Criteria for selection of citizens joining the people's police service in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the criteria for selection of citizens joining the people's police service in Vietnam? - Thanh Tung (Dong Nai, Vietnam)

Tiêu chuẩn tuyển chọn công dân tham gia nghĩa vụ công an nhân dân
Criteria for selection of citizens joining the people's police service in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Principles of selection of citizens to participate in the people's police service in Vietnam

Principles for selecting citizens to join the people's police service according to Article 3 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP are as follows:

- Strictly complying with the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, and the process and regulations in the selection of citizens to perform the obligation to join the People's Police.

- Recruiting in sufficient quantity, ensuring quality, taking standards from high to low; implement democracy, fairness, publicity, safety and thrift; the right subjects, standards and time as prescribed by law.

- Promoting the responsibility of all relevant organizations and individuals to improve the quality of the selection work.

- Prioritizing the selection and call to perform the obligations of citizens who have graduated from colleges, universities, or higher and have the skills or expertise necessary for the work and combat of the People's Public Security.

2. Selected subjects and time to serve the people's police service in Vietnam

Selected subjects and times to serve the people's police service according to Article 4 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP are as follows:

- Male citizens of enlistment age have registered for military service under the provisions of the Law on Military Service 2015.

Female citizens of enlistment age who have registered for military service in accordance with the 2015 Law on Military Service have professional qualifications suitable to the requirements of the People's Public Security, if voluntarily, and the People's Public Security Forces. People wishing to join the People's Police shall be considered and selected to perform the obligation to join the People's Police.

- The Minister of Public Security shall specify the age for selection of citizens to perform the obligation to join the People's Police in accordance with the nature and characteristics of each user unit; the necessary professions to recruit female citizens to perform the obligation to join the People's Police in accordance with the needs of each period.

- The time limit for performing the obligation to join the People's Police is 24 months. The Minister of Public Security shall decide to extend the period of active duty service of non-commissioned officers and conscripts, but such extension shall not exceed 06 months in the cases specified in Clause 1 of Article 8 of the Law on People's Public Security 2018.

The time to perform the obligation is counted from the date of delivery by the citizen; in the case of not delivering and receiving, it will be counted from the date of receipt by the People's Public Security Unit until it is decided to discharge the soldier from the army by a competent authority.

The time of desertion and the time of serving the prison sentence shall not be included in the time of performing the obligation to join the People's Police.

3. Criteria for selection of citizens to participate in the people's police service in Vietnam

According to Article 5 of Decree 70/2019/ND-CP, citizens are selected to perform the obligation to join the People's Police when they fully meet the following criteria:

- Have a clear background.

- Strictly abide by the lines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State;

No criminal record, no criminal prosecution, no probation, no period of being subject to the measure of education in communes, wards, or townships or being sent to compulsory medical treatment establishments or compulsory educational establishments; having good qualities, ethics, and conduct, being trusted by the masses of the people in the place of residence or place of study or work.

- Ensuring the political standards of non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the People's Public Security according to the duty regime.

- Having a high school diploma or higher. Communes in mountainous areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions may recruit citizens with lower secondary school diplomas.

- Having a well-balanced physique, not deformed or deformed and meet the health standards to perform the obligation to join the People's Police.

Le Truong Quoc Dat


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