Essential Information for Taking the Promotion Exam for Public Employee from July 01, 2020

Draft Decree replacing Decree 29/2012/ND-CP on recruitment, use, and management of public employees is expected to be effective from July 1, 2020. Notably, this Draft Decree includes provisions on the content, format, and duration of the public employee promotion exams.

Promotion exam for public employees

Things to know when taking the promotion exam for public employees from July 1, 2020 - Illustrative Image

To be specific, according to this Draft, the promotion exam for public employees will be conducted as follows:

1. General knowledge test

- Test content: General knowledge about the public employee law; the Communist Party's policies, guidelines, State's policies, laws, and basic understandings about the industry and field; duties and responsibilities of the public employee according to the job title requirements.

- Test format: Written or multiple-choice test.

Based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the position being applied for, the head of the competent authority organizing the promotion exam for public employees decides on the test format.

- Evaluation scale: Written or multiple-choice tests are graded on a 100-point scale.

- Test duration: 60 minutes for multiple-choice, 180 minutes for written test.

2. Foreign language test

- Test content: Test in one of five languages: English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or another foreign language as required by the job title as decided by the head of the competent authority organizing the promotion exam for public employees.

- Test format: Multiple-choice test.

- Evaluation scale: Graded on a 100-point scale.

- Test duration: 45 minutes.

3. Information technology test

- Test content: Basic information technology skills as defined by the head of the competent authority organizing the promotion exam for public employees.

- Test format: Multiple-choice test.

- Evaluation scale: Graded on a 100-point scale.

- Test duration: 45 minutes.

4. Professional skills test

The ministry managing the specialized public employee job titles will specify the content and format of the test based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the job title.

5. Conducting multiple-choice tests for foreign language, information technology, and general knowledge

(In cases where the head of the competent authority organizing the promotion exam for public employees decides on a multiple-choice format) will be conducted on a computer. When the competent authority organizing the promotion exam does not have the conditions to conduct computer-based tests, a paper-based multiple-choice test will be given.

When the test is conducted on a computer, the multiple-choice content will not include the IT test. No re-marking will be organized for multiple-choice tests conducted on a computer.

6. Exemption from the foreign language test

In the following cases, public employees will be exempted from the foreign language test when taking the promotion exam:

- Public employees aged 55 years or older for men and 50 years or older for women by the end of the application deadline for the promotion exam;

- Public employees working in ethnic minority areas who are ethnic minorities or have an ethnic minority language certificate issued by a competent training institution;

- Public employees holding a graduation degree that is in the same foreign language at the same or higher level than the professional qualification required for the job title;

- Public employees holding a graduation degree that meets the educational level or higher required for the job title and studied abroad or received foreign-language instruction in Vietnam (degree recognized by a competent authority according to current regulations).

7. Exemption from the information technology test

If the public employee holds a graduation degree from intermediate or higher education levels in fields satisfying the requirements of information technology proficiency standards, they will be exempted from the IT test.

It is evident that, compared to the current regulations in Decree 29/2012/ND-CP and Decree 161/2018/ND-CP, the Draft has supplemented detailed regulations on the content, format, and duration of the promotion exam for public employees. Currently, neither Decree 29/2012/ND-CP, Decree 161/2018/ND-CP, Circular 12/2012/TT-BNV nor Circular 03/2019/TT-BNV have specific regulations but only general rules on the organization of the promotion exam for public employees.

For detailed content of the Draft Decree on recruitment, utilization, and management of public employees, see HERE.

Nguyen Trinh


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