Hanoi: Guideline 02-HD/UBKTTW on implementation of Regulation 86 on supervision within the Communist Party of Vietnam

On September 12, 2017, the Inspection Commission of CPV Central Committee issued Guideline 02-HD/UBKTTW on the implementation of Articles 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of Regulation 86-QD/TW of the Politburo on supervision within the Communist Party of Vietnam.




Guideline 02


Supervision Mode

Point b, Clause 1: Formulation of orientations, tasks, programs and plans for supervision of subordinate Party organizations and communist party members

Annually, the supervising entities shall base themselves on the requirements of political tasks, Party building, and the directions and tasks of inspection and supervision of superior Party committees and organizations to formulate the orientations and supervision tasks of their level; formulate supervision programs and plans and notify them to the supervised entities.

Point c, Clause 1: Guiding and organizing the implementation of regular supervision and supervision according to programs and plans

The supervisor shall assign and notify in writing members of the CPV Committee, the inspection commission, the advisory and assisting agencies of the CPV Committee, and officials monitoring the fields and localities to conduct regular supervision according to Clause 1, Article 11, Regulation 86-QD/TW by direct supervision and indirect supervision methods.

Supervision Methods

Point a, Clause 1: The Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat; Party committees at all levels, standing committees at the grassroots level or higher shall directly supervise by: Appointing members at their level to attend meetings and conferences of the supervised entities

·    Members are sent to meetings based on their work schedules, invitations from subordinate Party committees and organizations and relevant documents to study and prepare for supervision.

·    At the meeting, members were assigned several tasks such as: Supervision the discussion, questioning and answering questions; give suggestions to the supervised entities...

·    Report in writing to the CPV Committee and the Standing Committee of the CPV Committee to consider, evaluate and request the supervised entities to overcome existing and limited problems.

Point b, Clause 1: The People's Committees at all levels shall directly supervise by

Members of the People's Committee attend meetings of the CPV Committee at the same level

·    At the meeting of the CPV committee at the same level, they are allowed to give opinions on reports and issues related to the content of the meeting; and monitor the discussion, questioning, and conclusions in the conference.

·    Detecting problems through questioning, discussing and studying documents of the CPV committee meeting at the same level; reporting to the People's Committee when necessary.

·    The People's Committee shall consider, report and propose to the CPV Committee and the Standing Committee of the CPV Committee at the same level necessary issues (if any).

Members of the People's Committee in charge and inspectors regularly monitor fields and areas, attend meetings and conferences of Party committees, standing committees, standing committees, and subordinate party organizations

·    Collect information and documents;

·    Periodically or irregularly report to the Standing Committee of the People's Committee on the situation of the CPV organization and communist party members;

·    When detecting that the supervised object shows signs of violation, it shall report to the Standing Committee of the People's Committee or the People's Committee.

Point d, Clause 1: The CPV Cell directly supervises under the following methods:

Monitor and urge communist party members to perform their assigned responsibilities and tasks

·    Sub-committee members assigned to be in charge of inspection and supervision regularly monitor and grasp the situation and results of the performance of responsibilities and tasks of communist party members; if they see that communist party members have shortcomings or shortcomings, they are requested to remedy them.

·    If the matter is complicated and needs to be explained, the sub-committee member shall report to the sub-committee for consideration and request that the communist party member to make an explanation report to the sub-committee or sub-committee.

·    After reviewing, if the problem is clear, the sub-committee reminds and proposes supervised communist party members to overcome and report the results to the CPV Cell.

·    In case it does not fall under its competence, the sub-committee shall report to the sub-committee for consideration at the meeting of the sub-committee.

Review, self-criticism and criticism; review, analyze and evaluate the quality of communist party members

· The CPV Committee, first of all, the secretary of the CPV Cell, regularly grasps the situation and results of the performance of communist party members' tasks, and the advantages and disadvantages of communist party members.

·    At the CPV Cell meeting:

o Each communist party member reports, self-criticizes and criticizes

o The CPV Cell participates in giving suggestions to each supervised communist party member on the advantages, shortcomings and shortcomings.

·    In case of problems that need to be clarified, the CPV Cell requests communist party members to make a specific report for the CPV Cell to consider and remind communist party members to overcome shortcomings and shortcomings; if it is still unclear, report to the superior or conduct an inspection

Forms of supervision

Clause 1: Regular supervision

Point a: Notify the supervised entities of members of the CPV Committee, the People's Committee, advisory and assisting agencies of the CPV committee or officials assigned to perform the supervision task:

At the beginning of the term of office or when there is a change, the supervisor must notify in writing the assignment of members, members of the Standing Committee of the CPV Committee, members of the People's Committee, inspectors and leaders, officials and experts of the advisory and assisting agencies of the CPV committee assigned to regularly supervise the supervised entities.

