Standards for Vietnamese officials and public employees working at the People's Courts sent for training and retraining

Implementing the Work Plan 2017, the People's Supreme Court of Vietnam is in the process of drafting and seeking feedback on the Draft Decision regarding the Regulation on training and retraining Vietnamese officials and public employees working at the People's Courts. Notably, the standards and requirements for Vietnamese officials and public employees working at the People's Courts sent for training and retraining are specified.

No. Standards and requirements
1 Vietnamese officials and public employees sent for undergraduate and postgraduate training programs
1.1 PhD Training:

- Minimum working period: 60 months (excluding probationary and trial periods) in the People's Supreme Court from the date of decision on recruitment or official staffing acceptance;

- Research capability demonstrated through research projects as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training;

- Training major suitable for the job position;

- At least 3 consecutive years of meeting task completion standards according to the unit's assessment criteria for officials and public employees;

- Age ≤ 40 years, as of the date of the decision to send for training (only applies to officials sent for postgraduate training for the first time);
- For those with a minimum of 36 months of work experience (excluding probationary and trial periods) but Have achieved the title of grassroots-level emulation soldier for 2 consecutive years or selected without examination according to Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 24/2010/ND-CP, consideration for training will be made.

1.2 Master's Training

- Minimum working period: 60 months (excluding probationary and trial periods) in the People's Supreme Court from the date of decision on recruitment or official staffing acceptance;

- Age ≤ 40 years, as of the date of the decision to send for training;

- Training major suitable for the job position;

-  At least 3 consecutive years of meeting task completion standards according to the unit's assessment criteria for officials and public employees;

- For those with a minimum of 36 months of work experience (excluding probationary and trial periods) but Have achieved the title of grassroots-level emulation soldier for 2 consecutive years or selected without examination according to Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 24, consideration for training will be made.

1.3 Second-degree Undergraduate Training

- Minimum working period of at least 36 months (excluding probationary and trial periods) in the People's Supreme Court from the date of decision on recruitment or official staffing acceptance;

- Second-degree major intended for training suitable with professional duties and job position;

- Age ≤ 40 years, as of the date of the decision to send for training.

2 Vietnamese officials and public employees sent for political theory training
2.1 Advanced Political Theory Training

- Vietnamese officials and public employees who are senior leaders at the department level, or section level, and Vietnamese officials and public employees who are in the planning stage for leading positions at the department level and equivalent;

- Be a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam;

- Hold a university degree or higher within the Vietnamese national education system or from abroad;

- Age:
+ Part-time courses: Vietnamese officials and public employees attending courses are ≥ 40 years old (Male), ≥ 35 years old (Female);
+ Full-time courses: Vietnamese officials and public employees attending courses are < 40 years old (Male), < 35 years old (Female);

- Leading and managerial officials currently working for 3 years or more in mountainous, remote, extremely difficult areas, border districts, or islands, must hold at least an intermediate or college degree and a political-administrative intermediate degree or intermediate political theory degree;

- In specific cases, Leading and managerial officials may be considered for a 5-year age reduction compared to other target groups, including:
+ Leading and managerial officials currently working for 3 years or more in mountainous, remote, extremely disadvantaged areas, border districts, and islands;
+ Leading and managerial officials who are members of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;
+ Leading and managerial officials specializing in teaching or research in universities and academies (including officials at the department-level officials, faculty-level officials, division-level officials, principal lecturers, or higher);
+ Officials maintaining principal official rank (or equivalent) for 4 years or more and are scheduled to attend the exam for rank promotion to senior official (or equivalent);
+ Secretaries to Central Committee members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

- Meet other conditions and standards as stipulated by the Central Organization Committee and the National Academy of Politics of Ho Chi Minh.

