Procedures for public employee recruitment examination in 2024 in Vietnam

What are the procedures for public employee recruitment examination in 2024 in Vietnam? What are the conditions for registration of public employee recruitment in Vietnam? - Hoang Nguyen (Nghe An)

Procedures for public employee recruitment examination in 2024 in Vietnam

Procedures for public employee recruitment examination in 2024 in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On December 31, 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs issued Decision 1098/QD-BNV announcing administrative procedures specified in Decree 85/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 115/2020/ND-CP on recruitment, use, and management of public employees.

1. Procedures for public employee recruitment examination in 2024 in Vietnam

The order for carrying out public employee recruitment examination procedures is as follows:

Step 1. The applicant submits the application registration form according to Form No. 01 issued with Decree 85/2023/ND-CP at the location receiving the application registration form or sent by post or via the website or electronic information portal of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

The deadline for receiving the recruitment registration form is 30 days from the date of the recruitment announcement published in the mass media or on the website or portal of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

Step 2. The examination board examines the application registration form

In case the candidate does not meet the conditions and criteria for admission, no later than 05 working days from the date of completion of checking the application registration form, the recruitment council is responsible for sending a written notice to the candidate registered at the address where the candidate has registered.

Step 3. Organize the public employee recruitment exam:

The public employee recruitment exam is conducted in 2 rounds as follows:

- Round 1: General knowledge test using a computer-based multiple-choice test. The exam content includes 02 parts, specifically as follows:

+ Part I: General knowledge, 60 questions about understanding public employee law, the Party's policies and guidelines, and policies and laws in the recruitment industry and field. The exam duration is 60 minutes.

In case the candidates have achieved the results of the input quality inspection according to the regulations on public employee input quality inspection, they will be exempt from the Part I exam.

+ Part II: Foreign Language, 30 questions as required by the job position in one of five languages: English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or choose another foreign language as required by the job position. The exam duration is 30 minutes.

For job positions that do not require a foreign language in the training and retraining standards and according to the job description and job position competency framework, Part II exams are not required.

+ The results of round 1 are determined by the number of correct answers for each part of the test specified in Points a and b of this Clause; If the candidate answers 50% or more of the questions correctly for each section, they can continue to the second round.

- Round 2: Exam for specialized professional subjects

+ Exam format: Based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the job position to be filled, the head of the recruitment agency chooses one of three exam formats: Oral, practical, or written.

In case of choosing the written exam form, the candidates can choose one of three forms: multiple choice, essay, or multiple choice combined with essay.

+ Exam content: Test the candidate's knowledge and professional skills according to the requirements of the job position to be filled.

The content of the specialized professional exam must be based on the tasks and standards of professional capacity and professionalism of the public employee's professional title and must be consistent with the requirements of the job position being filled.

In the same entrance exam, if there are job positions that require different expertise and skills, the Civil Service Recruitment Council must organize and develop different specialized professional exam questions corresponding to the requirements of the job position to be filled. . Work related to setting exam questions must be kept confidential according to the provisions of the law.

+ Exam duration: 30 minutes of oral questioning (candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare, not included in the exam duration); 180 minutes of writing (excluding copying time); The duration of the practical exam is decided by the head of the recruitment agency based on the nature and characteristics of the professional activities of the job position to be filled.

+ Scoring scale (answer, practice, writing): 100 points.

+ Based on the needs and characteristics of the agency or unit, the head of the recruitment agency shall decide on higher requirements regarding the content, form, and time of the second round exam specified in this Clause.

- In case of organizing a foreign language exam, a foreign language certificate is not required; if successful, it is considered to meet foreign language standards.

Exemption from the foreign language test specified in Point b of Clause 1 of this Article for the following cases:

+ Holding a diploma in a foreign language major (English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or other languages as required for the position) at the same level of training or at a higher level of training than the required professional qualifications and expertise for the applied position.

+ Having a diploma at the same training level or at a higher training level than the professional training level required by the job position applied for, study abroad, or study in a foreign language (English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or other foreign languages as required by the job position) in Vietnam, recognized by competent authorities, or be automatically recognized according to the provisions of law.

