Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030

Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030
Quốc Tuấn

Recently, the Central Executive Committee issued a Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030.

Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030

Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030 (Internet image)

On June 14, 2024, the Central Executive Committee issued Directive 36-CT/TW on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030

Directive on the Congress of Arts and Literature Associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam for the term of 2025-2030

To properly prepare and organize the congresses, the Secretariat requires the associations, unions, and relevant agencies to focus on performing the following tasks:

  • The congresses of the associations and union must be significant political, cultural, and professional events for the cadre, members, and numerous artists nationwide; they must continue to affirm the important role and position of literature and art in building the ethical, cultural, and spiritual foundations of society, and motivate the country's artists to showcase their talents, intellect, and civic responsibility in contributing to the cause of national construction and defense. The preparation and organization of the Congress must closely align with and effectively implement patriotic emulation movements and major campaigns, contributing to the successful completion of the country's political and socio-economic development tasks.

The congresses must deeply review and evaluate the implementation of the Party's guidelines and views, and the State's policies and laws on cultural and artistic work; focus on evaluating the implementation of congress resolutions, professional activities, organizational work, clearly outlining limitations, weaknesses, causes, and lessons learned in leadership, management, and association activities; simultaneously developing orientation, goals, tasks, and solutions for the next term; submitting recommendations to the Party and State in building and implementing guidelines, policies, and systems to create conditions to care for the material and spiritual life of artists to create high-value works in both art and thought; overcoming limitations and weaknesses in professional activities, association organization, and member quality; upholding civic responsibility, political bravery, and professional ethics of members; preventing and pushing back negative, deviant, and erroneous phenomena in the cultural and artistic fields; and continuing to encourage artists to create works about the country and people of Vietnam, about the renewal efforts, and the cause of national construction and defense in the new era.

  • The organization of the congresses must ensure the leadership of the Party and the management of the State. The Party Union of the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam shall direct the executive committees of associations and unions to properly prepare the documents to be presented to the congress, including: the report summarizing the past term's work and the direction, tasks, and solutions for the new term; the report on amendments and supplements to the Charter; the executive committee's self-assessment report; the inspection committee's report; the financial report for the past term, and other issues as specified by the Charter. The reports need to be thoroughly prepared, deeply discussed, and democratically reviewed, gathering opinions from grassroots associations and sub-associations.

  • The congresses of the associations and unions need to pay special attention to doing well in personnel work and organizing elections in accordance with rules. The selection and introduction of personnel for the new executive committee must be based on inheritance and development towards rejuvenating the cadre; ensuring the qualifications and standards as per regulations, possessing sufficient qualities, capacities, health, prestige, and experiences, capable of uniting and gathering artists. The executive committee should have a reasonable number and structure, reflecting the diversity of regions, genders, ethnicities, and professional sectors, meeting the needs and tasks of the associations and unions in the coming years.

  • The congresses of the central specialized literature and art associations for this term will be conducted in two stages: grassroots congresses and national congresses. The grassroots congresses will be general congresses, whereas national congresses will be either representative or general congresses (as approved by the competent authority). The delegates elected to attend the national congress must be exemplary artists across various fields, adhering to the Party's general guidelines, particularly its cultural and artistic principles, and being exemplary in activities and compliance with Association Charter.

  • The Party Union of the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam, the Party Union of the Vietnam Writers' Association, and the executive committees of the associations must proactively coordinate closely with central and local committees, ministries, sectors, and Party organizations to strictly direct the preparation of content, congress programs, and personnel work. The congresses should be organized in a spirit of renewal, ensuring compliance with regulations, dignity, practicality, effectiveness, and on schedule.

  • Provincial and city Party Committees, Party Committees, Party unions, Party cadres, and directly subordinate central authorities must coordinate directly to guide the congresses of local literary and artistic associations, facilitating the election of local delegates to attend the national congresses of central specialized literature and art associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam.

  • Regarding the funding for organizing the congresses: the national congresses of the central specialized literature and art associations and the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam will be supported by the central budget; the congresses of the provincial and city literary and artistic associations will be supported by local budgets. The associations and unions shall prepare budget estimates for organizing the congresses and submit them to the competent authorities for approval in line with regulations, ensuring thrift, practicality, and effectiveness.

More details can be found in Directive 36-CT/TW dated June 14, 2024.


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