08:24 | 24/09/2024

What are differences between "chuyện" (folktales) and "truyện" (fictions) in Vietnamese Language? When do students in Vietnam learn to write narrative essays?

What are differences between "chuyện" (folktales) and "truyện" (fictions) in Vietnamese Language? When do students in Vietnam learn to write narrative essays?

What are differences between "chuyện" (folktales) and "truyện" (fictions) in Vietnamese Language?

In the subject of Vietnamese literature, students often encounter literary works that are classified as chuyện and truyện. Many students may not know how to differentiate between chuyện and truyện. Refer to the distinctions between chuyện and truyện below:

Aspect Chuyện  Truyện
Meaning An event being retold A literary work describing the character's personality and the development of events through the author's narration
Origin Belongs to various fields such as funny folktales, love folktales, life folktales, idle folktales… Belongs to the literary field, as seen in terms like short fictions, long fictions, detective fictions, comic fictions
Form Mainly exists in spoken form, related to speaking activities such as storytelling, talking, conversing, gossiping… Exists in written form, related to activities such as writing, viewing, reading, enjoying
Nature Often vague, less stringent, difficult to quantify, less selective in language Usually specific, strict, systematic, quantifiable, selective in language
Existence Exists in folklore Collected, concretized into text or published into books

Note: The distinction between chuyện and truyện is for reference only!

Distinguishing between tales and stories? Which grade do students start writing narrative essays?

What are differences between "chuyện" (folktales) and "truyện" (fictions) in Vietnamese Language? When do students in Vietnam learn to write narrative essays? (Image from the Internet)

When do students in Vietnam learn to write narrative essays?

Based on the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

Specific Competency Requirements

2.1. Requirements at the Primary Level


b) Literary Ability

Distinguish between narrative and poetic texts (prose passages and verses); recognize text content and the writer's attitude, feelings; begin to understand the effects of some formal elements of literary texts (words, characters, plot, rhymes, comparisons, personifications). Be able to associate, imagine and express literary thoughts in writing and speaking.

For grade 1 and 2 students, they shall recognize who or what the text is about; recognize characters in truyện, rhymes in poems; distinguish between stories and poems.

For grade 3, 4 and 5 students, they shall know how to read expressive literary texts; retell, summarize the main content of a truyện or poem; comment on characters, events and the writer's attitude, feelings in the text; recognize time and place, rhyme schemes, poetic rhythms, beautiful words, unique images, and the effects of rhetorical devices such as personification, comparison. They must understand the meaning or lesson derived from the text. They shall be able to write passages or narratives expressing emotions and imagination.

Thus, students in grades 3, 4, 5 need to be able to write passages or narratives expressing emotions and imagination.

Therefore, students from grade 3 will start writing narrative essays.

What are the writing skills requirements for grade 3 students in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the writing skill requirements for grade 3 students are as follows:

Writing Technique:

- Write fluently in regular script, correctly write capital letters.

- Correctly write the names of people, Vietnamese geographical names, and some foreign names and locations learned.

- Correctly write words that are easily misspelled due to local pronunciation characteristics.

- Correctly write poetry or prose passages in dictation form, or from memory with a length of about 65 - 70 words, at a speed of about 65 - 70 words in 15 minutes.

- Present written work cleanly, in conformity.

Writing Paragraphs and Texts:

Writing Process:

Be able to write according to steps: determining the content to write about (what to write); forming a few main ideas; writing into paragraphs; editing errors (word usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization) based on suggestions.

Writing Practice:

- Write a paragraph recounting an event witnessed or participated in.

- Write a short paragraph describing an object.

- Write a short paragraph expressing feelings about people or scenery based on suggestions.

- Write a short paragraph explaining why one likes or dislikes a character in a story read or heard.

- Write a short paragraph introducing oneself, stating important information such as: full name, date of birth, place of birth, hobbies, dreams.

- Write an announcement or short news report following a model; fill in information in some pre-printed forms; write a letter to a family member or friend (handwritten or email).

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