Guidance on filling out personal data sheets for applicants to the Communist Party of Vietnam

The following are detailed instructions on how to fill out personal data sheets for applicants to the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Party  Member  Application  Image

Any individual seeking to join the Communist Party of Vietnam must honestly and clearly fill out all the required personal history information. The applicant must not erase, alter, or have someone else fill out the application for them. The application for joining the Communist Party of Vietnam must be completed as follows:

  1. Full Name Currently Used: Write the exact full name as shown on the National ID card, in uppercase letters. Example: NGUYEN VAN HUNG.

  2. Gender: If male, strike through "female"; if female, strike through "male".

  3. Birth Name: Write the exact full name as shown on the birth certificate.

  4. Alias: List any aliases used (if any).

  5. Date of Birth: Write the exact day, month, and year of birth as shown on the birth certificate.

  6. Place of Birth: Clearly specify the commune (ward, commune-level town), district (urban district, city under provincial authority), province (municipal city), where the birth certificate was issued, according to current administrative divisions.

  7. Hometown: Specify the place where the paternal family has resided for generations; in exceptional cases, the maternal hometown or the upbringing location may be stated if the paternal information is unknown. Address should follow the format in item 06.

  8. Permanent Residence:- Permanent address: Give the registered permanent address (village, commune, district, province, city; house number, street, ward, town-level district, urban district, city).- Temporary residence: Provide the address where currently temporarily residing.

  9. Ethnicity: State the original ethnicity of the individual, such as Kinh, Thai, Tay, Nung, Muong, etc.; if of mixed heritage with foreign nationals, clearly state the nationality and ethnicity of the foreign parent.

  10. Religion: Indicate the religion followed before joining the Communist Party of Vietnam (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Cao Dai, Hoa Hao, etc., including any religious positions held), if no religion is followed, write "None".

  11. Current Occupation: Clearly state the main occupation being pursued (e.g., worker, farmer, public official, surgeon, soldier, writer, journalist, business owner); if dependent on the family, state "student" or "unemployed".

  12. Current Educational Level:- General Education: Specify the highest grade completed or if graduated from a 10 or 12-year system, full-time or supplementary education (e.g., 8/10 general, 9/10 supplementary).- Vocational/Professional Education: State certificates or diplomas attained (e.g., level 3 welding technician, intermediate veterinary).- Higher Education and Postgraduate: State degrees earned, specializations, whether full-time or part-time education (e.g., college of pedagogy, agricultural university, in-service law bachelor's degree, mechanical engineering, surgeon; master's in economics, PhD in mathematics, Doctor of Science); list all degrees if multiple.- Academic Titles: State titles conferred by the State (e.g., Professor, Associate Professor).- Political Theory: Specify the certificates or diplomas earned (e.g., elementary, intermediate, advanced, bachelor's; full-time or in-service).- Foreign Languages: Specify certificates or diplomas earned (e.g., bachelor's in English, French, Russian, or English proficiency level A).- Information Technology: For training programs, state the certificates or recognition earned (e.g., office IT, IT proficiency level A, B, C); if graduated from IT specialized university, state as bachelor's degree.- Ethnic Minority Languages: State the known native languages of any ethnic minorities.

  13. Date and Place of Admission to the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union: Clearly state the date, month, year, and place of union admission (youth union, grassroots union, district, province, or central agency).

  14. Date and Place of Admission to the Communist Party of Vietnam of Vietnam (if any): Clearly state the date, month, year, and place of the first Communist Party of Vietnam admission (branch, grassroots party organization, district, province, or central agency).

  15. Date and Place of Official Recognition for the First Time (if any): Follow the same format as in item 14.

  16. Introducer(s) to the Communist Party of Vietnam for the First Time (if any): Clearly state the name, position, and current workplace/residence of each introducer to the Party; if the grassroots youth union's standing committee introduces, specify the name of the youth union and the direct superior organization.

  17. Personal History: Summarize the entire process from childhood to joining societal activities (e.g., youth union initiation, military service date, departure from home, joining economic/social organizations, attending universities, colleges, professional schools).

  18. Past Job Positions and Duties: Clearly and fully state job activities and positions held continuously (monthly) from the time of joining societal activities to the present. Include activities undertaken, workplaces, and positions held regarding the Party, government, armed forces, mass organizations, cultural, educational, and scientific bodies (e.g., military enlistment, discharge, re-enlistment, schooling, medical treatment, vacations, foreign trips, imprisonments if any...).

