Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 16 to September 22, 2024)

Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 16 to September 22, 2024)
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

Additional subjects and priority points in admission or entrance exams of officials; Decree guiding Law on Bidding regarding investor selection for implementation of investment projects involving land use; etc., are notable contents that will be covered in this bulletin.

1. Additional subjects and priority points in admission or entrance exams for officials in Vietnam

On September 17, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 116/2024/ND-CP on amendments to Decree No. 138/2020/ND-CP on the recruitment, use, and management of officials and Decree No. 06/2023/ND-CP on entrance exams for officials. 

According to the Decree, additional subjects and priority points in admission or entrance exams are as follows: 

Trade union officials from the grassroots level or in labor movements prescribed by competent authorities shall be entitled to addition of 1,5 points to the results of the 2nd round. 

See more details in Decree No. 116/2024/ND-CP, effective as of September 17, 2024. 

2. Vietnam’s Decree guiding Law on Bidding regarding investor selection for implementation of investment projects involving land use

On September 16, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 115/2024/ND-CP on guidelines on the Law on Bidding 2023 regarding investor selection for the implementation of investment projects involving land use. 

Regulations elaborating the Law on Bidding 2023 regarding investor selection for the implementation of investment projects involving land use are as follows: 

- Clause 6 Article 6 on assurance of competitiveness in investor selection; 

- Clause 6 Article 10 on investor selection incentives; 

- Clause 3 Article 15 on investor selection costs; 

- Clause 4 Article 35 on investor selection methods;  

- Clause 3 Article 46 on investor selection procedures; 

- Clause 5 Article 10 and Point c Clause 2 Article 84 on procedures, costs, and roadmaps for online investor selection bidding; national databases on investor selection; cases where investor selection bidding on the Vietnam E-Procurement System is not organized; 

- Clause 5 Article 62 on methods and standards of bid assessment; 

- Clause 2 Article 73 on contents of contracts of investment projects involving land use; 

- Clause 4 Article 86 on inspection and supervision of investor selection bidding; 

- Clause 4 Article 88 on handling of situations in investor selection;

- Clause 2 Article 96 on transitional provisions.

See more details in Decree NO. 115/2024/ND-CP, effective as of September 16, 2024. 

3. Vietnam’s operational regulations applicable to Zalo account of Vietnam Social Security 

On September 16, 2024, Vietnam Social Security promulgated Decision No. 1624/QD-BHXH 2024 on operational regulations applicable to the Zalo account of Vietnam Social Security. 

According to the Decision, prohibited acts when engaging in interactions on the Zalo of Vietnam Social Security include: 

- Taking advantage of the Zalo of Vietnam Social Security for: 

+ Sabotaging the State, violating national security and social order and safety; distorting history, insulting religions, and discriminating genders and races; inciting riots and disrupting security and public order. Disseminating social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies falsely and causing suspicion and loss of people’s trust in social security policies of the CPV and the State. 

+ Disclosing state secrets, secrets of Vietnam Social Insurance Authorities, and other secrets prescribed by the law. 

+ Providing false information and humiliating and slandering other organizations or individuals; infringing on economic management, engaging in prostitution, social evils, human trafficking, and inciting and enticing others to commit crimes. 

+ Profiteering. 

- Disturbing and sabotaging equipment systems and obstructing the management, provision, and use of services and information on the Zalo of Vietnam Social Security. 

See more details in Decision No. 1624/QD-BHXH, effective as of September 16, 2024. 

4. Vietnam’s Decree No. 113/2024/ND-CP guiding Law on Cooperatives 2023 

On September 12, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 113/2024/ND-CP on guidelines on the Law on Cooperatives 2023

Decree No. 113/2024/ND-CP elaborates several Articles of the Law on Cooperatives 2023 regarding: 

- Cooperative classification by scale. 

- Criteria for selection, subjects, contents, support, funding sources, and implementation of policies of the State on support for the development of artels, cooperatives, and cooperative unions. 

- Conditions for artels, cooperatives, and cooperative unions to establish enterprises, contribute capital, or purchase shares of enterprises. 

- Conditions for cooperatives and cooperative unions to participate in internal lending and loan rates, loan limits, interest rates, and handling of risks from internal lending. 

- Internal transactions and income from internal transactions. 

- Handling of assets upon dissolution or bankruptcy of cooperatives or cooperative unions. 

In Decree No. 113/2024/ND-CP, the following terms shall be construed as follows: 

- Infrastructures mean the infrastructures of fields and sectors concerning education, training, and vocational education; science and technology; health, population, and family; society; culture and information; radio, television, and news; physical education and sports; environmental protection; agriculture, forestry, salt making, irrigation, and aquaculture; industry; traffic; industrial zones, economic zones, and industrial clusters; trade; water supply and drainage; tourism; post; information technology and other infrastructures according to the law invested in, built, and developed in service of the common interests of communities and people.

- Equipment includes machinery, devices, technological lines, including machinery and devices that are complete structures with details, detail clusters, and components linked together for operation and movement according to the design use purposes; technological lines are systems of machinery, devices, tools, and means installed and connected continuously at specific locations according to diagrams or designed technological processes to ensure consistent operation or manufacturing. 

See more details in Decree No. 113/2024/ND-CP, effective as of November 1, 2024. 


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