04 Regulations Officials Should Know Effective from June 2018

From June 2018, many new documents related to rank promotion, commendation and reward, and officials and public employees' tasks officially come into effect.

1. Regulation on Promotion for Academic Titles for Public Employees Teaching in Public Higher Education Institutions

Circular 12/2018/TT-BGDDT, effective from June 1, 2018, specifies the regulation on the promotion of academic titles for lecturers in public universities.

The promotion council is established and organized by the head of the agency or unit, carrying out the promotion process in steps: Preparation for promotion, organization of dossier review, and conduct of the promotion review.

2. Prohibited Acts in Administrative Procedures under the One-Stop Mechanism

Officials and public employees assigned the task of guiding, receiving dossiers, handling, and delivering results of administrative procedures under the one-stop and interconnected one-stop mechanisms at the One-Stop Department and at competent authorities are prohibited from performing certain acts such as:

- Exercising power, harassing, causing inconvenience, or creating difficulties for organizations or individuals in executing administrative procedures;- Unauthorized obstruction or prevention of the transmission, sending, and receiving of electronic data; alteration, deletion, destruction, forgery, unauthorized copying, or illegal movement of part or all of the content data executing administrative procedures;- Refusing to execute, prolonging the time for resolution of administrative procedures, or arbitrarily requesting additional dossiers or documents beyond the legal provisions...

The above content is based on Decree 61/2018/ND-CP, effective from June 21, 2018.

3. Reducing One-Third of the Tenure Requirement for Award Consideration for Female Officers Working in the Court

Specifically, Clause 11 Article 5 of Circular 01/2018/TT-TANDTC stipulates that for female leadership and management officers, the tenure required for award consideration due to contributions is reduced by one-third compared to the general regulations.

Additionally, when multiple individuals or collectives meet the criteria and standards for an award, preference is given to female individuals or collectives with a higher ratio of females.

4. The Inspection Committee Has the Authority to Request Party Members Not to Exit the Country

The Central Executive Committee has recently issued Regulation 01-QDi/TW regarding the responsibilities and authorities of the inspection committee in the work of anti-corruption.

When detecting signs of corruption violations by party members, the inspection committee has the authority to request that party members do not exit the country. When necessary, the inspection committee can request competent authorities to temporarily suspend the exit of party members showing signs of violations and potential escape.

The above content is based on Clause 5 Article 5 of Regulation 01-QDi/TW.


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