Requirements of Knowledge and Skills for the Intermediate Level Journalism Profession

On December 23, 2019, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum amount of knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve after graduating from intermediate and college levels in fields of arts, journalism, and information.

Requirements for knowledge and skills in the journalism profession at the intermediate level, Circular 19/2019/TT-BLĐTBXH

Requirements for knowledge and skills in the journalism profession at the intermediate level (Illustrative image)

To be specific:, Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates that Journalism at the intermediate level is a profession that educates learners with professional skills and practicum abilities, enabling competence development and promptly accessing the advancements in the journalism profession to meet the requirements of level 4 in the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework. The Journalism profession at the intermediate level must meet the following minimum knowledge and skills requirements upon graduation:

Regarding minimum knowledge:

- Present the position, role of journalism, characteristics of journalism product production activities, social effects, and the impact of journalism products on the public;- Describe the organizational structure, functions, and tasks of press agencies, media companies, agencies - units with communication activities; describe common job relationships in the journalism and media field;- Analyze the basic processes of journalism and media product production activities: planning topics, designing products, producing products, distributing products, interacting with the public, and other operations;- List the primary machines and equipment of departments in press agencies, media companies, agencies, units with journalism and media activities and explain their uses;- Present the principles of ensuring security and safety, explain the reasons for adhering to regulations on security and safety in journalism and media product production activities to identify risks and have preventive measures;- Present basic knowledge of politics, culture, society, law, national defense and security, physical education as regulated.

Regarding skills:

- Perform tasks in a production team at the assigned position according to the correct processes and standards of journalism and media product production activities;- Create a timetable for daily tasks and manage working time;- Classify common issues in journalism and media product production activities and solve problems;- Apply common forms of journalism and media into work;- Apply information technology in certain professional tasks in the field;- Use safely and correctly various equipment serving the production and distribution of journalism and media products, with a sense of responsibility in using and maintaining property in companies, agencies, units;- Use basic information technology as regulated; exploit, process, and apply information technology in specific professional tasks of the field;- Use basic foreign languages, achieving level 2/6 in the Vietnam Foreign Language Proficiency Framework; apply foreign languages in certain professional tasks of the field.

Details can be found in Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH which is effective from February 6, 2020.

Ty Na


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
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