27 signs of political and ethical decline in thinking and lifestyle of members of Communist Party of Vietnam

To deeply understand and propose appropriate solutions to combat, prevent, and push back the deterioration among CPV members, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam has identified signs of political and ethical decline in thinking and lifestyle of members, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation"


27 manifestations of political thought, morality, lifestyle degradation that CPV members must know (Illustrative Image)

According to Resolution 04-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, 12th Session, on strengthening the building and rectification of the Communist Party of Vietnam; preventing and repelling the degradation of political thought, morality, lifestyle, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within, stipulates 27 manifestations of degradation in 3 groups:

- Political thought;

- Morality, lifestyle;

- "Self-evolution," "self-transformation" within

To be specific:

No. Content Manifestation
Manifestations of degradation of political thought
1 Fading revolutionary ideals; wavering, decreasing faith in the goal of national independence and socialism; doubting, lacking confidence in Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought.
2 Deviating from the goals and principles of the Communist Party of Vietnam; not persevering on the path to socialism; conforming to distorted perceptions and incorrect views.
3 Misunderstanding the significance and importance of theory and political theory learning; lazy in studying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, guidelines, policies, and resolutions of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State's policies, laws.
4 Not strictly adhering to the organizational principles of the Communist Party of Vietnam; declining in will to strive, not exemplary in work; shirking responsibility, lacking responsibility, middle-of-the-roadism, working perfunctorily, ineffectively; lacking the consciousness to serve the country and the people wholeheartedly, failing to fulfill assigned duties.
5 In self-criticism, hiding, not daring to admit faults; when there are faults, lacking sincerity, not voluntarily disciplining oneself. In criticism, procrastinating, avoiding, reluctance to confront, not defending what is right, not fighting what is wrong; exploiting criticism to flatter, ingratiate, or defame, smear, criticize others with improper personal motives.
6 Speaking and writing against the views, guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State's policies, and laws. Words do not match actions; promise a lot, do little; say one thing and do another; speak differently inside and outside meetings; inconsistency in words and actions between holding office and retirement.
7 Subjective, imposing, dogmatic, only following one's own ideas; not willing to study, listen, absorb reasonable opinions from others.
8 Ambitious for positions, not complying with organizational assignments; picky about titles, job positions; choosing places with many benefits, choosing easy tasks, leaving difficult tasks; unwilling to take on missions in far, difficult places. Even trying all means to campaign, influence votes, and trust votes unethically.
9 Trapped in "term thinking," only focusing on short-term, self-beneficial issues; taking advantage of appointing relatives, acquaintances, family members to leadership, management positions, although they do not meet standards, conditions or arrange them into positions with many benefits.
Manifestations of degradation of morality, lifestyle
10 Individualism, selfish living, opportunism, greed; only caring for personal gain, not the collective interest; jealousy, envy, comparison, not wanting others to be better than oneself.
11 Violating democratic centralism principles, causing internal disunity; formal unity, fake democracy; localism, partisan factions, competition for positions and power; dictatorial, patriarchal, undemocratic in direction and administration.
12 Dishonestly declaring assets and income.
13 Obsessing over "achievements," vanity, display, hiding faults, boasting, "polishing" reputation; liking commendation and praise; "achievement chasing," "reward chasing," "title chasing."
14 Bureaucratic, detached from the populace, not deeply understanding the grassroots, lacking inspection, supervision, not grasping local, agency, unit situations well; indifferent, insensitive, irresponsible to the difficulties, grievances, and legitimate demands of the people.
15 Decisions or implementations causing financial, property, state budget, land, resources waste; large-scale, inefficient public investment; purchasing and using public assets beyond the regulations; arbitrary, unprincipled public fund spending. Wasting human resources, labor time.
16 Embezzlement, corruption, abusing positions, power to connive with businesses, other subjects for profiteering. Exploiting, abusing positions, powers to cover up, abet, assist in corruption, negatively.
17 Manipulating in personnel work; position chasing, power pursuing, place running, rotation running, degree chasing, crime evasion. Using delegated power to serve personal interests or letting relatives, acquaintances exploit one's positions, powers for profiteering.
18 Gambling, excessive drinking, superstition, supporting or joining illegal religious organizations. Falling into social evils, violating traditional customs, good cultural traditions of the nation, family, and social ethical standards.
Manifestations of "self-evolution," "self-transformation" within
19 Opposing, denying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, and the organizational principles of the Communist Party of Vietnam, especially democratic centralism; demanding "pluralism, multiparty."
20 Opposing, denying socialist democracy, socialist rule of law state; demanding the "separation of powers" regime, developing "civil society." Denying socialist-oriented market economy, public land ownership policies.
21 Speaking, writing, acting contrary to the views, guidelines, policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State's policies, and laws. Diminishing, denying revolutionary achievements; amplifying the Communist Party of Vietnam's, State's faults. Distorting history, fabricating, slandering former leaders and current leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State.
22 Inciting dissatisfaction, dissent within; exploiting and using information, communication, social media to defame, smear, degrade the Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership role, causing internal division, suspicion among officials, party members, and people.
23 Denying absolute, direct leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam over all aspects of the armed forces; demanding "depoliticizing" the army and police; distorting people's national defense and people's security guidelines; creating divisions between the army and police; creating divisions between the people and the army and the police.
24 Collaborating, colluding with hostile, reactionary forces and political discontent elements to spread opposing thoughts, views; mobilizing, organizing, assembling forces to oppose the Communist Party of Vietnam and State.
25 Disseminating incorrect, distorted information about the Communist Party of Vietnam's and State's foreign policies; unilateral, subjective information about the international situation, causing disadvantages in Vietnam's relations with other countries.
26 Denying the Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership role over the press, literature, and arts. Influencing, dragging, steering public opinion away from the Communist Party of Vietnam's guidelines; advocating for extreme democratic views; amplifying the downside of society. Creating, promoting cultural, artistic works that distort history, degrade the Communist Party of Vietnam's reputation.
27 Holding narrow-minded chauvinism, extreme religious thoughts. Exploiting issues of "democracy," "human rights," ethnicity, religion to cause internal division, create rifts between ethnic groups, between religions, between ethnicity and religion, between ethnic groups, religions with the Communist Party of Vietnam and State.

>>> See more: Detailed Guidelines for Assessing, Rating Party Members' Quality in 2020

Le Vy


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