Bonus based on commendation form for members of Communist Party of Vietnam

Many people are curious about the bonus attached to commendation titles for party organizations, party members; reward amounts associated with the Communist Party badge and the Commemorative Medal across the entire Communist Party of Vietnam.

Bonuses based on commendation form for organizations of Communist Party of Vietnam

Party cell under grassroots party committee Grassroots party organization (grassroots party cell, grassroots party) District-level party and equivalent
Title Reward Level Title Reward Level Title Reward Level
Certificate of Commendation for party cell meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for the year 0.6 times the statutory pay rate Certificate of Commendation for grassroots party organization meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for the year 2.0 times the statutory pay rate Certificate of Merit for district-level party and equivalent with outstanding achievements in a 5-year term 10.0 times the statutory pay rate
Certificate of Commendation for party cell meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for 5 consecutive years 1.5 times the statutory pay rate Certificate of Merit for grassroots party organization meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for 5 consecutive years 5.0 times the statutory pay rate Flag for district-level party and equivalent with exceptionally outstanding achievements in a 5-year term 15.0 times the statutory pay rate
Certificate of Merit for party cell meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for 5 consecutive years 2.0 times the statutory pay rate Flag for grassroots party organization meeting the "Clean and Strong" standards for 5 consecutive years 8.0 times the statutory pay rate    

The bonuses for commendations due to exceptional and sudden achievements are equal to the periodic bonuses listed above.

Bonuses for Members of Communist Party of Vietnam

For periodic commendations:

- Certificate of Commendation for party member meeting the "Fully Qualified for Excellent Mission Completion" standards for the year, reward accompanying is 0.3 times the statutory pay rate.

- Certificate of Commendation for party member meeting the "Fully Qualified for Excellent Mission Completion" standards for 5 consecutive years, reward accompanying is 1.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- Certificate of Merit for party member meeting the "Fully Qualified for Excellent Mission Completion" standards for 5 consecutive years, reward accompanying is 1.5 times the statutory pay rate.

For exceptional commendations (non-periodic), the bonuses for commendations due to exceptional and sudden achievements will enjoy the same bonuses mentioned above.

The bonuses accompanying commemorative medals and party badges for party members:

- Individuals awarded commemorative medals by central agencies receiving certificates, reward accompanying is 0.6 times the statutory pay rate.

- Bonuses accompanying Communist Party badges:

- 30-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 1.5 times the statutory pay rate.

- 40-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 2.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 50-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 3.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 55-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 3.5 times the statutory pay rate.

- 60-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 5.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 65-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 6.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 70-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 8.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 75-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 10.0 times the statutory pay rate.

- 80-year Communist Party badge: reward accompanying is 15.0 times the statutory pay rate.

More details can be found in Guidance 56-HD/VPTW of 2015.


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