Resolution on 23 Procedures Regarding Social Insurance, Health Insurance, and Unemployment Insurance via Postal Services in Ho Chi Minh City

From October 24, residents of Ho Chi Minh City who need to perform public administrative services related to Social Insurance, Health Insurance, and Unemployment Insurance at home only need to register the necessary transaction information on the system, and postal staff will come to their home to receive and return the documents.

No Procedure Documents to Prepare Processing Time (days)
  Social Insurance, Health Insurance, Unemployment Insurance Contribution Dossiers
1 Registration, re-registration, adjustment for voluntary social insurance contributions; Issuance of social insurance book - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Certification of poor or near-poor household issued by a competent State authority (if any; applicable from January 01, 2018)

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 602)
2 Registration for contributions, issuance of health insurance card for those participating only in health insurance - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Documents proving entitlement to higher health insurance benefits (Section I Appendix 3-QD595 – if any);
- Hospital discharge papers clearly stating “has donated an organ” for those who have donated organs according to the law

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 603)
3 Refund of paid amounts (For voluntary social insurance participants, household health insurance participants, and individuals supported by the state budget to partially cover health insurance contributions) - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Social insurance book for voluntary social insurance participants, individuals with overlapping social insurance and unemployment insurance contributions submit all social insurance books;
- Certified document or an original death certificate document for the deceased;

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 606)
  Social Insurance Book, Health Insurance Card Issuance Dossiers
4 Re-issuance of social insurance book due to loss or damage - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Social insurance book (old version or cover sheet) and detached sheets of social insurance book (applicable for damaged social insurance books).
- For employees with participation before July 1995, additionally:
+ Approved social insurance book issuance declaration;
+ If declaration is lost, submit the original dossier
- Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS)
- Documents proving entitlement to higher health insurance benefits (Section I Appendix 3-QD595 – if any);
- Hospital discharge papers clearly stating “has donated an organ” for those who have donated organs according to the law

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 607)
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5 Re-issuance of social insurance book due to changes in name, additional names, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, nationality - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Birth certificate or birth extract issued by a competent civil status authority and identity card/citizen identity card/passport;
- Social insurance book (old version or cover sheet) and accompanying detached sheets of social insurance book;

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 608)
6 Re-issuance of health insurance card due to change in benefits code, change in healthcare facility, change in printed information (name, additional names, birth date, gender, address, adding code for residence area) - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Birth certificate or birth extract issued by a competent civil status authority; Identity card/citizen ID/passport (in case of changes in personal information);
- Documents proving eligible for higher health insurance benefits (Section I Appendix 3 Decision 595) (in case of benefits code changes);
- Household registration book or temporary residence book or certification from the People’s Committee of the commune of residence (in case of adding residence area code)

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 610)
7 Re-issuance of health insurance card due to damage or loss; changing the time of enjoying continuous healthcare benefits for five years - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 612)
8 - Confirmation of compulsory social insurance contribution period for employees going to work abroad under limited-term contracts who self-register for compulsory social insurance contributions Social insurance book (old version or cover sheet) and accompanying detached sheets of social insurance book. 07
- Confirmation of voluntary social insurance contribution period
- Confirmation of social insurance and unemployment insurance contribution period for cases where the employer is dissolved or bankrupt - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 620)
9 - Confirmation of current social insurance participation;

- Confirmation of continuous health insurance participation of at least 03 years for Glivec users
Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 622)
10 Employees request to receive social insurance book returned by the agency 1. For social insurance books returned by the agency before 2008:

- Handover record of social insurance book between the employer and the social insurance agency;
- List of social insurance books handed over to the social insurance agency (certified by the social insurance agency);
- Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS).

2. For social insurance books returned by the agency from 2009 onwards:

- Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 625)
11 Adjustment of personal details due to using someone else's dossier for social insurance participation (Applicable for cases arising before January 01, 2015) - Declaration for participation, adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information (Form TK1-TS);
- Affidavit of the person who lent the dossier, with confirmation from the local authority of the place of residence (Form 02-GCD/SBH);
- Old social insurance participation declaration to be revoked (if any);
- Social insurance book (old version or cover sheet) and accompanying detached sheets of social insurance book.

