Responsibility of state agencies in response to incidents of nuclear power plants in Vietnam

Decree 70/2010/ND-CP detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on atomic energy regarding nuclear power plants, which has just been issued by the Government, stipulates the responsibility of state agencies in response to incidents of nuclear power plants in Vietnam.

Responsibility of state agencies in response to incidents of nuclear power plants in Vietnam
Responsibility of state agencies in response to incidents of nuclear power plants in Vietnam (Internet image)

Article 40 of Decree 70/2010/ND-CP stipulates the following:

- The responsibility of Prime Minister: direct the taking of appropriate actions in response to incidents of nuclear power plants by mobilizing all forces to protect national assets and people's property and life.

- The responsibility of Ministry of Science and Technology: assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministries of Industry and Trade. National Defense, and Public Security, and provincial-level People's Committees of localities in which nuclear power plants are located in working out plans of action in response to incidents at the national level and submitting them to the Government for approval.

- The responsibility of National Committee for Search and Rescue: assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with concerned ministries, sectors and localities in. ensuring the readiness of manpower and means to cope with incidents; and propose the Prime Minister to consider and decide on participation in and entry into international or regional cooperation on action in response to nuclear power incidents, with regard to matters falling beyond its competence.

- The responsibility of Provincial-level People's Committees in localities in which nuclear power plants are located: work out plans of action in response to incidents at the provincial level.

In addition, the agencies with assigned tasks in plans of action in response to incidents shall submit to direction by the National Committee for Search and Rescue and concerned provincial-level People's Committees in the preparation for and implementation of these plans.

More details can be found in Decree 70/2010/ND-CP, which comes into force from August 10, 2010.

Nguyen Phu


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