Regulations on organizing periodic health check-ups for People's Public Security officers and soldiers in Vietnam

What are the regulations on organizing periodic health check-ups for People's Public Security officers and soldiers in Vietnam? - Hong Ngoc (Binh Thuan)

Regulations on organizing periodic health check-ups for People's Public Security officers and soldiers in Vietnam

Regulations on organizing periodic health check-ups for People's Public Security officers and soldiers in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Regulations on organizing periodic health check-ups for People's Public Security officers and soldiers in Vietnam

(1) Periodic health check-ups are conducted in the form of centralized examinations; in some cases, individual examinations may be conducted and performed by the People's Public Security medical facility.

(2) Conditions or facilities providing periodic health check-ups

People's Public Security medical facilities providing periodic health check-ups must ensure the following conditions:

- Be a medical examination and treatment facility that has been granted an operating license according to the provisions of law;

- Have enough clinical and paraclinical examination departments and human resources in accordance with the content of periodic health check-ups and the content recorded in the health examination form specified in Appendices VI, VII, VIII issued together with Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA;

- Have enough minimum medical equipment and tools and organize clinics according to regulations in Appendix IX issued with Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA.

(3) People's Public Security medical facilities that are qualified for periodic health check-ups as prescribed in (2) are responsible for organizing periodic health check-ups for the subjects specified in Clause 3 of Article 2 of Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA.

(4) In case the People's Public Security medical facility does not have enough specialists to perform clinical and pre-clinical examinations, sign a contract with a person who has an appropriate medical examination and treatment license according to the provisions of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 and the Labor Code 2019.

(5) In case the People's Public Security medical facility does not meet the conditions for periodic health check-ups as prescribed in (2):

People's Public Security medical facilities that do not qualify for periodic health check-ups must report to the Head of the unit to coordinate with other Public Security medical facilities that are eligible for partial or full periodic health check-ups according to the law; or sign a partial or full contract with a qualified military or civilian medical facility according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health; Priority is given to coordination with other Public Security medical facilities. The process of coordinating with medical facilities outside the Public Security sector must ensure regulations on protecting state secrets; especially ensuring the confidentiality of the structure, organization, staffing, military numbers of the Public Security unit, and personal information of officers and soldiers.

(6) The number of periodic health check-ups is prescribed as follows

- Organize periodic health check-ups every 6 months for: leaders at department level and equivalent or higher; officers with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or higher; officers and soldiers performing particularly heavy, toxic, or dangerous occupations or jobs that are heavy, toxic, or dangerous; officers and soldiers suffering from occupational diseases;

- Organize periodic health check-ups every 12 months for the remaining subjects.

(7) Content of periodic health examination

- Clinical examination: Ask about illness, including physical symptoms, personal and family medical history; Physical examination includes physical and whole body examination; Internal Medicine examination includes Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Kidney - Urinary, Muscle - Bone - Joint, Endocrine, Neurology; Psychiatric examination; Surgical examination; Eye examination; Ear - Nose - Throat examination; Dental - Jaw - Facial examination; Dermatological examination; Obstetrics and gynecological examination according to Appendix VIII issued with Circular 62/2023/TT-BCAfor women, andrology examination for men;

- Paraclinical examination: Diagnostic imaging (X-ray, ultrasound); functional exploration; Tests include blood tests (hematology, biochemistry, immunology, and microbiology), urine tests; Cell tests, and stool tests (if necessary);

- Clinical and paraclinical examination as prescribed by the doctor; for cases other than the above regulations, it will be implemented in accordance with the groups of subjects specified in Section 3, Table 2, Appendix IV of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP;

- Conclusion:

After a health examination, doctors must classify health according to each specialty, sign and clearly write their full name on the periodic health examination form and be responsible for their conclusions;

The person responsible for concluding the health examination is responsible for concluding: main diseases (if any); treatment monitoring directions; health classification in periodic health examination forms specified in Appendices VI, VII, VIII issued with Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA.

(8) The conclusion of the health examination includes the following contents:

- Health classification: follow the regulations of the Ministry of Health;

- Clearly state diseases and disabilities (if any) and propose treatment plans, rehabilitation, referral for specialized examination for disease treatment, and occupational disease examination.

(9) The person responsible for concluding the health examination signs the periodic health examination form and must be responsible for his or her conclusions. The periodic health examination form is kept at the medical facility where the People's Public Security organizes the examination.

(10) After periodic health check-ups for subjects specified in Clause 3, Article 2 of Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA, the People's Public Security medical facility must conduct a health assessment after a regular medical examination as follows:

- Evaluate health examination rates, health rates of each type and compare results with previous examinations;

- Assess the impact of exercise, training, living, nutrition, and working environment on the health of the subjects specified above;

- Evaluate the advantages and limitations of periodic health examinations for the subjects specified above;

- Make a list for the subjects specified above with health classification Type IV, V or Type C, D depending on each subject for periodic health examination according to regulations of the Ministry of Health, and having a disease that requires long-term treatment or an occupational disease to provide guidance and advice on nutrition, exercise, treatment, and nursing; Request the unit-managing officers and soldiers to take measures to overcome the causes affecting the health of officers and soldiers; Make recommendations to competent authorities to assign appropriate tasks to officers and soldiers;

- Update periodic health examination results in health records.

(Article 16 of Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA)

Ho Quoc Tuan


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