  19. Historical Characteristics: Clearly state reasons for any cessation of Party activities (if any), detentions or imprisonments by any authority, specifying dates and locations. Specify engagement or affiliations with any foreign political, economic, or social organizations, stating positions held.

  20. Training and Retraining Courses Attended: Specify any political theory or professional courses attended, the curriculum, level, school names, duration, locations, and if full-time or in-service; certificates or diplomas earned.

  21. Foreign Trips: Specify travel duration from month and year to month and year, countries visited (only for cases of study, cooperative labor, assignments of 3 months or more); the authorizing level.

  22. Commendations: Clearly state the month, year, and form of commendation (from commendation certificates). Include any State-conferred titles (Labor Hero, Armed Forces Hero, People's Artist, Meritorious Artist, Distinguished Teacher, Meritorious Teacher).

  23. Disciplinary Actions: Clearly state the month, year, reason for the infraction, and disciplinary measure (Party, government, or organizational disciplines from reprimand onward). The deciding authority.

  24. Family Background: Clearly state significant family members such as:

- Parents (or guardians from childhood), parents-in-law (or spouse's parents), spouse: Specify the full name, birth year, place of birth, hometown, residence location, occupation, economic condition, and political history through different periods.- Regarding each person’s economic status: State class composition before the August Revolution of 1945 and during the land reforms of 1954 (in the North) or in the 1976 economic reforms in Southern provinces from Quang Tri southward. Specify class changes if any, reasons if class composition has evolved according to details provided in item 11.- Political history of each member: Specify revolutionary organization participation, duties, positions held in any old regime's government, organizations. State the current occupation and residence. Specify reasons for death, year, and location if deceased.- Siblings of oneself and spouse; children: Specify full names, birth years, residence locations, occupations, economic conditions, and political attitudes of each.- Grandparents (maternal and paternal): Specify full names, ages, residence locations, occupations, political histories of each.

  1. Self-assessment: Write an evaluation of individual strengths and weaknesses regarding political virtues, ethical lifestyle, work capacity, public relations from the time of striving for Communist Party of Vietnam membership to present; public and party member trust at work.

  2. Affirmation and Signature: Write "I affirm I have filled out all information correctly and bear responsibility before the Communist Party of Vietnam for the contents stated herein," the date, and then sign with full name.

  3. Evaluation by the Party Cell Committee: After verifying and clarifying all information in the applicant’s history, the party committee should conclude whether the history declared is truthful, identify any inaccuracies, whether the individual meets the historical political standards and current political criteria.

  4. Certification by the Grassroots Party Committee: After reassessment and clarification of any ambiguities in the applicant’s history, the collective grassroots committee should state: "certifies that the personal history of Mr./Ms. …… declared at the party organization …… is truthful; does not (or does) violate the historical political standards and current political criteria per Politburo regulations; is (or is not) eligible for admission to the Communist Party of Vietnam," noting the date, position, signature, name, and stamp of the grassroots party committee. If the grassroots party committee lacks a stamp, the direct superior committee should authenticate the secretary's signature, note the position, and apply the superior committee’s seal.

  5. Comments from the Party Organizations Investigating the Applicant's History:- Comments from the Standing Committee or Executive Committee of the basic party organization doing the investigation: Write necessary comments about the applicant's history compared to the declared information. The collective committee or the standing committee should note the comments under "Comments by the Party Organizations" at the end of the "Personal History of the Applicant" form. A representative of the verifying party organization should sign, note the position, and apply the party organization’s seal.- Comments from the higher-level organization or standing party committee: Write necessary comments about the applicant's history compared to what was declared and investigated. The collective standing committee or leadership of the organizational department should note the comments under "Comments by the Party Organizations" at the end of the "Personal History of the Applicant". The representative should sign, note the position, and apply the party organization's seal.

Check detailed content at Guidance 12-HD/BTCTW in 2012 regarding Party member work and the preparation of fundamental statistics reports in the Party organization system.

