Implementation plan for planning for Thai Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050

Implementation plan for planning for Thai Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On September 24, 2024, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam issued Decision 1029/QD-TTg regarding the Implementation plan for planning for Thai Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050

Plan  for  Implementing  the <label class='loitv' style='background:yellow'> Thái </label><label class='loitv' style='background:yellow'> Nguyên </label> Province  Planning  Period  2021-2030,  Vision  to  2050

Implementation plan for planning for Thaii Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 (Internet image)

Implementation plan for planning for Thaii Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050

The implementation solutions for the planning for Thaii Nguyen province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 are as follows:

(1) Completing Mechanisms and Policies for Development

- Review, prepare, and adjust urban and rural plans, technical and specialized plans according to legal regulations, ensuring consistency and synchronization with the approved Provincial Planning.

- Research and issue development projects and policies for various sectors, prioritizing investments accompanied by incentive policies to create opportunities and motivation for the private economic sector to participate in investment and seek business opportunities.

- Issue promptly, synchronously, and effectively implement policies for the development of education, training, health, culture, and social welfare, linked with social progress and equity.

(2) Attracting Development Investment

- Mobilize and aggregate investment capital from provincial and central budgets. Develop and effectively implement medium-term public investment plans for various periods; use public investment funds efficiently and economically, focusing on key industries, fields, important and urgent projects, with breakthrough and widespread impact; prioritize major projects with connectivity, creating development momentum. At the same time, strengthen appraisal, inspection, and supervision of implementation to ensure the effective use of public investment funds.

- Focus on attracting and developing industries with competitive advantages of the province; key industries such as: electrical, electronic, high-tech, and supporting industries. Pay attention to investing in external infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters, tourist areas such as: electricity, water, and transportation roads. Effectively carry out land clearance work to facilitate investors in implementing the projects on schedule. Promptly resolve investor recommendations in accordance with current laws.

- Continue administrative reform, improving the investment environment; enhance the quality of investment promotion activities to create an attractive investment environment for both domestic and foreign investors. Research and deploy programs and projects to support the private economic sector.

- Strongly develop economic components, especially the private sector as an important driver for rapid and sustainable economic development. Implement synchronous solutions to create a favorable environment and conditions to support investment and business activities of various economic components.

(3) Human Resource Development

- Develop a human resource development strategy to meet the needs of each development period of the province, in line with regional and national development trends; develop Thai Nguyen University into a key regional higher education institution; make Thai Nguyen a research - training area, developing high-quality human resources for the entire Midlands and Northern Mountainous Area.

- Propagate and raise awareness among all levels, sectors, and the whole society about the orientation, objectives, tasks, and solutions for human resource development, labor structure transformation, and career trends. Build and train a team of high-quality state management officials, ensuring capacity across all fields.

- Enhance physical facilities for education, ensure the proportion of education spending in the state's total budget, in line with socio-economic conditions, and manage and use them efficiently. Prioritize investment for particularly difficult areas. Encourage partnerships with reputable foreign educational organizations. Continue training and fostering teachers in skills and expertise to meet renovation requirements. Boost private investment in education, training, and vocational training.

- Develop the labor market by prioritizing labor development in the province's key economic sectors in the next phase, especially electrical, electronic, semiconductor chip industries; processing, manufacturing industries; tourism, services; high-tech agriculture. Invest in building, developing infrastructure, equipment, and forming online job exchanges.

- Consolidate the quality of training at vocational education institutions; invest in facilities for vocational institutions, focusing on key occupations; strengthen the link between vocational schools and employing enterprises, promote vocational training based on business orders, addressing company and developmental needs; attract enterprises to invest in vocational education, training high-quality human resources by combining enterprise resources and preferential policies to leverage the existing workforce in the area.

(4) Science and Technology Development

- Strongly promote science, technology, and innovation, developing the local economy deeply to gradually create branded and competitive products, and commodities in national, regional, and global markets, deeply integrating into the global value chain.

- Continue to boost research and application of science and technology in production, preservation, and processing of the province's main agricultural products with competitive advantages. Support establishing, managing, and developing industrial property rights for the province's products.

