Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from January 16 to January 29, 2023)

Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from January 16 to January 29, 2023)
Võ Ngọc Nhi

6 forms of audit dossiers in the field of corporate audit to be applied as of February 24, 2023; GDP per capita to reach 32.000 USD by 2050; etc., are notable contents that will be covered in this bulletin.

1. New regulation of Vietnam on 6 forms of audit dossiers in the field of corporate audit to be applied as of February 24, 2023

On January 10, 2023, the Deputy Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam promulgated Decision No. 01/2023/QD-KTNN on the System of forms of audit dossiers.

According to the Decision, 6 forms of corporate audit dossiers to be applied as of February 24, 2023 are as follows:

- Form No. 01/KHKT-DN: Audit Plan for…

 (Applicable to audits of financial reports and operations related to the management and use of state capital and property of enterprises)

- Form No. 01/BBKT-DN:

Audit records of…

 (Applicable to Audit Teams of financial reports and operations related to the management and use of state capital and property of enterprises)

- Form No. 01/BCKT-DN: Audit reports on…

 (Applicable to audits of financial reports and operations related to the management and use of state capital and property of enterprises)

- Form No. 02/BCKT-DN: Audit reports on…

 (Applicable to audits of performance of obligations regarding the state budget and the performance of rights and responsibilities of representatives of state capital in managing and using state capital and property of enterprises with 50% or less of their charter capital owned by the State)

- Form No. 03/BCKT-DN: Audit reports on…

 (Applicable to audits of results of valuation consultancy and handling of financial issues before the official announcement of the values of equitized enterprises)

- Form No. 04/BCKT-DN: Audit reports on…

 (Applicable to audits of final settlement of the values of state capital at the time enterprises are officially converted to joint stock companies)

See more details in Decision No. 01/2023/QD-KTNN, which comes into force as of February 24, 2023.

2. GDP per capita in Vietnam to reach 32.000 USD by 2050

On January 9, 2023, the National Assembly of Vietnam approved Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 on the national master plan 2021-2030, with a vision toward 2050.

According to the Resolution, the vision by 2050 according to the national master planning is stipulated as follows:

- 2031-2050, strive for an average gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 6,5 - 7,5% per year.  

By 2050, GPD per capita, according to the current assessment, will reach about 27.000 - 32.000 UDS, the urbanization rate will reach 70 - 75%, the human development index (HDI) will reach at least 0,8, people's life will be happy, and the national defense and security will be firmly ensured.

Additionally, the Resolution also stipulates objectives to be achieved by 2050:

- Vietnam will be a developed country with high income, a sufficient, synchronous, and modern socialist-oriented market economic institution, and a civilized, democratic, and fair society; a complete social administration on social media.

- An economy operated following methods of the digital economy, green economy, and circular economy; science, technology, and innovation will be the main growth drives.

- Vietnam will be in the group of top developed industrial countries in Asia and a regional and international financial center; the development of an ecological farming economy with high values will be in the world's leading groups.

- Vietnam will become a strong maritime country and a marine economic center of the Asia-Pacific region and proactively and responsibly participate in settling international and regional issues concerning the sea and ocean.

See more details in Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 dated January 9, 2023.

3. New regulation of Vietnam on personal protective equipment

On November 30, 2022, the Minister of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 25/2022/TT-BLDTBXH on regulations on the grant of personal protective equipment

According to the Circular, personal protective equipment is as follows:

- Head protective equipment.

- Eye and face protective equipment.

- Hearing protective equipment.

- Respiratory protective equipment.

- Hand protective equipment.

- Foot protective equipment.

 (Compared to Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BLDTBXH, Circular No. 25/2022/TT-BLDTBXH replaces “hand and foot protective equipment” with “hand protective equipment and foot protective equipment”)

- Body protective equipment.

- Equipment preventing falls from height.

- Equipment preventing electrocution, electromagnetic field, and radiation.

 (Compared to Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BLDTBXH, Circular No. 25/2022/TT-BLDTBXH adds equipment preventing radiation for workers)

- Equipment preventing drowning.

 (Compared to Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BLDTBXH, Circular No. 25/2022/TT-BLDTBXH replaces “equipment preventing death by drowning” with “equipment preventing drowning”)

- Other equipment that ensures occupational safety and hygiene.

See more details in Circular No. 25/2022/TT-BLDTBXH, which comes into force as of April 1, 2023.

4. New regulation of Vietnam on the indexation rate of monthly salary and income after payment of social insurance

On January 3, 2023, the Minister of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 01/2023/TT-BLDTBXH on the indexation rate of monthly salary and income after payment of social insurance.

According to the Circular, the indexation rate of monthly salary and income after social insurance payment is as follows:

- Before 1995: 5,26 (increased by 0,16 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 1995: 4,46 (increased by 0,13 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 1996: 4,22 (increased by 0,13 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 1997: 4,09 (increased by 0,13 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 1998: 3,80 (increased by 0,27 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 1999: 3,64 (increased by 0,06 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2000: 3,7 (increased by 0,11 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2001: 3,71 (increased by 0,12 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2002: 3,57 (increased by 0,11 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2003: 3,64 (increased by 0,29 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2004: 3,21 (increased by 0,10 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2005: 2,96 (increased by 0,09 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2006: 2,76 (increased by 0,09 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2007: 2,55 (increased by 0,08 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2008: 2,07 (increased by 0,06 compared to the 2022 indexation rate);

- 2023: 1,00;...

Circular No. 01/2023/TT-BLDTBXH comes into force as of February 20, 2023.


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