New policies for Vietnamese officials and public employees working in extremely disadvantaged areas in 2018

The Government of Vietnam is currently soliciting feedback on the draft Decree regarding policies for officials and public employees (Vietnamese official and public employee) and those receiving salaries within the armed forces working in areas with particularly challenging socio-economic conditions. The proposed allowance levels for each type of subsidy are as follows:

Preferential Allowance

- Option 1: No preferential allowance due to conflicts arising with other occupations.

- Option 2: Officials working at educational establishments and medical facilities receive 70% of the current salary based on their rank, grade, and position, plus leadership position allowances and out-of-frame seniority allowances (if any).

Attraction Allowance

There are two levels of attraction allowance:

- Level of 70% of monthly salary, including: position salary, rank, grade, or rank rate, and leadership position allowance, out-of-frame seniority allowance (if any) for communes in Region III of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, especially difficult hamlets.

- Level of 50% of monthly salary, including: position salary, rank, grade, or rank rate, and leadership position allowance, out-of-frame seniority allowance (if any) for communes in Region II of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, especially difficult communes in coastal flats and islands.

The period for receiving allowance is the actual working time in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions, not exceeding 5 years.

Allowance Amount = Statutory Pay Rate x Salary multiplier based on position, rank, grade, or rank rate + Leadership position allowance multiplier (if any) + Out-of-frame seniority multiplier (if any) x 70% or 50%

Vietnamese official and public employee and armed forces personnel receive monthly allowances calculated based on actual working time in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions.

Long-term Service Allowance

The allowance rates are as follows:

- Level of 0.5 compared to statutory pay rate if the working period is from 5 to less than 10 years.

- Level of 0.7 compared to statutory pay rate if the working period is from 10 to less than 15 years.

- Level of 1.0 compared to statutory pay rate if the working period is 15 years or more.

Calculation method:

Allowance Amount = Statutory Pay Rate x Allowance rate based on actual working time in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions

Initial Grants and Relocation Allowances

- Male: working period in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions from 5 years or more.

- Female: working period in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions from 3 years or more.

Specific grants:

- Initial grant of 10 months statutory pay rate.

- In case the family relocates, they are entitled to train fare, luggage costs, and a relocation allowance of 12 months statutory pay rate for the household.

Subsidy for Purchasing and Transporting Fresh and Clean Water

In cases where areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions lack fresh and clean water seasonally, Vietnamese official and public employee and armed forces personnel receive subsidies for purchasing and transporting fresh and clean water for daily living needs after deducting the cost of fresh water calculated in their salary.

- Monthly allowance: a x (c – d)- Annual allowance: a x (c – d) x b


- a: standard norm of 6 m3/person/month.

- b: actual months lacking fresh and clean water in a year.

- c: cost of purchasing and transporting water as stipulated by the provincial People's Committee.

- d: price of fresh and clean water used for calculating the cost in salary as set by the local competent authority.

One-time Allowance for Transfer from Areas with Particularly Difficult Socioeconomic Conditions

Eligibility for allowance: must have actual working time in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions from 10 years or more.

Calculation method:

Allowance Amount = 1/2 x Number of working years in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions x Current monthly salary, including: position salary, rank, grade, or rank rate, and leadership position allowance, out-of-frame seniority allowance (if any)

Reimbursement of Travel Costs

Vietnamese official and public employee and armed forces personnel are reimbursed for travel expenses to and from home while on leave according to labor laws.

Allowance for Study, Training, and Professional Development

Specific Case Entitled Benefits
Assigned to study professional training, foreign languages, field trips to exchange experiences - Cost of learning materials according to legal invoice or receipt.
- 100% tuition fee according to legal invoice or receipt of the training institution.
- Travel expenses.
Excellence in task performance according to annual evaluation results - Once a year, a maximum of 15 days of organization for field trips, exchange of experiences within the country.
- Reimbursement of train fare, accommodation rental, and per diem allowance according to current policies on business trip expenses and incurred costs if there are sufficient valid receipts within the settlement limits.
Self-studying and proficiently using local minority languages for professional work - One-time support for purchasing materials.
- A training subsidy.
- The level is decided by the provincial People's Committee, but not exceeding 3 million per person per language, 5 million per person for two languages.

See the full text of the new regulations in the Draft Decree expected to take effect from 2018, replacing the following documents and provisions:

- Decree 116/2010/ND-CP on policies for Vietnamese official and public employee and wage earners in the armed forces working in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions;

- Decree 64/2009/ND-CP on policies for health officials working in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions;

- Articles 7, 8, 10, 11, and 14 of Chapter 3 Decree 61/2006/ND-CP on policies for teachers, education administrators working in special schools, in areas with particularly difficult socioeconomic conditions;

- Clauses 2 and 4 of Article 1 Decree 19/2013/ND-CP amending and supplementing Decree 61/2006/ND-CP


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