Solutions for Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050

Solutions for Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050
Trọng Tín

Plan for implementing the Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 issued together with Decision 872/QD-TTg dated August 19, 2024, including implementation solutions.

Solutions  for  the  Planning  of  Bac  Kan  Province  for  the  Period  2021-2030,  with  a  Vision  to  2050

Solutions for Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 (Image from the Internet)

Solutions for Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050

The solutions for implementing the Plan for implementing the Planning for Bac Kan province of Vietnam for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 issued with Decision 872/QD-TTg dated August 19, 2024, are as follows:

(1) Regarding investment attraction and development

- Mobilize combined investment capital from the Provincial and Central budgets. Develop and effectively implement medium-term public investment plans for various stages; use public investment capital economically and efficiently, focusing on key sectors, critical and urgent projects, with breakthroughs and extensive impacts; prioritize critical, urgent projects with connectivity to drive development. Enhance appraisal, inspection, and supervision to ensure the effective use of public investment funds.

- Continue to improve the investment environment, enhance the Province’s competitiveness; create advantages in attracting direct and indirect foreign investments.

- Effectively implement policies to encourage and incentivize investments in the Province.

- Promote the socialization of public services such as health, education, vocational training, culture, sports, science, and technology. Research the establishment of funds like local credit funds in areas with demand and qualifying conditions, develop commercial bank systems to strengthen capital mobilization for economic and social development needs of the province.

(2) Regarding human resource development

- Develop a human resource strategy to meet the labor demands for economic and social development; enhance long-term training, formal education, and vocational education at colleges to ensure a quality labor force to meet diverse technical labor needs; research the development of multi-disciplinary, multi-vocational colleges to serve the Province’s economic and social development needs.

- Improve the quality of officials and public employees to meet development requirements in the new era. Enhance the quality of teachers and educational managers at all levels; consolidate and improve the quality of educational universalization, the quality of national standard schools; enhance the quality of education at all levels; focus on investing in the development of boarding and semi-boarding schools for ethnic minority students.

- Promote private investment in education by attracting investments and contributions from enterprises and the community in general education, short-term vocational training, and long-term training. Strengthen the direct connection between training and employment so that workers can better meet the work capacity requirements of employing organizations.

(3) Regarding the development of science and technology

- Develop a network system of scientific and technological organizations; research to apply the achievements of the fourth industrial revolution to the economic and social development of the Province. Prioritize budget allocation for scientific and technological research, application, and development, and innovation.

- Create conditions for enterprises within the Province to strongly apply technology and innovation in production, business activities, and the supply of products and services.

(4) Regarding social welfare assurance

Simultaneously and effectively implement national target programs for the period 2021 - 2025; support diverse livelihoods for poor households, replicate effective sustainable poverty reduction models, facilitate poor households’ access to credit capital sources to develop production and sustainably escape poverty; focus on solving the most pressing and urgent issues; prioritize support for the poorest ethnic minority groups. Ensure policies and improve the living standards of those who have rendered service to the nation. Expand the social welfare network; protect and care for children and vulnerable groups in society.

(5) Regarding environmental protection

- Institutionalize promptly and strictly implement the Party’s views, policies, and laws on environmental protection. Increase and diversify investment capital sources for environmental protection. Develop clean energy sources, encourage production facilities to innovate environmentally friendly technologies. Prioritize and create mechanisms for implementing private investment, attracting investments, and supporting the development of waste treatment and recycling technologies suitable to the Province’s economic and social conditions.

- Research to build mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to strengthen the transition from old technologies, applying science and technology and environmentally friendly technologies in production; apply cleaner production technologies and processes to minimize waste causing greenhouse effects; promote international cooperation, technology development; exploit and leverage the Province’s potential in developing the carbon credit market.

- Enhance propaganda, popularize laws on environmental protection, diversify forms of propaganda, legal education on environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.

(6) Regarding financial resource assurance

- Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of budget and public investment management. Tighten financial-budget discipline; Implement well measures to maximize budget revenue sources, including exploiting land funds for urban, industrial - handicraft development, and new rural construction; strive for local budget revenue to increase by at least 8% per year.

- Lead public investment to drive private investment by focusing on completing infrastructure in key economic regions, creating conditions to accelerate revenue-generating projects for the state budget and creating breakthroughs in attracting social investment capital.

(7) Regarding national defense and security assurance

- Link each period’s local socio-economic development closely with the Province’s military disposition and defense area, in line with the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam's sectoral planning; plan military zones, prioritize terrain lands for national defense tasks for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050.

- Ensure security for socio-economic activities in the Province. Absolutely protect key political, economic, cultural - social projects; absolutely safeguard people's lives and property.


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