Regulations on the form of hyangyak and conventions of the community in Vietnam

Regulations on the form of hyangyak and conventions of the community in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

On August 16, 2023, the Government issued Decree a href="" class="green-text" target="_blank" >61/2023/NĐ-CP on regulations on the form of hyangyak and conventions of the community in Vietnam

Regulations on the form of hyangyak and conventions of the community in Vietnam

Hyangyak and conventions are documents regulating social norms, including rules of conduct discussed and decided by the community; not contrary to law and social ethics; to regulate the self-governing social relations of the residential community and be recognized by the commune-level People's Committee.

The form of hyangyak and conventions of the residential community is specifically stipulated as follows:

- Hyangyak and conventions are expressed in written form, signed and certified by the Village Head (Head of the residential group), Head of the Front Work Committee in the residential community, and 02 (two) representatives of households in the residential community; Encourage representatives to be village elders, village heads, and reputable people in the community.

After being recognized, hyangyak and conventions are stamped with the seal of the commune-level People's Committee.

- The choice of the name "Hyangyak" or "Convention" is decided and agreed upon by the residential community.

- Hyangyak and conventions can be divided into prefaces, chapters, sections, articles, clauses, points, or other structures appropriate to the content; they are presented concisely, clearly, specifically, easy to understand, easy to remember, and easy to implement.

- The language in Hyangyak and conventions is Vietnamese.

- In the case of a community with many ethnic groups in Vietnam living together and using many different languages, the translation of hyangyak and conventions from Vietnamese into the language of one, several, or all of those ethnic groups is decided by the community when drafting, consulting, and approving according to the provisions of Articles 8, 9, and 10 of Decree 61/2023/NĐ-CP.

Scope of content of hyangyak and conventions in Vietnam

Depending on self-governance requirements, socio-economic situation, customs, and practices in each locality, ensuring selective inheritance of appropriate contents of existing village hyangyak and conventions and purposes, and principles of building and implementing Hyangyak and conventions, the residential community chooses one or more of the following contents to include in the scope of the village convention and convention:

- Appropriate measures and methods to help people in the area participate in state management, social management, ensuring and promoting the freedom and democracy of the community; Encourage and create conditions for the community to properly exercise the rights and obligations of citizens.

- Good customs and practices and measures to limit and gradually eliminate outdated customs and practices and superstitions; preserve and promote the value of national cultural heritage; practice a civilized lifestyle in behavior, communication, eating, staying, traveling, weddings, funerals, and festivals; Prevent and combat domestic violence, build family happiness, and develop healthy cultural activities.

- Measures that contribute to protecting the assets of the State, the community, and citizens; protecting the ecological environment; ensuring security and order; preventing and combating social evils in the area; Build and promote village love, neighborliness, solidarity, mutual love, mutual support, and assistance in the community; hunger eradication; poverty reduction; economic development; and improving living standards; Encouraging learning, encouraging talent, and promoting a lifelong learning movement; Promoting career guidance, vocational training, and industrial and agricultural promotion in the locality.

- Appropriate reward and punishment measures to ensure implementation of hyangyak and conventions but do not replace measures prescribed by law.

- Other necessary contents are decided by the community.

More details can be found in Decree 61/2023/NĐ-CP, taking effect on August 16, 2023.


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