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Guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnam

Below are guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnam

Guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnam

The lesson "Cánh rừng trong nắng" is part of the reading comprehension section in the grade 3 Vietnamese Language curriculum, found on pages 17 and 18 of the Week 2, lesson number 3 of the "Kết nối tri thức" curriculum.

Teachers, parents, and students can refer to the following Guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnams:

Guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnam

* Main Content and Meaning of the Lesson

Main Content:

- The essay narrates a trip to the forest with a child, friends, and their grandfather. The scenery in the forest is beautiful and lively with trees and animals.


- Helps us understand more about nature and the life of animals in the forest.

- Encourages us to love and protect nature.

- Highlights the affection the grandfather has for his grandchild.

* Effective Reading Techniques

- Singing Tone: Read slowly and emphasize descriptive words about the beautiful scenery: rừng xanh um, tiếng suối róc rách, cây cối vươn ngọn, ...

- Imagination: When reading, imagine you are walking in the forest, seeing what the essay describes.

- Expressive Reading: Change the reading tone according to the content of the sentence. For example, read joyfully when describing beautiful scenery and mimic the sounds of animals when describing them.

* Rhetorical Devices

- Comparison: Cây cối vươn ngọn lên cao tít (comparing trees to giants stretching).

- Personification: Những con sóc nâu cong đuôi nhảy thoăn thoắt (attributing human actions to squirrels).

- Listing: Listing types of trees and forest sounds makes the image more vivid.

* Students' Perceptions in grade 3

- Happy: I really enjoyed the trip to the forest with my friends and grandfather.

- Curious: I want to explore more about the forest and its animals.

- Love for Nature: I love nature and want to protect it.

- Affectionate: I feel that my grandfather loves his grandchild very much.

* Some Suggested Questions to Reinforce the Lesson

- What is your favorite image in the essay? Why?

- Do you want to go to the forest like the children in the essay?

- In your opinion, what should we do to protect the forest?

*Note: Information is for reference only./.Guidelines for Preparing the Lesson "Cánh rừng trong nắng" for 3rd Grade Vietnamese Language

Guidelines on preparing the lesson Cánh rừng trong nắng for grade 3 students in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

What qualities and competencies are required for grade 3 students in Vietnamese Language?

Based on Section V of the General Education Program for Literature, issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

*Requirements for Core Qualities and General Competencies

The Literature subject contributes to the formation and development of students' core qualities and general competencies at levels appropriate to the subject and educational level as specified in the overall program.

Furthermore, based on Section IV of the General Education Program for Literature, issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the specific competencies required for completing the grade 3 Vietnamese Language program include:

[1] Required Language Competencies:

- Read correctly, fluently, and expressively; understand the main content of the text, primarily explicit content; begin to understand implicit content such as themes and lessons learned from the text.

- At the primary level, reading requirements include both reading techniques and reading comprehension skills. For students in the early grades (grade 1 and grade 2), focus on both reading accurately at a suitable pace and understanding simple content of the text.

For students in grades 3, 4, and 5, focus more on understanding specific content, themes, and lessons drawn from the text.

- From grade 1 to grade 3, write correctly regarding spelling, vocabulary, and grammar; write some sentences and short paragraphs; in grades 4 and 5, begin to write short, complete essays, mainly narrative, descriptive, and simple introduction essays.

- Write texts narrating read stories, witnessed events, participated events, imagined stories; describe familiar objects or phenomena; introduce objects and activities close to the students' lives.

- Write paragraphs expressing students' feelings and thoughts when reading a story or poem, witnessing an event evoking many emotions; expressing opinions on a simple topic in studies and life; write some types of texts such as: autobiographies, messages, invitations, schedules, applications, ...; begin to know how to write according to the process; the writing should have three parts (introduction, body, conclusion).

- Present ideas and emotions clearly; begin to use suitable gestures and expressions when speaking; narrate a read or heard story clearly; share, exchange feelings, attitudes, and thoughts about discussed topics; explain an object or simple process.

- Understand basic content with an appropriate attitude; recognize the speaker's emotions; know how to respond to what is heard.

[2] Required Literary Competencies:

- Distinguish between prose and poetry (paragraphs, prose pieces vs. verses, poems); recognize the content of the text and the writer's attitude and feelings; begin to understand the effects of some formal elements of literary texts (words, characters, plot, rhyme, comparison, personification). Know how to relate, imagine, and express literarily in writing and speaking.

- For students in grades 1 and 2: recognize who or what the text is about; identify characters in stories and rhyme in poems; recognize stories and poems.

- For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: know how to read expressively; retell and summarize the main content of stories and poems; comment on characters, events, and the writer's attitudes and feelings in texts; recognize time and place, some types of rhyme, rhythm, beautiful and unique words and images, and the effects of rhetorical devices like personification and comparison.

- Understand the meaning or lesson drawn from texts. Write paragraphs or essays narrating stories and describing depicting emotions and imaginative connections.

Thus, according to the regulations, the requirements for the grade 3 Vietnamese Language subject must ensure both general and core competencies.

What are regulations on assessment of results of Vietnamese Language of in grade 3 students?

Based on Section VII of the General Education Program for Literature, issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the assessment requirements for the grade 3 Vietnamese Language subject, or for any books in the "Chân trời sáng tạo" curriculum, must align with the specific framework of the General Education Program for Literature as follows:

- Assessments in Literature are conducted in two ways: continuous assessment and periodic assessment.

- Continuous assessment is carried out throughout the teaching process, organized by subject teachers; assessment forms include: teacher assessment of students, students assessing each other, and students' self-assessment.

For continuous assessment, teachers can rely on daily observations and records of students, students' answering questions or presenting exercises, writing literary analysis and feedback, writing summaries, doing projects, gathering materials, completing research assignments, etc.

- Periodic assessment is conducted near the end or at the end of a study period (end of term, end of educational level) organized by educational institutions to manage teaching activities, ensure educational quality, and support curriculum and learning material development. Periodic assessment is usually through written test or exam questions.

Test or exam questions may include essay questions (one or more questions); may combine objective multiple-choice questions and open-ended essay questions to assess reading comprehension and require writing essays on topics within the learned types of texts. If necessary and conditions permit, oral tests (to assess speaking and listening) can be used.

- In assessing learning outcomes at the end of the school year or educational level, it is necessary to innovate assessment methods (structure of questions, ways of asking questions, difficulty levels, etc.); use and exploit materials that meet the evaluation criteria, address the issue of students merely memorizing or copying resources; avoid reusing pre-read texts to accurately assess reading comprehension and analysis, and literary appreciation.

- Regardless of the assessment method, students should be allowed to express their language competencies, literary competencies, figurative thinking and logical thinking, and their own thoughts and feelings, not borrow or copy; encourage unique and creative essays.

Students should be guided to understand to master objectives, methods, and evaluation criteria for these competencies and qualities.

Download the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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>>> See more: Required Competencies for 5th Grade Vietnamese Language?

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>>> See more: Required Competencies for 4th Grade Vietnamese Language in the 2018 Curriculum?

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