Tasks and powers of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam

What are the tasks and powers of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam? - Khai Nhu (HCMC)

Tasks and powers of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam

Tasks and powers of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Position and functions of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam

- The district inspectorate is a specialized agency under the district people's committee, assisting the district people's committee in managing state inspection work, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption and misconduct; carrying out inspection tasks within the scope of state management of the district people's committee; performing citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors as prescribed by law.

- The district inspectorate has legal person status, a seal, and separate accounts; it is under the direction and administration of the chairman of the district people's committee and is guided in professional work by the provincial inspectorate.

Tasks and powers of the district inspectorate for anti-corruption in Vietnam

The district inspectorate carries out its tasks and powers as prescribed by law on inspection, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors, and specific tasks and powers as follows:

- Submitting to the district people's committee:

+ Draft decisions and other documents on inspection work, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors; draft documents defining the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the district inspectorate;

+ Draft programs, plans for the implementation of tasks on inspection, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors; draft other assigned documents.

- Submitting to the Chairman of the district people's committee draft documents on inspection, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors within the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the district people's committee when assigned.

- Organizing the implementation of legal documents, programs, plans, and documents on inspection, citizen reception, processing of petitions, complaints, and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors; providing professional guidance on inspection work, citizen reception, processing of petitions, complaints, and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors to agencies, organizations, units under the district people's committee, and commune-level officials and public servants.

- Disseminating, popularizing, and educating the law on inspection, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors.

- Guiding, inspecting, and urging the Chairman of the commune people's committee, the head of the specialized agency under the district people's committee, in the implementation of the law on inspection, citizen reception, handling complaints and denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors.

- Regarding inspection:

+ Developing a draft inspection plan for the district inspectorate, reporting it to the Chairman of the district people's committee for consideration and decision before sending it to the provincial inspectorate to be included in the provincial inspection plan;

+ Organizing the implementation of tasks of the district inspectorate within the provincial inspection plan; inspecting the implementation of policies, laws, and tasks; exercising the powers of the specialized agencies under the district people's committee and the commune people's committee; inspecting other cases when assigned by the Chairman of the district people's committee;

+ Monitoring, urging, and inspecting the implementation of conclusions, recommendations of the district inspectorate, and decisions on inspection by the Chairman of the district people's committee.

- Regarding citizen reception, handling complaints, and denunciations:

+ Guiding the commune people's committees and the agencies, organizations, and units under the jurisdiction of the district people's committee in implementing the reception of citizens, handling petitions, complaints, and denunciations, and resolving complaints and denunciations;

+ The inspectorate is responsible for implementing the law on citizen reception, complaints, and denunciations for the specialized departments under the district people's committee, the commune people's committee, public service units, and other units under the district people's committee as prescribed by law; proposing measures to enhance the work of handling complaints and denunciations within the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the district people's committee;

+ Verifying, reporting the results of verification, and proposing measures to resolve cases of complaints and denunciations within the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the district people's committee when assigned;

+ Monitoring, urging, and inspecting the agencies under the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the district people's committee in handling complaints; proposing to the Chairman of the district people's committee or proposing to the competent authority to apply necessary measures to terminate violations, consider responsibilities, and handle individuals who violate the law on complaints.

+ Reviewing the settlement of denunciations that have been resolved by the Chairman of the commune people's committee and the heads of the specialized agencies under the district people's committee but show signs of violating the law; in cases where there is a basis to believe that the settlement of the denunciations has violated the law, proposing to the Chairman of the district people's committee to review and resolve them according to regulations;

+ Monitoring, urging, and inspecting the implementation of decisions on the settlement of complaints, conclusions on the content of denunciations, and decisions on handling denunciations by the Chairman of the district people's committee when assigned;

+ Receiving, processing petitions; resolving complaints and denunciations within their jurisdiction as prescribed by law.

- Regarding anti-corruption and combat:

+ Assisting the district people's committee in managing state work on anti-corruption and combat; implementing tasks and powers in anti-corruption and combat according to regulations;

+ Coordinating with the State Audit, Investigative Agency, People's Procuracy, and People's Court in preventing, detecting, preventing, and handling corruption;

+ Inspecting and supervising internally to prevent corruption and negative behaviors in the activities of the district inspectorate.

- In the process of performing inspection tasks, receiving citizens, handling complaints and denunciations, and preventing and combating corruption, the district inspectorate exercises its powers according to the law; relevant agencies and units are required to assign officials to participate in inspection teams and handle complaints and denunciations.

- Organizing the application of scientific and technological advances; building an information system and storage to serve the state management and professional tasks of the district inspectorate.

- Compiling, informing, and reporting the results of inspection work; receiving citizens; handling complaints and denunciations; preventing and combating corruption according to the regulations of the district people's committee and the provincial inspectorate.

- Managing personnel, implementing regimes, policies, rewards, and discipline for officials within the management scope of the district inspectorate according to the law, and decentralizing the district people's committee.

- Managing and using finances and assets assigned according to the law and the decentralization of the district people's committee.

- Carrying out other tasks assigned by the district people's committee and according to the law.

Legal Basis: Article 4 and 5 of Circular 02/2023/TT-TTCP

Ho Quoc Tuan


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