Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam

Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Has the Prime Minister of Vietnam decided to establish an Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions? – Phuong Nam (Binh Thuan)

Establishment of the Council for Evaluation of planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions in Vietnam

Establishment of the Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On January 16, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 57/QD-TTg on the establishment of the Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050.

Establishment of the Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam

The Prime Minister decided to establish the Establishment of the Appraisal Council for the Network Planning of Higher Education and Pedagogical Institutions in Vietnam for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 (hereinafter referred to as the Council) with the following contents:

(1) Composition of the Council:

- Chairman of the Council: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha.

- Vice Chairman of the Council: Minister of Education and Training.

- Council members include:

+ Representatives of leadership from Ministries: Education and Training, Planning and Investment, Finance, Home Affairs, Construction, Natural Resources and Environment, Industry and Trade, Health, Justice, Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Culture - Sports and Tourism, Science and Technology;

+ Representatives of leadership of the Ethnic Council;

+ Representatives of leadership from provinces and cities with many higher education institutions: Hanoi People's Committee, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, and Da Nang People's Committee;

+ Representatives of leadership from political and social organizations: Vietnam Study Encouragement Society, Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges, Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations;

+ Advisors: Experts in the field of planning and higher education appointed by the Chairman of the Council based on proposals from the Council's permanent agency.

(2) Council's permanent agency:

The Council's permanent agency is the Ministry of Education and Training.

The Council's permanent agency is responsible for and has the authority to regulate as stipulated in Article 34 of Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP detailing the implementation of certain provisions of the Law on Planning and Clause 16 of Article 1 of Decree No. 58/2023/ND-CP amending and supplementing certain provisions of Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP.

(3) Duties of the Council: The Council has the task of organizing the evaluation of the planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 according to the regulations of the planning law.

(4) Operating principles of the Council: The Council operates in a part-time capacity, terminates its activities, and dissolves itself after the planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 is approved by the Prime Minister.

(5) Operating budget of the Council: Implemented in accordance with the regulations of the planning law, state budget law, and public investment law.

Agencies and units with members of the Council are responsible for sending representatives to participate in the Council in accordance with the composition and submit written notices to the Council's permanent agency (Ministry of Education and Training) before January 25, 2024.

Decision No. 57/QD-TTg shall come into effect from the date of signing.

Requirements for the content of planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions in Vietnam

According to Decision No. 209/QD-TTg in 2021, the following requirements for the content of planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050 were stated:

- Analyzing and evaluating the natural factors, resources, context, and current situation of the higher education and pedagogical network.

- Forecasting development trends and scenarios directly affecting the higher education and pedagogical network.

- Evaluating the linkage between sectors, regions, and the linkage between the higher education and pedagogical network and scientific research institutions in the development of the higher education network; identify the requirements of socio-economic development for the sector, opportunities, and challenges.

- Determining the viewpoints and development objectives of the higher education and pedagogical network in the planning period.

- Development plans for the higher education and pedagogical network.

- Orientation for land use allocation for the development of the higher education and pedagogical network and environmental protection activities, climate change adaptation.

- List of important national projects, priority investment projects of the sector, and the priority order of implementation:

+ Establish criteria for determining priority investment projects for the development of the higher education and pedagogical network in the planning period.

+ Provide arguments for the construction of the list of important national projects, priority investment projects of the sector in the planning period, including the expected total investment amount, proposed priority order of implementation, and phased investment method.

- Developing solutions and resources for implementing the planning.


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