Amendments to general regulations on economic-technical norms for developing the geographical database in Vietnam from November 06, 2024

Amendments to general regulations on economic-technical norms for developing the geographical database in Vietnam from November 06, 2024
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Amendments to general regulations on economic-technical norms for developing the geographical database in Vietnam from November 06, 2024, are the content of Circular 15/2024/TT-BTNMT dated September 20, 2024, amending the contents of the Circulars prescribing economic-technical norms in the field of measurement, mapping, and geographic information issued by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam.

Amendments to general regulations on economic-technical norms for developing the geographical database in Vietnam from November 06, 2024

Circular 15/2024/TT-BTNMT has amended and supplemented some contents of Part 1. general regulations of economic-technical norms for developing the geographical database in Vietnam issued with Circular 40/2011/TT-BTNMT as follows:

* Amend and supplement Clause 3.1 Section 3 Part 1 as follows:

Labor Norms: are the necessary labor time costs for a worker to directly produce a product (or perform a work step or a specific task) and the paid leave time according to current legal regulations. The labor norms regulated in Part 2 of these economic-technical norms do not include the paid leave time for direct labor and the weather adjustment coefficient.

Components of labor norms include:

- Job Content: listing, describing job content, basic operations, main operations to perform the job;

- Defining Standard Conditions (difficulty classification): defining basic factors such as terrain, objects, transportation, geology, and other conditions related to job performance; identifying different difficulty levels from standard conditions;

- Staffing: describing the job positions of each worker in each work step until the product is created. Based on that, determining the specific number and level of labor to perform each content of each stage in the labor cycle until the product is completed;

- Norms: direct labor time necessary to complete a product and the paid leave time according to current legal regulations; unit calculated as individual labor or group labor/01 unit of product.

+ Individual Labor: is the labor determined for one direct worker to perform a work step to create a product.

+ Group Labor: is the labor determined for a group of direct workers to produce a product or perform a work step to create a product.

+ Outdoor work rates are expressed as fractions, in which:

++ Numerator is the technical labor rate (calculated by group labor, individual labor). Technical labor is labor trained in professional skills in the field of natural resources and the environment and other related professions according to legal regulations.

++ Denominator is the service labor rate (unskilled labor), calculated by individual labor. Service labor (unskilled labor) is simple labor for transporting equipment, materials, samples, guiding, and other activities in the production process to create products.

+ A working day directly on land (shift) is calculated as 8 working hours; a working day directly at sea (shift) is calculated as 6 working hours.

+ Paid leave time for direct labor

++ Paid leave time for direct labor includes: annual leave, additional leave according to seniority (if any), holiday leave, meeting, training, and drill calculated as 34 days over 312 working days of one (01) year.

Paid leave time = Direct technical labor norms x 34/312

++ Paid leave time is applied to all work steps.

* Abolish Points d, dd  Clause 3.2 Section 3 Part 1.

* Amend and supplement the second bullet point, Section 4 Part 1 as follows:

Weather Adjustment Coefficient: The technical labor rate when technical labor has to stop working due to weather is calculated at 25% compared to the regulated technical labor rate for outdoor work in these norms.

More details can be found in Circular 15/2024/TT-BTNMT, which comes into force in Vietnam from November 06, 2024.


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