- Link science and technology with production and business to improve productivity and quality, meeting VietGap, GlobalGap standards, and other regulations aiming for export targets.

- Focus on investing in developing technical infrastructure to meet digital transformation needs; develop Thai Nguyen into the region's digital transformation center. Mobilize and integrate resources from related programs and projects, business investments, communities, and other legal funds through policies encouraging digital enterprises to implement digital transformation.

- Strengthen cybersecurity management, information security, and data safety; effectively prevent destructive activities and system infiltrations of electronic government operations; participate in data-sharing management in some public online services like digital identification, citizen information storage, and retrieval.

(5) Ensuring Social Security

- Focus and concentrate on comprehensive, rapid, and sustainable socio-economic development linked to ensuring social security; prioritize investment in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, particularly difficult areas; support and enable ethnic minorities to equally access resources, development opportunities, and fully, fairly enjoy basic social services. Increase the number and improve the quality of ethnic minority officials.

- Continue improving transportation infrastructure connecting difficult areas with urban centers and economic corridors. Effectively implement economic and social development programs and projects in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, and particularly disadvantaged areas in Vietnam.

- Perform well in training, vocational training, and job placement to help vulnerable groups stabilize their lives, escape poverty, and ensure sustainable poverty reduction.

- Effectively implement policies for people with meritorious services, salaries, social insurance, and unemployment insurance. Enhance social assistance and social protection, effectively implementing regular and irregular assistance policies for vulnerable groups.

(6) Environmental Protection

- Strengthen state management on environmental protection. Organize and implement law education on environmental protection to every economic, social organization, and citizen, raising societal environmental consciousness. Improve environmental impact assessment quality for investment projects.

- Develop waste and pollution management regulations; research and apply international standard waste treatment technologies; organize good environmental management activities in industrial parks, clusters, and craft villages.

- Utilize and manage land resources reasonably, effectively manage, and use water resources, rationally exploit and sparingly use mineral resources, protect and develop forests.

- Effectively carry out environmental protection programs and projects, and climate change adaptation. Focus on attracting and creating favorable conditions for renewable energy projects, green hydrogen projects; high technology, environmentally friendly projects; green economy and circular economy models.

- Utilize strengths of local forests and unique ecological spaces to analyze, identify, and develop projects with potential for carbon credit issuance according to standards.

- Proactively adapt to climate change, mitigate the impact of natural disasters and epidemics; manage, exploit, and use resources reasonably, economically, efficiently, and sustainably; ensure living environment quality, protect biodiversity and ecosystems; establish and operate the biodiversity corridor Kim Hy - Thain Sa - Phuong Hoang (Thai Nguyen). Strengthen inspection and supervision; promptly handle violations in resource management and environmental protection.

(7) Ensuring Financial Resources

- Improve the effectiveness of budgetary and public investment management. Mobilize, manage, and use investment capital from central and local budgets and other mobilized funds efficiently to invest in key infrastructure and social infrastructure projects. Restructure budget expenditure, increasing the proportion for investment spending, reducing recurrent expenditure.

- Effectively implement solutions to increase state budget revenue, developing stable and sustainable revenue sources. Strictly control state budget expenditure; use the budget economically, efficiently, and in accordance with norms.

(8) Ensuring National Defense and Security

- Deploy synchronous solutions for socio-economic development linked to strengthening the defensive terrain; manage and use national defense land; manage and protect national defense works and military zones in the province; promote the effectiveness of the all-people national defense and People's security posture; maintain political security, social order, and safety. Effectively implement defense and security planning according to regulations.

- Build regular, elite, robust, and comprehensive armed forces with general strength and high combat readiness, preventing unforeseen incidents in all situations, avoiding security-related hot spots; promptly and effectively handle situations, ensuring political security, social order, and safety.

- Build a truly clean, strong, regular, elite, modern People's Police force, meeting the requirements of new tasks, improving the quality and effectiveness of police activities at all levels, focusing on planning and constructing offices and workspaces to meet the requirements of commune-level police forces.


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