. Meet the conditions for retirement;

b. Reach the age limit for active duty as prescribed in Article 13 of this Law;

c. Due to changes in organization and structure, there is no longer a need to appoint professional military officers, defense officials;

d. No longer meet the standards prescribed for active-duty officers.

  1. Officers cease serving active duty in one of the following forms:

a. Retirement;

b. Transfer to another sector;

c. Demobilization;

d. Leave according to policies for invalids.

  1. Upon ceasing active duty, if they meet the standards and have not reached the age limit for reserve officers as stipulated in Article 38 of this Law, they transition to the reserve officer category.

Therefore, officers in the Vietnam People's Army cease serving active duty under the following circumstances:

- Meet the conditions for retirement

- Reach the age limit for active duty

- Due to changes in organization and structure, there is no longer a need to appoint professional military officers, defense officials

- No longer meet the standards prescribed for active-duty officers

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