Type and area standards of social housing in Vietnam in 2024

Type and area standards of social housing in Vietnam in 2024
Quốc Trình

The content of the article presents the type and area standards of social housing in Vietnam according to the current legal regulations.

Type  of  House  and  Area  Standards  for  Social  Housing  2024

Type and area standards of social housing in Vietnam in 2024 ​(Image from Internet)

1. Type and area standards of social housing in Vietnam in 2024

The Type and area standards of social housing are stipulated as follows:

- Social housing is an apartment building, invested and constructed according to a project in alignment with the approved detailed construction planning. In cases where social housing projects are invested in areas belonging to ethnic minorities and mountainous regions as regulated by the Prime Minister, single-family houses can be built;

- If social housing is an apartment building, the apartment must be designed and constructed in accordance with the national technical standards for apartment buildings and the area standards for social housing;

- If social housing is a single-family house, it must be designed and constructed according to the law on construction and the area standards for social housing;

- Individuals constructing social housing according to Clause 6, Article 80 of the Housing Law 2023 can construct multi-storey multi-apartment buildings or single-family houses according to the Housing Law 2023.

(According to Article 82 of the Housing Law 2023)

2. Type and area standards of social housing built in projects in Vietnam

Article 27 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP regulates the type and area standards of social housing built in projects in Vietnam as follows:

- When social housing is an apartment building invested and constructed as a project, it must meet the following requirements:

+ It must be designed and constructed to be self-contained, adhering to national technical standards, and comply with applicable legal standards;

+ The minimum usable area standard for each apartment is 25 m^2^, and the maximum is 70 m^2^;

+ It is allowed to increase the maximum usable area standard, but the increase must not exceed 10% of the maximum usable area of 70 m^2^, and ensure that the proportion of apartments with a usable area over 70 m^2^ in the social housing project does not exceed 10% of the total social housing apartments in the project.

- In the case of single-family social housing invested and constructed as a project, it can only be constructed in communes of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions according to the regulations of the Prime Minister and must meet the following regulations:

+ It must be designed and constructed according to national technical standards related to construction planning;

+ The construction density, land-use coefficient, and height of single-family houses must comply with rural planning or architectural management regulations approved by competent authorities;

+ The area standard for the plot of single-family social housing must not exceed 70 m^2^, and the land-use coefficient must not exceed 2.0 times.

3. Type and area standards of social housing built by individuals for lease

- If individuals construct multi-storey multi-apartment houses, the following regulations must be met:

+ For houses with 02 floors or more and have a scale of 20 apartments or more, they must meet the following provisions in Clause 1, Article 57 of the Housing Law 2023:

++  Houses  with  02  floors  or  more,  where  each  floor  is  designed  and  constructed  with  apartments  for  sale,  purchase-rent,  or  rental  purposes;

++  Houses  with  02  floors  or  more  and  a  scale  of  20  apartments  or  more  for  rental  purposes.

+ For houses with 02 floors or more and a scale of fewer than 20 apartments, they must meet the following regulations in Clause 3, Article 57 of the Housing Law 2023:

++  Meet  the  construction  requirements  for  individual  multi-storey  multi-apartment  houses  as  regulated  by  the  Minister  of  Construction;

++  Meet  fire  prevention  and  fighting  requirements  according  to  fire  prevention  and  fighting  laws  for  individual  multi-storey  multi-apartment  houses;

++  Meet  conditions  regulated  by  the  provincial  People's  Committee  regarding  traffic  routes  to  facilitate  firefighting  vehicles  at  locations  with  individual  multi-storey  multi-apartment  houses.

- If constructing a row of single-storey houses for rent, the following regulations must be met:

+ The houses must be self-contained (with private living rooms and bathrooms) according to construction standards;

+ The average usable area for each person must not be less than 8 m^2^ (excluding the auxiliary area);

+ The houses must meet construction quality standards from level IV and above according to construction laws;

+ Layout of the construction site and other construction items on the single-storey house row must ensure convenient traffic conditions, environmental sanitation, and conditions to address incidents (fires, explosions, or building collapses).

(According to Article 28 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP)

4. Procedures for leasing social housing built by individuals in Vietnam in 2024

Article 43 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP stipulates the procedures for leasing social housing built by individuals in Vietnam as follows:

- Individuals investing in social housing must report to the commune People's Committee where the house is constructed (written report) about the construction location, progress, scale, and number of apartments, including the number of apartments for rent, start time for renting, for the commune People's Committee to publicly announce the information at the commune's office, to let local authorities and residents follow and supervise.

- Based on the publicly announced information about social housing in the area as prescribed, individuals wishing to rent social housing must submit a confirmation letter of eligibility for social housing support policy as guided by the Minister of Construction, Minister of Defense, Minister of Public Security to the individual investing in social housing.

- After gathering the complete set of registration documents from the eligible individuals, the individual investing in social housing will sign a rental contract with the tenant. Concurrently, they must send the list of social housing tenants to the commune People's Committee for management and post-approval inspection.


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