Party  Membership  Activity

Accompanied by Guidance 12-HD/BTCTW are the annexes:



- Certificate of completion for the class on Party awareness (decorative pattern background)- Application to join the Communist Party of Vietnam (Form 1-KND)

- Personal history of the applicant (Form 2-KND)

- Introduction of exceptional individuals to the Party (Form 3-KND)

- Resolution to introduce outstanding youth union members to the Party (Form 4-KND)

- Resolution to introduce outstanding trade union members to the Party (Form 4A-KND)

- Compilation of comments from the socio-political associations where the applicant works and the residential branch committee (Form 5-KND)

- Resolution of the branch committee recommending Party admission (Form 6-KND)

- Report by the sectional party committee appraising the branch committee's recommendation for Party admission (Form 7-KND)

- Resolution of the grassroots party committee recommending Party admission (Form 8-KND)

- Decision of the competent authority to admit Party members, decorative pattern background (Form 9-KND)

- Decision to readmit Party members by competent authority, decorative pattern background (Form 9A-KND)

- Decision to admit Party members by authorized grassroots party committee, decorative pattern background (Form 9B-KND)

- Certificate of completion for new Party membership class (decorative pattern background)

- Form (CN-NTVD) used by the party committee organizing awareness training classes

- Form (CN-NTVD) used for the central training center of district political education

- Form (CN-NTVD) used for party committee organizing new Party member training classes

- Form (CN-NTVD) used by the organizing body for new Party member training classes- Assessment form for probationary Party members by assigned Party helpers (Form 11-KND)

- Compilation of comments will be accepted from socio-political organizations and residential branch committees on probationary Party members (Form 12-KND)

- Resolution of the branch committee recommending official recognition of Party members (Form 13-KND)

- Report by the sectional party committee appraising the branch committee's recommendation for official recognition of Party members (Form 14-KND)

- Resolution of the grassroots party committee recommending official recognition of Party members (Form 15-KND)

- Decision to officially recognize Party members by competent authority, decorative pattern background (Form 16-KND)

- Decision to officially recognize Party members by authorized grassroots party committee, decorative pattern background (Form 16A-KND)

- Certificate for individuals being considered for Party admission during the period of support by the grassroots party committee.

- Official Dispatch of the grassroots party committee introducing individuals who the branch committee and grassroots party committee have completed the respective procedures for Party admission (Form 17A-KND)

- Official Dispatch by competent authority introducing individuals, the grassroots party committee has completed admission for these (Form 17B-KND)

- Official Dispatch introducing individuals the competent authority has decided on their Party admission; forwarding to other district branches (Form 17D-KND) (Form 17C-KND)

- Probationary Party Member Book (Form 18 - KND).

- Recommendation Letter for Party Members or Committee Members conducting the background verification of the Party admission applicant (Form 19-KND)

- Official Dispatch requesting background verification of the Party admission applicant (Form 20-KND)

- Decision by competent authority to remove names from the list of probationary Party members (Form 21-XTDV)

- Decision by grassroots party committee to remove names from the list of probationary Party members (Form 21A-XTDV)


- Membership card and the presentation of the membership card;

- List of proposed membership card issuance by grassroots and branch party committees (Form 1);

- List of membership card issuance by district party committees and equivalent (Form 1);

- List of proposed reissuance of lost membership cards by grassroots and branch party committees (Form 1A);

- List of proposed reissuance of lost membership cards by district party committees and equivalent (Form 1A-TDV);

- List of proposed replacement of damaged membership cards by grassroots and branch party committees (Form 1B);

- List of replacement of damaged membership cards by district party committees and equivalent (Form 1B-TDV);

- Decision on the issuance of membership cards (or reissuance of lost cards, or replacement of damaged cards) (Form 2)

- Decision on issuance of membership cards to individual members, decorative background (Form 3-TDV);

- Decision on reissuance of lost membership cards to individual members, decorative background (Form 4-TDV);

- Decision on replacement of damaged membership cards to individual members, decorative background (Form 4A-TDV);

- Membership card issuance log book (Form 5-TDV);

- Membership card delivery and receipt log book (Form 6-TDV)


-  Personal  history  of  the  applicant  to  the  Communist  Party  (Form  1-HSDV);-  Membership  form  (Form  2-HSDV);
-  Supplementary  information  form  for  membership  records  (Form  3-HSDV);
-  Notification  of  official  recognition  of  party  members  (Form  4-HSDV);
-  Notification  of  party  member  expulsion  (Form  5-HSDV);
-  Notification  of  the  passing  of  a  party  member  (Form  6-HSDV);
-  Party  member  list  log  book  (Form  7-HSDV);-  Log  book  of  party  members'  expulsion  (Form  8-HSDV);
-  Log  book  of  deceased  party  members  (Form  9-HSDV);
-  Membership  records  receipt  and  transfer  log  book  (Form  10-HSDV);
-  Membership  record  borrowing  and  reading  log  book  (Form  11-HSDV);
-  Table  of  contents  for  membership  records  (Form  12-HSDV)


