Guidelines for Drafting Reports for Trade Union Congresses at All Levels

Recently, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor issued Guidance 452/HD-TLD in 2017 on the preparation of reports for Trade Union congresses at all levels. It includes general requirements, structure, and content for the executive board at the congress...

Reports from the Trade Union Congresses at all levels must meet the following requirements:

- Must be concise, general, and focus on the core issues of the worker movement, public employee labor, and trade union activities. Correctly assess the strengths and achieved results; frankly point out the weaknesses and limitations; analyze subjective and objective causes, and draw lessons from the direction, implementation, and organization of trade union tasks.- Focus on building the orientation for the new term with a system of targets, indicators, tasks, and practical solutions suitable to the political tasks of the locality, units, the needs, and aspirations of workers, public employees, laborers, and trade union members; align with the political report orientation of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; ensure practicality.- Need to ensure the guiding perspective, general orientation of the direct superior Trade Union Executive Committee, with specific proposals and recommendations to the Communist Party, the State, and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Structure and Content of the Report

The report has a traditional structure, consisting of 3 parts, focusing on the main contents:

- Introduction: Describes the context in which the congress takes place.- Part One: Assessment of the situation of workers, public employees, laborers, and the implementation of the resolution of the last term's trade union congress- Assess the situation of workers, public employees, laborers in terms of: Quantity, structure, and quality (structure, education level, occupation, political stance), labor and employment, wages, income and living standards (material and spiritual), housing and living conditions, working conditions, labor relations, labor disputes, and strikes, and the state of mind and morale.- Evaluate the implementation of the resolution of the last term's congress: Review, analyze and assess the results achieved in implementing each task; the limitations, weaknesses, and causes; draw lessons.- Part Two: Goals, orientations, tasks of the Trade Union for the new term - Proposals and recommendations- Research and define goals, targets, tasks of your level for the 2018-2023 term; especially select and detail major orientations proposed for the 12th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor that have received feedback from the Presidium and Executive Committee of the General Confederation (attached with documentation).- Proposals and recommendations of trade union officials, members, workers, public employees, laborers, and trade unions at all levels for their respective professional organizations and higher-level trade unions.- Some issues to note:- Besides the main report of the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial, Municipal Labor Union, the Central Sector Trade Union and equivalent unions, and the General Corporation Trade Union under the General Confederation should present a number of specific thematic reports.- There should be an appendix with data clarifying the results attached to the report.- To ensure that the congress has ample time for delegate discussion, a summary report should be presented at the congress, with a detailed report for delegates to study during and after the congress (the full text of the detailed report should not be presented at the Congress).

Additionally, the Guidance also mentions the content of discussions, and collection of feedback on the draft documents for the trade union congress at all levels.


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