Guidance on assessment and classification of members of Communist Party of Vietnam in 2017

The annual evaluation and classification of the quality of Party organizations and Party members are conducted at the end of the year, in conjunction with the year-end summary of the work of the agency or unit. The process of collective and individual review and classification of Party organizations and Party members in the Justice sector for the year 2017 is carried out according to Guidance 150-HD/DV dated November 28, 2017, of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam.

02 Steps to Conduct Review

Step 1: Prepare for Review:

- The member of Communist Party of Vietnam prepares a review report (According to Form 01-HD);

- Collect opinions from the Party committee where they reside (According to Form 02-HD);

- Fill out the Supplementary Party Member Profile Form (According to the form)

The Party committee, Party organization, and the collective leadership of the upper level suggest the review in writing for the collective or individuals under their management.

Step 2:* Organize the Review

First, review the collective, then the individuals; Party committee members, leaders review first, then Party members review.

Note: For individuals, the annual Party member review report is made in 02 copies (01 copy to be kept at the Party cell, branch; 01 copy sent to the Department Party committee along with the Supplementary Party Member Profile Form and the Written Comments of the residing Party committee for monitoring and file keeping).

Evaluate and Classify the Quality of Party Organizations and Party Members

Subject Content Quality Classification
For Party Organizations
  • Base Party cells, branches.
  • Branches under the Department Party committee.
  • Branches under base Party cells.
  • Performing political tasks
  • Political and ideological work
  • Organizational, personnel work and Party cell, branch building
  • Leadership of building government (agencies, units) and socio-political organizations
  • Inspection, supervision, and Party discipline tasks
  • Clean, strong grassroots Party organization
  • Grassroots Party organization completes tasks well
  • Grassroots Party organization completes tasks
  • Weak grassroots Party organization
For Party Members
Party members within the entire Party cells (except those exempt from Party work and activities). As above
  • Outstandingly completing tasks Party member
  • Well completing tasks Party member
  • Completing tasks Party member
  • Not completing tasks Party member

Non-periodic Awards

In addition to the periodic awards for Party organizations and members as mentioned above, Party committees at all levels need to pay attention to promptly award or recommend awards for subordinate Party organizations with particularly outstanding achievements, which are good examples within the Party unit in various fields, as well as for Party members in certain cases when international organizations grant awards.

Award consideration documents include:

- List of award recommendations (According to Form 06-HD);

- Achievement report of the Party organization proposed for Flag, Certificate of Merit from the Department Party Committee; proposed for a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry Party Committee (According to Form 07-HD);

- Achievement report of the Party member proposed for Certificate of Merit from the Department Party Committee; proposed for a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry Party Committee (According to Form 08-HD);

- Achievement report of the Party member proposed for exceptionally outstanding achievements;

- Copies of Certificate of Merit, Certificate of Merit, or Decision of Awards from Party committees, government levels during the award consideration period and the meeting minutes of the Party committee, branch.

* Note: Award consideration documents to the Department Party Committee should include 02 achievement reports; award consideration documents to the Ministry Party Committee should include 01 achievement report. Individuals and collectives proposed for awards must ensure the number of Party activity sessions during the year is conformable.


No. Form Name Code
1 Review Report for Party members Form 01-HD
2 Opinion Collection Slip (Party committee where reside) Form 02-HD
3 Report on Results of Party Member Quality Evaluation and Classification in 2017 (For branches under base Party cells) Form 03-HD
4 Report on Results of Party Member Quality Evaluation and Classification in 2017 (For base branches, branches under the Ministry's Party committee) Form 04-HD
5 Report on Results of Party Member Quality Evaluation and Classification in 2017 (For base Party cells) Form 05-HD
6 List of Award Recommendations Form 06-HD
7 Group Achievement Report Form 07-HD
8 Individual Achievement Report Form 08-HD
9 Supplementary Party Member Profile Form in 2017  
10 Report on Party Member Increase and Decrease Form 1-TCTW
11 Report on New Party Member Admission in 2017 Form 2-TCTW
12 Report on Party Members by Ethnicity and Religion Form 4-TCTW
13 Report on Party Member Awards in 2017 Form 8-TCTW
14 Report on Party Members Disciplinary Actions and Party Members Leaving the Party in 2017 Form 9-TCTW





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    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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