Land Price Adjustment
  • Land Price Adjustment Coefficient for 2017 of Ho Chi Minh City
  • Land Price Adjustment Coefficient for 2017 of Ho Chi Minh City
  • 09:42, 11/07/2024
  • Decision 19/2017/QD-UBND dated March 23, 2017, of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City stipulates the coefficient for land price adjustment for the year 2017, which comes into effect from April 2, 2017. This serves as a basis for determining specific land prices applicable to the following cases:
  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
Editorial Director: Mr. Bui Tuong Vu - Tel. 028 3935 2079
P.702A , Centre Point, 106 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, HCM City;