What are the Tasks that Social Work Collaborators at the Commune Level Must Perform?

Recently, the Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs signed and issued Circular 07/2013/TT-BXD stipulating professional standards for social work collaborators at the commune, ward, and commune-level town.

Currently, the target groups served by social work collaborators include: the elderly; persons with disabilities; the mentally ill and those with mental disturbances; individuals with HIV/AIDS; the poor; children; victims of human trafficking; victims of domestic violence and gender-based discrimination; social cases requiring urgent protection as stipulated in Clause 2, Article 5 of Decree 68/2008/ND-CP dated May 30, 2008 of the Government of Vietnam stipulating the conditions, procedures for establishment, organization, operation, and dissolution of social support facilities; drug addicts, sex workers; individuals post-rehabilitation; parents or caregivers of children requiring urgent protection; and other individuals in need of social work services.

nhiem vu cong tac vien cong tac xa hoi cap xa, Thong tu 07/2013/TT-BLDTBXH

Illustrative image (source: Internet)

Social work collaborators at the commune, ward, and commune-level town levels are tasked with performing social work duties as assigned by the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee. Specifically: as stipulated in Article 3 of Circular 07/2013/TT-BLDTBXH as follows:

- Collect and receive information and assistance requests from targets in the area to promptly report to the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee and the commune-level social-cultural official for resolution; screen, categorize targets and propose to the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee to refer the targets to social support facilities, social work centers, health-rehabilitation facilities, educational-training facilities, and other suitable facilities.- Monitor and evaluate the health conditions, family and social relationships, and assistance needs of the targets, propose appropriate measures to the competent authorities for prompt assistance, directly resolve issues such as counseling, consultation, therapy, mediation, persuasive education, prevention, isolation.- Participate in the implementation of policies and assistance programs for targets and groups of targets in the area.- Inspect, supervise, review, and periodically compile and report the implementation results of social assistance policies and programs in the area to the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee.- Participate in surveys and investigations on labor - attributed personnel and social issues organized by higher authorities in the area (if any).- Participate in educational and communication activities to raise awareness and change the behavior of the residents to enhance the effectiveness of social assistance activities in the community.- Perform other tasks as assigned by the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee.

For the full text regulation, refer to Circular 07/2013/TT-BLDTBXH, effective from July 9, 2013.

Thu Ba


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