Standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam from November 4, 2024

Standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam from November 4, 2024
Quốc Tuấn

The following article will provide the standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam from November 4, 2024

Standards  for  Professional  Titles  of  Public  Employee  Student  Counselors  Rank  I  from  November  04,  2024

Standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam from November 4, 2024 (Image from the internet)

On September 18, 2024, the Minister of Education and Training issued Circular 11/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating the code, standards for professional titles, and salary classification for student counseling officers in general education institutions and specialized public schools.

Standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam from November 4, 2024

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 11/2024/TT-BGDDT, the standards for Class I student counseling officers in Vietnam - Code V.07.07.22 are as follows:

- Duties

In addition to the duties of Class II student counseling officers, Class I student counseling officers must also perform the following tasks:

+ Lead the implementation of school-level scientific research tasks or higher (if any);

+ Lead the development of training content for specialized new knowledge related to student counseling or participate in the evaluation and appraisal of materials for training student counseling officers, organized by district, department, or provincial sectors upwards;

- Standards for Training and Professional Development

+ Possess a university degree or higher in the following fields: Psychology; Social Work; Sociology; Teacher Training suitable for the educational level;

+ Complete the training program according to the standards for the professional title of student counseling officers as prescribed.

- Standards for Professional Expertise and Competence

+ Actively and proactively advocate and encourage colleagues to implement the policies and guidelines of the Communist Party, the law of the State, and the industry regulations on student counseling;

+ Ability to guide and support colleagues in developing and implementing student counseling programs;

+ Understand and grasp the psychological and physiological characteristics, and health of students; recognize the diversity and sensitivity of the individuals requiring counseling and support; identify signs of school violence and abuse, and apply appropriate prevention and response measures;

+ Ability to guide and support colleagues in professional development; regularly update and apply new knowledge in student counseling. Capable of supervising students' professional counseling activities outside of school;

+ Ability to apply and implement legal, psychological, social knowledge, and other related knowledge in professional activities; possess pedagogical skills and apply information technology in the work;

+ Ability to propose methods for connecting and coordinating with various organizations and individuals related to the counseling and support tasks for students.

- Performance Achievement and Duration of Class Holding

+ Recognized as a grassroots emulation fighter or awarded a provincial-level certificate or higher for outstanding task performance during the tenure of the Class II professional title of student counseling officers;

+ Public employee considered for promotion to the Class I student counseling officers (Code V.07.07.22) must have held the Class II professional title (Code V.07.07.23) or equivalent for at least 06 (six) years as of the deadline for submitting the application for Class promotion. In cases with time equivalent to the Class II professional title, the minimum duration of holding the Class II student counseling officers title is 01 year (full 12 months) as of the deadline for submitting the application for Class promotion.

More details can be found in Circular 11/2024/TT-BGDDT which comes into force in Vietnam from November 04, 2024.


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