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 628)
  Social Insurance Policies Settlement Dossiers
12 Settlement of maternity benefit for employees terminating labor contracts, work contracts or resigning, demobilizing, or being discharged before the birth or adoption of a child Individual submits the original social insurance book/cover, detached sheets along with a copy of the birth certificate/birth extract (note each case may require additional relevant documents); certified copy of adoption certificate, documents related to surrogacy and handover.

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 202)
13 Settlement of survivor benefits - Next of kin submits the original social insurance book/cover and detached sheets along with death certificate or court decision declaring death and a declaration form according to Form 09A-HSB (original);
- Minutes of family meeting for cases eligible for monthly survivor benefits but opting for a one-time benefit according to Form 16-HSB (original)

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 207)
14 Settlement of one-time social insurance benefits Individual submits the original social insurance book/cover and detached sheets along with Form 14-HSB. In case of emigration for permanent residence, submit additional certified or notarized translated documents

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 208)
15 Settlement of the dossier for changing place of pension, monthly social insurance benefits; transferring management of dossier awaiting pension, waiting for monthly benefits for commune officials to another province or city social insurance department Individual submits an application according to Form 14-HSB; copy of ID card/Passport/Citizen Identity card in case of inconsistency in name, additional names, date of birth, month, year of birth between ID card/household registration/citizen identity card and this content must be clearly stated in the application

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 210)
16 Settlement of continued pension, monthly social insurance benefits for cases: Completed prison sentence; illegally emigrated and returned to reside legally; Court annulled decision declaring missing person; Benefit under Decision 613/QD-TTg Individual submits an application according to Form 14-HSB and relevant documents or submit an application according to Form 01-QD 613 (if alive), next of kin submits an application for funeral benefit according to Form 03-QD613 (if deceased)

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 217)
  Health Insurance Payment Dossiers
17 Direct payment of health insurance medical examination and treatment costs - Copies of the following documents: Health insurance card, ID card, prescription or medical record, discharge papers (if any), death certificate (if any);
- Confirmation of continuous health insurance participation for 3 years for patients using Glivec and Tasigna (if any);
- Invoices/statements of medical examination and treatment costs

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 50…)
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18 Issuance of co-payment exemption certificate within a year - Health insurance card (original and copy);
- Copy of ID card, discharge papers (if any), prescription or medical record;
- Invoices/statements of medical examination and treatment costs

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 502)
  Certified Copies Dossiers  
19 Processing duplicates, copies of archived dossiers - Request for copies (according to form);
- Copy of ID card

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 701)
  Social Insurance Policy Disbursement Dossiers
20 Settlement of continued pension, monthly social insurance benefits for individuals temporarily suspended due to not receiving cash for 6 consecutive months; individuals receiving one-time benefits from previous years; retroactive payment of pension, monthly social insurance benefits, or one-time benefits for deceased individuals - For retroactive payment of pension, monthly social insurance benefits due to expired or uncollected amount for 6 months or more; retroactive payment of pension, monthly social insurance benefits, or one-time benefits for the deceased:

+ Request for retroactive payment, continued social insurance benefits (Form 19-CBH);
+ Request for social insurance benefits upon the deceased (Form 16-CBH):
+ Power of attorney for processing, receiving social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance benefits (Form 13-HSB) if receiving on behalf

- For individuals receiving one-time social insurance benefits from previous years:

+ Request for retroactive payment, continued social insurance benefits (Form 19-CBH);
+ Power of attorney for processing, receiving social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance benefits (Form 13-HSB)

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 801)
21 Settlement of change in place of pension, monthly social insurance benefits for individuals moving within district, and from one district to another within the city - Notification of change in beneficiary's information (Form 18-CBH);
- Copy of household registration book

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 803)
According to list issuance cycle
22 Process for changing the name of the recipient of monthly survivor benefits for individuals under the age of 15 or those with limited or restricted legal capacity - Request for change of recipient of monthly social insurance benefits with confirmation from the commune, ward (Form 3-CBH);
- In cases where the guardian is not natural, accompany with the legal guardianship certificate according to law

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 805)
Payment according to list issuance cycle
23 Process when the recipient of monthly social insurance benefits in cash switches to receiving via ATM card and vice versa. Notification of change in beneficiary's information
(Form 18-CBH);

(Specific documents and forms according to PGNHS 806)
Payment according to list issuance cycle

View more Decision 262/QD-BHXH issued by Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance.


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
Editorial Director: Mr. Bui Tuong Vu - Tel. 028 3935 2079
P.702A , Centre Point, 106 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, HCM City;