Vietnam: How long does it take for settlement of dossier for pension enjoyment for servicemen?

Recently, the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam has issued the Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BQP providing guidance on dossiers, processes and responsibilities for handling social insurance benefits within the Ministry of National Defense.

Thời hạn giải quyết hồ sơ hưởng lương hưu cho quân nhân, Thông tư 136/2020/TT-BQP


According to Article 30 of the Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BQP of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, time limit for settlement of social insurance benefits for servicemen; persons who do cipher work receiving salary as servicemen; national defense officials, workers and national defense employees; workers under contracts in agencies, units and enterprises attached to the Ministry of National Defense are specified as follows:

* Dossier for pension enjoyment

- Within 10 days for regiment level and equivalent, 10 days for division level and equivalent, 10 days for units under the Ministry, from the date of receipt of valid dossiers for monthly pension enjoyment, the personnel agency completes the application and sends it to the Social Insurance agency of the Ministry of National Defense;

- Within 20 days from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the Social Security agency of the Ministry of National Defense shall complete the decision on monthly pension enjoyment for employees;

- The time limit for handing over retirement documents to employees before the time of receiving pension is at least 15 days (the unit completes the application and sends it to the Social Security agency of the Ministry of National Defense at least 60 days before the employee receives the pension).

* Dossier for enjoyment of lump-sum social insurance allowance

- Within 05 days for regiment level and equivalent, 05 days for division level and equivalent, 05 days for units under the Ministry, from the date of receipt of valid dossiers for enjoyment of lump-sum social insurance allowance, the personnel agency completes the application and sends it to the Social Insurance agency of the Ministry of National Defense;

- Within 10 days from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the Social Security agency of the Ministry of National Defense shall complete the decision on enjoyment of lump-sum social insurance allowance for employees;

- The time limit for handing the decision on enjoyment of lump-sum social insurance allowance for employees before the date of demobilization or resignation is at least 05 days (the unit completes the application and sends it to the Social Security agency of the Ministry of National Defense before the date of demobilization or resignation at least 30 days).

- For non-commissioned officers, soldiers: After 15 days from the date on which the head of the focal unit under the Ministry of National Defense signs the decision on demobilize, personnel agencies of units affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense shall synthesize dossiers according to regulations and send them to the Social Security agencies of the Ministry of Defense to have a basis for confirming the settlement and allocating social insurance expenses to the units;

If the application is not resolved, the application-receiving agency must notify the employee in writing and clearly state the reason.

View more details at the Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BQP of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, effective from December 12, 2020.

Le Vy


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