This is one of the new provisions added to the Draft Revised Labor Code, which is still in the period of soliciting comments.
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To be specific, according to this Draft, employers with 200 or more employees must establish a Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace to conduct dialogues with employees as prescribed.
The Bilateral Cooperation Committee consists of:
- Representatives from the employer, at least 3 people.- Representatives from the employees, who will decide the number of participants, but not more than 20 people.
The specific number of representatives from each labor representative organization shall be appointed proportionally to the number of members over the total number of employees; the number of representatives for employees who do not join any labor representative organization shall be elected by those employees based on the proportion of these employees over the total workforce.
In case there is no labor representative organization, the collective employees will decide the specific number and elect representatives to participate in the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace.
The Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace will have one chairman and one secretary elected by the members. The term of office for the chairman, secretary, and members of the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace is at least one year.
The employer is obligated to arrange time, location, and other necessary conditions to ensure the organization and operation of the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace; no discriminatory acts against employee representatives participating in the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace are allowed.
Thus, if this content in the Draft is approved, from January 1, 2021 (when the revised Labor Code comes into effect), the Bilateral Cooperation Committee at the workplace will officially be established.
Nguyen Trinh