2.2 Class for Completing Knowledge of Advanced Political Theory (For department-level/division-level leading and managerial officials and public employees and officials planned for department-level/division-level leading positions or equivalent)

- Be a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam;

- Hold a university degree in political specialty and a postgraduate within the National Academy of Politics of Ho Chi Minh;

- Hold a certificate of equivalent advanced political theory issued by the Academy of Journalism and Communication before June 1, 2016, for cases who attended courses as students not originally subject to advanced political theory courses; currently meeting the conditions for advanced political theory and nominated by the Party committee to attend the class to complete the knowledge to be issued an advanced political theory degree.

2.3 Intermediate Political Theory Training (For officials planned for Head, Deputy Head of section level and equivalent; Court Secretaries, Reviewers meeting conditions for trial procedure training; officials meeting conditions for principal official rank exams

- Hold a university degree or higher;

- Meet the conditions of the Central Organization Committee and the National Academy of Politics of Ho Chi Minh.

3 Vietnamese officials and public employees sent for professional skill training and retraining
3.1 Retraining in State management knowledge for senior officials

- Officials who are senior leaders at the department level and officials planned for department-level leading positions or equivalent;

- Officials currently ranked at the principal official level for 4 years or more;

- Meet the conditions of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

3.2 Retraining in State management knowledge for principal officials

- Officials who are leaders at the section level and officials planned for section leadership positions or equivalent;

- Officials currently ranked at the official level for 4 years or more (excluding the probationary period);

- Meeting the conditions of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

3.3 Trial Procedure Training (Reviewers, Court Secretaries)

- Have a minimum of 4 years of legal experience;

- Holding a formal university degree in Law or higher (for mountainous, remote, extremely difficult areas, border districts, the unit leader shall consider specific conditions for approval by the Supreme People's Court);

- Have at least 6 years remaining in service from the date sent for training;

- Have at least 3 consecutive years of meeting task completion standards prior to being sent for training;

- Ensuring political, ethical, professional qualities, and being a source for judicial nomination examinations.

3.4 Professional Training for Senior Investigators

- Officials who are senior leaders at the department level and Officials planned for department-level leading positions or equivalent;

- Officials currently ranked at senior reviewer level for 4 years or more.

3.5 Professional Training for Principal Investigators

- Officials who are leaders at the section level and Officials planned for section leadership positions or equivalent;

- Officials currently ranked at reviewer level for 4 years or more.

3.6 Professional Training for Investigators
  Officials currently ranked at secretary level for 4 years or more or Officials currently ranked as reviewers but not yet trained in review professional skills.
3.7 Senior Secretary Training

- Officials who are leaders at the section level and Officials planned for section leadership positions or equivalent;

- Officials currently ranked at senior secretary level for 4 years or more.

3.8 Principal Secretary Training

Officials currently ranked at senior secretary level for 4 years or more (excluding probationary period).

3.9 Secretary Training

- Officials newly recruited to the secretary rank;

- Officials who are secretaries but have not yet been trained in Court Secretary skills;

3.10 Overseas Training

- Training course < 2 months: Officials must have at least 1 year remaining in service from the start of the training course;

- Training course ≥ 2 months: Officials must have at least 5 years remaining in service from the start of the training course;

- Not under disciplinary review or enforcement from warning or higher; or not among the cases under Article 21 of Decree 136/2007/ND-CP;

- Officials sent for training must have completed their assigned tasks well in the preceding year;

- The specialization of officials sent for training must match the content of the training course;

- Meet the requirements and conditions of foreign training institutions or foreign cooperation programs signed by the Supreme People's Court;

- Be in good health to ensure the training mission.

According to the Draft Regulation, the selection and sending of officials for training and retraining is based on allocated targets, specified ratios, training and retraining plans of the unit, the People's Supreme Court of Vietnam, and the aspirations of the officials. Additionally, during the selection and sending of officials for training and retraining, consideration should be given in the following priority order:

- The professional area the Officials plan to study is a priority field for training and retraining of the unit and the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam;

- Have already planned for leadership positions;

- Have already undergone rotation;

- Have high work achievements;

- Have longer working tenure at the nominating unit;- Fewer times nominated for training;

- Young age and outstanding work achievements;

- Higher age;

- Female.


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