+ Having a specialized diploma in a foreign language according to regulations with a value equivalent to or higher than the foreign language standard required by the job position applied for.

+ Having an ethnic minority language certificate to apply for jobs directly related to ethnic minorities or jobs working in ethnic minority areas; Being ethnic minorities applying for jobs directly related to ethnic minorities or jobs working in ethnic minority areas.

Step 4. Announce the results of employee recruitment

After completing the marking of round 2 according to regulations, no later than 05 working days later, the recruitment council must report to the head of the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees to consider and recognize the recruitment results.

Within 10 days from the date of the decision to recognize the recruitment results,
The recruitment council must make a public announcement on the website or portal of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.and send a written notice of recognition of admission results to the candidate at the address that the candidate has registered. The content of the notice must clearly state the length of stay.

Step 5. Complete the recruitment dossier

- Within 30 days from the date of receiving notice of admission results, the successful candidate must complete the recruitment dossier, including:

+ Copies of diplomas and certificates as required by the job position applied for; certification of priority subjects (if any);

If the candidate has one of the diplomas or certificates specified in Clause 3 of Article 9 of this Decree, it can be used instead of a foreign language certificate.

+ Judicial record card No. 1 issued by a competent authority.

- In the event that the selected candidate fails to complete the recruitment dossier as required, engages in fraudulent activities in completing the Application Form, or is found to have used diplomas, certificates, or credentials that do not comply with regulations to participate in the recruitment process, the head of the competent recruiting agency or unit shall make a decision to invalidate the selection results.

In case the applicant commits fraud in declaring the application form or uses diplomas, certificates, or certifications that do not comply with regulations to participate in the application, the agency or unit with recruitment authority will publicly announce it on the agency's or unit's electronic information page or portal and will not accept recruitment registration forms in the next recruitment period.

Step 6. Sign a work contract and accept the job

- No later than 15 days from the date the successful candidate completes the recruitment dossier, the head of the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees shall issue a recruitment decision and, at the same time, send the decision to the successful candidate at the registered address, and the public service unit employing the employee shall know and sign a working contract with the employee.

- Within 30 days from the date of receiving the recruitment decision, the person recruited as a public employee must go to the public service unit employing the public employee to sign a working contract and accept the job, unless the recruitment decision stipulates a different deadline or the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees agrees to extend it.

- A fixed-term working contract is a contract in which the two parties determine the term and termination date of the contract within a period of 12 to 60 months (Form No. 02 or Form No. 03).

- An indefinite-term working contract is a contract in which the two parties do not specify the term or termination date of the contract (Form No. 04).

2. Conditions for registration of public employee recruitment in Vietnam

The employment registration conditions are as prescribed in Article 22 of the Law on Public Employees 2010. Agencies and units with authority to recruit public employees specified in Clause 1, Article 24 of the Law on Public Employees 2010 are supplemented with other conditions according to the requirements of the job position specified at Point G, Clause 1, Article 22 of the Law on Public Employees 2010, but must not be lower than the general standards, must not be contrary to the provisions of the law, and must not discriminate between types of training.

- A person who meets all the following conditions, regardless of nationality, gender, social status, belief and religion, may register for public employee recruitment:

+ Bearing Vietnamese citizenship and residing in Vietnam:

+ Reaching full 18 years of age. For a number of areas of cultural activity, arts. physical training and spoils, the age eligible for recruitment may be lower as provided by law with written consent of at-law representatives:

+ Filing an application for recruitment:

+ Having a clear personal background;

+ Possessing diplomas, training certificates or practice certificates or aptitude and skills relevant to the working position for which he/she applies:

+ Being physically fit for work or tasks;

+ Meeting other conditions required by the working position for which he/she applies and determined by the public non-business unit, which must not be contrary to law.

- The following persons may not register for public employee recruitment:

+ Having lost civil act capacity or having such capacity restricted;

+ Being examined for penal liability; currently serving a criminal sentence or ruling of the court or serving the administrative measure of confinement to a medical treatment establishment, an educational institution or a reformatory.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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