-  Official  introduction  to  party  activities  “Type  10  boxes”  with  light  green  decorative  background  (Form  1  –  SHD);
-  Temporary  introduction  to  party  activities  “Type  8  boxes”,  with  lemon  yellow  decorative  background  (Form  2  –  SHD);
-  Introduction  to  overseas  party  activities  “Type  2  boxes”,  with  peach  pink  decorative  background  (Form  3  –  SHD);
-  Official  overseas  assignment  form  (for  members  abroad  for  12  months  or  more)  (Form  3A  –  SHD);
-  Temporary  overseas  assignment  form  (for  members  abroad  from  3  to  12  months)  (Form  3B  –  SHD);
-  Report  on  list  of  members  officially  transferred  to  overseas  activities  (Form  3C-SHD);
-  Report  on  list  of  members  temporarily  transferred  to  overseas  activities  (Form  3D-SHD)  New  addition;
-  Internal  introduction  to  party  activities  “Type  5  boxes”,  with  light  green  background  (Form  4  –  SHD);
-  Introduction  for  maintaining  relations  at  place  of  residence  “Type  1  box”  issued  by  the  Provincial  Organization  Department  and  equivalent  (Form  5-SHD);
-  Decision  on  transferring  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  branch  party  committees  beyond  grassroots-level  scope  (Form  6A-SHD);
-  Decision  on  transferring  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  grassroots  party  organizations  within  district-level  scope  and  equivalent  (Form  7-SHD);
-  Decision  on  transferring  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  grassroots  party  organizations  beyond  district-level  scope  and  equivalent  (Form  7A-SHD);
-  Decision  on  transferring  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  district-level  party  organizations  (and  equivalent)  within  central-level  scope  (Form  8-SHD);
-  Decision  on  transferring  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  district-level  party  organizations  (and  equivalent)  beyond  central-level  scope  (Form  8A-SHD);
-  Decision  on  receiving  organization  and  members  for  subdivided  or  merged  district-level  party  organizations  (and  equivalent)  beyond  central-level  scope  (Form  8B-SHD);
-  Handover  minutes  of  party  member  list  and  membership  records  of  subdivided  or  merged  organization  (Form  9  –SHD);
-  Handover  minutes  of  party  member  list  and  membership  records  of  subdivided  or  merged  organization  prepared  by  the  Organization  Committee  (Form  9A  –SHD);
-  Party  activities  introduction  log  book  (Form  10  –  SHD);
-  Notification  of  official  transfer  of  party  activities  (Form  11  –  SHD);
-  Official  Dispatch  introducing  members  for  continued  transfer  of  party  activities  (Form  10  –  SHD);


-  Decision  to  remove  names  from  party  member  list  (Form  1-XTDV);
-  Decision  by  district,  municipal,  town  party  committees  for  members  leaving  the  Communist  Party  (Form  2-XTDV);
-  Decision  by  authorized  party  committees  for  members  leaving  the  Communist  Party  (Form  2A-XTDV);
-  Age  confirmation  letter  for  Communist  Party  membership  (Form  4-XTDV)  (No  changes).


-  Model  badges  for  80,  70,  60,  50,  40,  30  years  of  Communist  Party  membership;
-  Model  certificate  for  awarding  Communist  Party  badges  (Form  1-HHD);
-  Decision  on  awarding  Communist  Party  badges  (Form  2-HHD);
-  Decision  on  awarding  Communist  Party  badges  to  individual  members,  decorative  background  (Form  3-HHD);
-  Decision  on  reissuing  Communist  Party  badges  to  individual  members,  decorative  background  (Form  3A-HHD);
-  Decision  on  posthumous  awarding  of  Communist  Party  badges  to  individual  members,  decorative  background  (Form  3B-HHD);
-  List  of  members  proposed  for  reissuance  of  lost  Communist  Party  badges  (Form  4A-HHD);
-  List  of  members  proposed  for  posthumous  awarding  of  Communist  Party  badges  (Form  4A-HHD);
-  Communist  Party  badge  awarding  log  book  (Form  4-HHD);
-  Application  form  for  proposing  Communist  Party  badges  (Form  6-HHD);



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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
Editorial Director: Mr. Bui Tuong Vu - Tel. 028 3935 2079
P.702A , Centre Point, 106 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, HCM City;