07 Solutions for National Forestry Planning in Vietnam in the Period of 2021 - 2030

07 Solutions for National Forestry Planning in Vietnam in the Period of 2021 - 2030
Trọng Tín

Below are 07 solutions for National Forestry Planning in Vietnam in the period of 2021 - 2030

07  giải  pháp  Quy  hoạch  lâm  nghiệp  quốc  gia  thời  kỳ  2021  -  2030

07 Solutions for National Forestry Planning in Vietnam in the Period of 2021 - 2030 (Image from the Internet)

07 Solutions for National Forestry Planning in Vietnam in the Period of 2021 - 2030

The National Forestry Planning in Vietnam period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, issued along with Decision 895/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2024, proposes the following solutions and implementation instruction:

(1) Regarding mechanisms and policies in Vietnam

- Continue to review and complete the system of legal documents to create a legal framework for mobilizing, managing, and effectively using investment resources for forestry development; issue mechanisms and policies to promote production development along the supply chain; develop effective and sustainable forms of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production organizations; build policies and regulations on traceability to ensure that legally harvested wood sources from planted forests and scattered trees on non-forestry planning land can participate in the supply chain for raw material processing, domestic consumption, and export.

- Continue to prioritize the policy of forest allocation to households, individuals, and community groups for areas currently managed by the commune-level People’s Committees to maximize economic efficiency, increase income, and improve the living standards of mountainous people.

(2) Regarding investment and finance in Vietnam

The state ensures the budget for activities such as the protection and development of special-use forests, protective forests, natural forests, and activities involving investigation, inventory, and development of forestry plant varieties. Encourage and mobilize legitimate capital sources to invest in forest protection and development.

(3) Regarding science and technology in Vietnam

Strengthen research, application, and transfer of scientific and technological advancements in forestry activities, such as forest management, protection, nature conservation, biodiversity within forest ecosystems, forest development, and forest product processing and trade.

(4) Regarding communication and awareness enhancement in Vietnam

Raise societal awareness about the responsibility for forest management and protection. Enhance the dissemination, education, and legal popularization about forest protection and development, and boost the public's forest protection consciousness.

(5) Regarding training and improvement of personal ability in Vietnam

Develop and implement programs, plans, and projects for training and developing human resources to meet the development demands of the forestry sector in the new period, suitable for the market economy and international economic integration. Focus on training and retraining to enhance capacity for management staff, research staff, and specialized teaching staff in key areas such as breeding, forestry, and wood processing. Enhance capacity and technical infrastructure, and equip facilities for forestry training.

(6) Regarding international cooperation in Vietnam

Intensify international economic integration in forestry, actively participate in the implementation of new international initiatives on forestry and climate finance, and cooperate closely with multilateral financial institutions (WB, ADB, GEF, GCF), development partners, and international forestry organizations that Vietnam has joined.

(7) Regarding the organization and supervision of planning implementation in Vietnam

Publicize forestry planning; develop an action plan to implement and supervise the planning; strengthen inspection, supervision, and evaluation of the planning implementation, and promptly address arising issues related to the implementation of mechanisms, policies, and laws on forestry planning.


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