Cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025

Cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025
Tấn Đại

The following article discusses the cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025, according to the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024.

Cases  of  Revocation  of  Vehicle  Registration  Certificates,  License  Plates  for  Motor  Vehicles,  Special-Use  Motorcycles  from  January  1,  2025

Cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025 (Internet image)

1. Cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025

According to the provisions at Clause 6, Article 39 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024, the cases of revocation of certificate of vehicle and license plate registration for motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic in Vietnam include:

- Transfer of vehicle ownership; in the case of transfer, exchange, gifting, or inheritance of a vehicle linked with an auction-winning license plate, only the vehicle registration certificate will be revoked;- Imported vehicles exempt from tax or temporarily imported vehicles of foreign agencies, organizations, or individuals that are re-exported, transferred ownership, or destroyed; vehicles at the end of their registration period in special economic - trade zones or international border-gate economic zones;- Vehicles that have been registered but discovered to have falsified documentation or found, through authoritative conclusion, to have illegally altered frame numbers or engine numbers; vehicles with engines dismantled for registration for use on another vehicle;- Motor vehicles that are expired, or damaged and unusable;- Vehicles that are discarded, lost, and cannot be found, and whose owners request to revoke their vehicle registration certificates and license plates;- Issuance of registration and license plates in a manner not conformable with the law.

2. Cases where motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles are Issued temporary license plates and registration in Vietnam from January 1, 2025

The motorized vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles are Issued temporary license plates and registration in Vietnam in cases provided for in Clause 5, Article 39 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 including:

- Vehicles with certificates of technical safety and environmental protection, factory inspection certificates for motor vehicles, special-use motorcycles moving from the factory to the warehouse, port, or from the warehouse, port, factory, dealership to the registration place or to other dealerships or storage facilities;

- Vehicles undergoing revocation procedures for re-export or transfer of ownership; vehicles serving events organized by the Communist Party and the State; vehicles registered abroad permitted by competent authorities including right-hand drive vehicles (reverse steering) entering Vietnam for temporary transit, temporary import, re-export for attending conferences, fairs, exhibitions, sports, or tourism events, except vehicles not required to have temporary license plates under international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member, and cases stipulated at Article 55 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024;

- Trial vehicles for research and development purposes needing to participate in road traffic that comply with the provisions at point h, Clause 5, Article 42 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024: Technical requirements for motor vehicles, special-use motorcycles under trial needing to participate in road traffic.

More details can be found in the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 effective from January 1, 2025, except for Clause 3, Article 10 effective from January 1, 2026.

The Law on Road Traffic 2008 (as amended and supplemented) will cease to be effective from the date that the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 takes effect, except for cases stipulated at Clauses 1, 2, 5, and 6 of Article 89 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024.

NQ 73/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly regarding the pilot auction of car license plates will cease to be effective from the date the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 takes effect, except for cases stipulated in Clause 7, Article 89 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024.


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