Clause 2: Thematic supervision

Point a: Formulate annual supervision programs and plans and notify the supervised entities

In the supervision program or plan, the supervisor clearly defines the contents, subjects and methods of supervision, organizes forces, assigns organizations and individuals to implement.

Point b: Establishment of a supervisory delegation or group (collectively referred to as the supervisory delegation); promulgating specific supervision plans for Party organizations or communist party members

·    Specific supervision plans for Party organizations or communist party members must clearly state the contents, objects of supervision, methods, timelines and duration of supervision. The supervision period is calculated from the date the supervisor receives the report according to the supervision suggestion of the supervised entity. The maximum time is:

o Central level: 45 working days;

o Provincial level: 30 working days;

o District level; 25 working days;

o Grassroots level: 20 working days.

The supervisor may decide to extend the supervision period but not more than 1/3 of the supervision time for each level in special cases.

· The supervisor shall notify the decision or thematic supervision plan to the supervised entity within 5 working days from the date of issuance of the supervision decision.

Point d: the supervisory delegation studies and considers reports and documents; works with relevant organizations and individuals; prepares a draft report on supervision results

When the supervisory delegation finds that there are still unclear supervision contents and insufficient grounds for consideration and evaluation, the head of the supervisory delegation shall decide on the verification and verification.

Point e: Notification of supervision results in writing to supervised Party organizations, communist party members and relevant organizations and individuals

·    The representative of the supervisor shall announce the supervision results.

·    If the supervised entity shows signs of violation, the supervisor shall consider the inspection decision according to its competence or request the People's Committee to conduct an inspection when there are signs of violation.


Clause 1: The Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat; Party committees at all levels, standing committees at the grassroots level or higher

Point a: Promptly remind, note and warn in appropriate forms according to their competence to the supervised entities about necessary issues

·    The supervising entity shall send a document to the supervised Party organization or communist party member to note, remind, warn or request the implementation of necessary matters.

·    Party committee members, members of the People's Committee, and communist party members assigned by the supervisor to be in charge of and monitor the fields and areas may meet and discuss with representatives of the CPV organization or communist party members under supervision.

Competence and responsibilities of the supervisor

Clause 1: Competence of the supervisor

Point c: Request the supervised entities, relevant organizations and individuals to provide information, documents, reply and exchange on contents related to the supervision; request the CPV organizations managing the supervised objects to coordinate in the implementation

· The supervisory delegation may request the supervised entities to report, reply and provide documents and documents in service of the supervision; organize the CPV to manage the supervised objects and coordinate the implementation; request or request relevant organizations and individuals to provide information and documents for supervision.

· Communist party members assigned the task of supervision may request or request the supervised entities, relevant Party organizations and communist party members to provide information, documents or reply at the request of supervision.

Point d: Through supervision, the supervisor shall comment and evaluate the advantages, shortcomings, shortcomings and causes; draw experience in leadership, direction and organization of implementation; supplement, amend, remind, warn and propose necessary issues

Through supervision, the supervising subject requests the supervised entity to correct shortcomings and shortcomings, and remedy consequences (if any).

Clause 2: Responsibilities of the supervisor

Point a: To conduct regular supervision, supervision according to programs and plans and keep confidential the contents of information, documents and individuals related to the supervision; statements and information in accordance with the CPV's regulations and the State's laws

·    Fairness and objectivity; report and take responsibility before the competent Party organization for their supervision results.

· The supervisory delegation and communist party members assigned to perform the supervision task shall report the supervision results in writing to the supervisor; prepare and manage dossiers according to regulations.

Responsibilities and rights of supervised entities

Clause 1: Responsibilities of the supervised entities

Point a: Strictly abide by the CPV's Charter, regulations of the CPV, Party committees, superior inspection commissions, and committees of their respective levels on supervision Compliance with requests and decisions of supervisors or competent Party organizations

The supervising subjects shall send in advance to the supervising subjects the working schedules, invitations (enclosed with documents and documents) of meetings and conferences of their organizations for the supervising subjects to appoint officials to attend.

More details can be found in Guideline 02-HD/UBKTTW.


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