Principles of decentralization of specialized State management of inland waterway transportation at ports and inland wharfs in Vietnam

Principles of decentralization of specialized State management of inland waterway transportation at ports and inland wharfs in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The Minister of Transport issued Circular 33/2023/TT-BGTVT dated November 28, 2023 on decentralization of specialized State management of inland waterway transportation at ports, inland wharves, and anchorage areas in Vietnam.

Principles of decentralization of specialized State management of inland waterway transportation at ports and inland wharfs in Vietnam

The decentralization of specialized State management of inland waterway transportation at ports, inland wharves, and anchorage areas must comply with the principles specified in Clause 2 of Article 11 of the Law on Organization of Local Governments.

Specifically, the division of authority is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

- Ensure unified state management of institutions, policies, strategies, and planning for industries and fields; ensure the unity and transparency of the national administration;

- Promoting the autonomy and self-responsibility of local governments in administrative units in performing state management tasks in the area according to the provisions of law;

- Closely combine sectoral management with territorial management; clearly delineate state management tasks between local governments at all levels for socio-economic activities in the territory;

- The delineation of authority must be consistent with the conditions and characteristics of rural, urban, and island areas, as well as the specific characteristics of industries and fields;

- Issues related to the scope of two or more commune-level administrative units fall under the jurisdiction of district-level local authorities; Issues related to the scope of two or more district-level administrative units fall under the jurisdiction of the provincial-level local government; Issues related to the scope of two or more provincial administrative units fall under the jurisdiction of central state agencies, except in cases of laws, resolutions of the National Assembly, ordinances, resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and Government decrees have other provisions;

- The decentralization and decentralization of power to local authorities must ensure financial conditions, human resources, and other necessary conditions; Attach decentralization and decentralization to the inspection and supervision mechanisms when implementing decentralization and decentralization. Local governments carry out assigned tasks and powers and are responsible within the scope of decentralization.

Circular 33/2023/TT-BGTVT takes effect on January 15, 2024.


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