Land Price Adjustment Coefficient for 2017 of Ho Chi Minh City

Decision 19/2017/QD-UBND dated March 23, 2017, of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City stipulates the coefficient for land price adjustment for the year 2017, which comes into effect from April 2, 2017. This serves as a basis for determining specific land prices applicable to the following cases:

- The cases specified in Points a, b, c, d, Clause 4, Article 114; Clause 2, Article 172; and Clause 3, Article 189 of the Land Law where the parcel or project land has a value (calculated based on the land price in the land price list issued by the City People's Committee) of less than 30 billion VND;

- Cases of annual land rent where the land rental rate must be re-determined for adjustment for the next cycle;

- The starting price for auctioning land use rights when the State leases land with annual rent;

- Determination of land use right value to calculate the asset value assigned to the public service provider according to Clause 2, Article 10 of Circular 23/2016/TT-BTC.

Depending on the group of subjects and the area of the district, city, and factors increasing or decreasing land prices, different land price adjustment coefficients apply. To be specific:

GROUP 1: Households and individuals recognized by the State for land use rights for homestead land, permitted to change the land use purpose from non-homestead land to homestead land for the area exceeding the land limit: The land price adjustment coefficient is 1.0 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee.

GROUP 2: Determining the annual land rental rate for the first stable cycle; determining the annual land rental rate when adjusting the rental rate for the next stable cycle; determining the starting price at the auction of land use rights for leasing land with annual rent; determining the land rental rate when transferring assets attached to leased land according to Clause 3, Article 189 of the Land Law: The land price adjustment coefficient is applied depending on the land use purpose and area. To be specific:

Land Use Purpose Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5
Business services, commerce; finance; restaurants; hotels; rental housing; office working and renting. 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2
- Industrial production, small industry, handicrafts; warehouses, factories; mineral activities; production of building materials, ceramics; land for public construction projects with business purposes; land for building supermarkets, commercial-service stores for price stabilization; petrol stations.

- Building infrastructure for transfer or lease in industrial parks, export processing zones; ports, docks, ferries, terminals, train stations, airports, land for building airport infrastructure; agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and salt production.
1.2 1.1 1.05 1.0 1.0

In which:

- Area 1 includes: District 1, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 10, District 11, Tan Binh District, and Phu Nhuan District;

- Area 2 includes: District 6, District 7, Go Vap District, Binh Thanh District, Tan Phu District;

- Area 3 includes: District 2, District 8, District 9, District 12, Binh Tan District, Thu Duc District;

- Area 4 includes: Binh Chanh District, Cu Chi District, Nha Be District, Hoc Mon District;

- Area 5: Can Gio District.

GROUP 3: Organizations allocated land by the State with land levy without auctioning land use rights, recognized for land use rights, permitted to change land use purpose; households, and individuals allocated land by the State without auctioning land use rights; determining one-time land rental rate for the entire lease period without auctioning; determining one-time land rental rate when switching from annual rent to one-time land rental for the entire lease period (according to Clause 2, Article 172 of the Land Law); determining one-time land rental rate for the entire lease period during the equitization of state enterprises; determining land use right value to calculate the asset value assigned to public service providers for management (according to Clause 2, Article 10 of Circular 23/2016/TT-BTC): The land price adjustment coefficient is applied depending on the area as follows:

- Area 1 includes: District 1, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 10, District 11, Tan Binh District, and Phu Nhuan District: The land price adjustment coefficient is 2.0 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee;

- Area 2 includes: District 6, District 7, Go Vap District, Binh Thanh District, Tan Phu District: The land price adjustment coefficient is 1.8 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee;

- Area 3 includes: District 2, District 8, District 9, District 12, Binh Tan District, Thu Duc District: The land price adjustment coefficient is 1.6 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee;

- Area 4 includes: Binh Chanh District, Cu Chi District, Nha Be District, Hoc Mon District: The land price adjustment coefficient is 1.4 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee;

- Area 5: Can Gio District: The land price adjustment coefficient is 1.2 times the land price stipulated and published by the City People's Committee.

Additionally, based on the location and land utilization coefficient, there may be additional adjustments as follows:

- For parcels of land with a position adjacent to two or more road frontages (roads listed in the Land Price Table), the land price adjustment coefficient is increased by 10% compared to the land price adjustment coefficients of Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 mentioned above.

- For land usage as specified in Group 2 and Group 3, depending on the land use coefficient, additional adjustment coefficients apply as follows:

  • Parcels of land with a use ratio under 6.0 times or undefined use ratio: Apply the adjustment coefficient as specified in Group 2 and Group 3;
  • Parcels of land with a use ratio from 6.0 to less than 8.0 times: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 5% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3;
  • Parcels of land with a use ratio from 8.0 to less than 10.0 times: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 10% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3;
  • Parcels of land with a use ratio from 10.0 to less than 12.0 times: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 15% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3;
  • Parcels of land with a use ratio from 12.0 to less than 14.0 times: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 20% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3;
  • Parcels of land with a use ratio from 14.0 to less than 16.0 times: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 25% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3;
  • In cases of parcels with a use ratio of 16.0 times or more: The adjustment coefficient is increased by 30% compared to the adjustment coefficient of Group 2 and Group 3.

See Decision 19/2017/QD-UBND effective from April 2, 2017, replacing Decision 09/2016/QD-UBND dated March 25, 2016, of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City regarding the land price adjustment coefficients for 2016.


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    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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