Training program according to professional title standards for educational officials in Vietnam

Training program according to professional title standards for educational officials in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

On September 26, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Decision 2775/QĐ-BGDĐT on training programs according to standards for professional titles of educational officials in Vietnam.

Training program according to professional title standards for educational officials in Vietnam

The training program according to the standards of professional titles of educational officials is prescribed as follows:

(1) Subjects of training

Educational officials working in boarding schools for ethnic minorities, secondary specialized schools, University preparatory schools, and public schools for the disabled (hereinafter collectively referred to as public specialized educational establishments) have not completed the training program according to the standards of professional titles of educational officials.

(2) Training objectives

- General objective

Students have the basic knowledge and skills to meet the job position requirements for the professional title of educational officer.

- Detail objective

After training, students can:

+ Understand and well implement the Party's guidelines and policies, State laws, sectoral, inter-sectoral, and local regulations and requirements on education in general and educational work in particular;

+ Be aware of the basic knowledge and skills of educational work; flexibly and effectively apply knowledge and skills about teaching work when performing tasks;

+ Actively apply and self-improve skills to perform tasks; have the ability to coordinate well with colleagues and teachers to constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching work in the school.

(3) Program duration and structure

- Training duration

+ Total duration: 160 hours. In there:

++ Theory and practice: 130 periods.

++ Review and discussion: 10 periods.

++ Test: 02 periods.

++ Practical learning (visiting, surveying, listening to extracurricular reports), writing a summary: 16 lessons.

++ Opening and closing sessions: 02 periods.

+ Implementation time is 04 weeks x 05 working days/week x 08 periods/day = 160 periods. In case of arranging and arranging intermittent training time to suit the working position of the student, the maximum implementation time is 06 weeks.

- Program structure

The program includes 7 topics, divided into 3 parts:

+ Part 1: General knowledge.

+ Part 2: Knowledge and professional skills of educational officials.

+ Part 3: Find out the facts and write a summary.

More details can be found in Decision 2775/QĐ-BGDĐT, taking effect on September 26, 2023, replacing Decision 4854/QĐ-BGDĐT in 2019.


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