Guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students in Vietnam in the academic year 2024-2025

Guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students in Vietnam in the academic year 2024-2025
Quốc Tuấn

The following article will provide guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students in Vietnam in the academic year 2024-2025

Guidance  on  Thematic  Communication  about  Health  Insurance  for  Students  in  the  Academic  Year  2024-2025

Guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students in Vietnam in the academic year 2024-2025 (Image from the internet)

On July 26, 2024, Vietnam Social Security issued Official Dispatch 2528/BHXH-TT regarding thematic communication about health insurance for students in the academic year 2024-2025.

Guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students in Vietnam in the academic year 2024-2025

Specifically, Vietnam Social Security provides guidance on thematic communication about health insurance for students as follows:

(1) Subjects of Communication

- Students.- Parents or guardians of students.- Management staff, teachers, and lecturers at educational and vocational training institutions.- Party Committees, governments, political - social organizations at all levels.

(2) Communication Messages

- For the health of our children, for the future of the country, join student health insurance.

- Student health insurance cares for and protects health

- For a dynamic, creative young generation.

- Health insurance for students supports comprehensive development.

- Student health insurance accompanies the new academic year.

- Students joining health insurance share risks and reduce financial burdens when seeking medical care.- Students joining health insurance receive initial healthcare right at school.

- Students joining health insurance aim to achieve universal health insurance.

- Use the VssID

- Digital Social Insurance application for medical care and to track participation and benefits of student health insurance.

- Students can use the VneID application for health insurance medical care.

- Student health insurance

- Peace of mind for studying, lighting up dreams.

- Student health insurance

- Reasonable cost, optimal benefits.

- Donate health insurance cards to needy students - Spreading kindness and love.

(3) Communication Content and Forms

(3.1) Communication Content

- The importance, humanistic and humanitarian values, and community-sharing nature of the student health insurance policy (SHI); participating in SHI is the right and responsibility of every student.

- Benefits, contribution levels, and participation methods of student health insurance; students participating in SHI receive at least 30% support from the state budget and additional support from local budgets (if any).

- Contents of documents guiding the implementation of the student SHI policy for the academic year 2024-2025 by the Vietnam Social Security sector.

- Results of the implementation of the student SHI policy for the academic year 2023-2024: Initial healthcare at schools funded by the SHI fund; reimbursement of medical expenses for students (including specific information about students who had high medical expenses covered by the SHI fund).

- The significance, features, and utilities of the VssID

- Digital Social Insurance application (VssID application) for students, such as: Using the health insurance card image on the application for medical care (parents or guardians of students under 14 without an identification card can install the VssID application for the students); capturing information and monitoring the participation and benefits of the SHI policy for students. Students with identification cards can use the health insurance card image on the VneID application (integrated with health insurance card information) for medical care.

- Spreading examples of "good people, good deeds", experiences, initiatives, and best practices; commending collectives and individuals with significant achievements in organizing and implementing the student SHI policy.

- Promoting and mobilizing: Every student and parent to become a communicator about health insurance; organizations and individuals to donate health insurance cards to needy students.

(3.2) Communication Forms

- Communication via the communication channels of the Vietnam Social Security sector: E-portal, social media pages of Vietnam Social Security and provincial social insurance authorities; Social Insurance Magazine; VssID application; Customer Care Hotline. Concurrently, communication through social media pages of officials and public employees and workers throughout the sector.

Note: Selected information for publication and sharing must be sourced from official information channels of the central and local press agencies; E-portals of Vietnam Social Security/provincial social insurance authorities; Social Insurance Magazine.

- Communication through: Communication conferences; consultancy and dialogue conferences; small group communication; direct or online contests to understand the student SHI policy; etc.

- Communication on: The Internet environment; the E-portal of the provincial People's Committee and related provincial departments and authorities (Department of Education and Training; Provincial Youth Union; etc.).

- Communication through central and local news agencies.

- Communication through the local public address system and mobile communication.

- Promotion via media products: Leaflets, brochures, Infographics, motion graphics, clips, etc.

- Organizing and hanging banners, slogans, pennants, etc. (with the messages in section 2 of this Official Dispatch) on the main roads and streets of cities, district-level towns, commune-level towns crowded with people and at some educational institutions (if deemed necessary). Time for hanging: From September 4 to September 18, 2024.

(4) Implementation Period: From August to December 2024.

See detailed contents at Official Dispatch 2528/BHXH-TT issued on July 26, 2024.


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